
May 09, 2013 05:43

Вот такое милейшее письмо мне пришло от друга из Дублина. Какие же там, все таки, есть замечательные люди. Ну или мне повезло!
Еще сильнее захотелось снова поехать...
Черт, это самое замечательное, из всего, что со мной происходило за последнее время!
Hello pretty lady!
Kseniya I'm not sure if you still use your facebook but hopefully you get this soon! It has been a long time since we spoke and I was thinking about you today and I really would love to Skype and chat with you. Look I know that I am extremely bad at keeping in contact and I do apologise for that!

Please please please can we Skype soon because there will simply too much to say and talk about to simply put in messages! xD Don't ever think just because you do not hear from me I don't ever think about you and remember the short but beautiful time I spent with you. If I remember correctly I do owe you lunch since you bought it last time in Temple bar

If there is one of many things that I can say about you Kseniya, it is that you were such a genuine friendly, kind and open person and I love those qualities in people. You have such a positive vibe and I remember after you left and only getting to know you over such a short time....... I thought to myself that I wish I met you earlier and that I wished you could have stayed in Dublin longer! But I was fortunate and very lucky to have met you, regardless of how long I met you

Always remember that most people confuse beauty with looks. Although you are an absolutely stunningly beautiful lady..... it is your smile, genuine kindness and warmth towards others you meet and also your adventurous spirit and freedom you have. Its everything about you that makes you a wonderful person. I just wanted to let you know and I really do hope to hear from you soon. Adios pretty lady!!! Lots of love and big hugs from Ireland!!! xXx

дублин, замечательные люди, друзья, письмо

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