well well

May 10, 2005 22:46

:sigh: She'll be okay. She has to be...

section one - introduction
+ known as: Tiffany
+ lives in: parents house
+ shoe size: 8 1/2
+ hair color: dirty blonde
+ eye color: blue

section two - have you ever...
+ cheated on someone?: nope
+ been cheated on?: yup
+ fallen off the bed?: ...yes
+ broken someone's heart?: i don't think so
+ had a dream come true?: yeah - kind of
+ done something you regret?: regret... no...  disappointed myself? yes
+ cheated on a test?: who hasn't..  lol  mr. moore's classes...  All the time.

section three - currently
+ wearing: rainbow cafe shirt - jeans
+ listening to?: show
+ located?: my bedroom
+ chatting: just got off the phone
+ watching?: Friends
+ should REALLY be doing?: homework.

section four - do you...
+ brush your teeth?: of course
+ have any piercings? nope
+ have tattoos?: not yet
+ drive?: comin' up on three years!  yessss...
+ drink? no - but sometimes i feel i want to
+ smoke reefer?: no

section five - personal
+ what has been the best times of your life?: with people i love / taking pictures / singing / beaches
+ what are you most scared of?: the dark - being alone - giving my heart to someone and it being taken advantage of
+ love your friends?: uh - duh!

section six - favorite at the moment
+ movie: Phantom of the Opera
+ store: Forever 21 / Mac / Areopostle / juice shack
+ relative: the heanues
+ sport: volleyball
+ ice cream flavor: jamocha
+ fruit: melon / strawberry
+ candy: Take5
+ day of the week: i have no idea
+ color: red

section seven - do you
+ like to give hugs?: they are the best things ever in the world.
+ like to walk in the rain?: love it
+ like to travel?: love it.  helps with the right people
+ have a goldfish?: no..  but justin has 2 betta's
+ have stuffed animals?: lol like a billion

section eight - this or that
+ pierced nose or tongue?: i thought about nose....  but i'm not sure
+ MTV or BET?: wtf is bet?
+ 7th Heaven or dawson's creek?: dawson's creek.  .....lol
+ sugar or salt?: sugar...  definitely
+ silver or gold?: silver
+ color or black-and-white photos?: black and white - but only certain kind of photo's.
+ stay up late or sleep in?: how bout both
+ wonder or amazement?: amazement
+ mexican or italian: Italian

that was fun.  hmm...   people comment...   leave me loves.  Please.
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