(no subject)

Dec 14, 2004 02:38

.001. ] Name:Bobbert

.002. ] Gender: Male

.005. ] Height: 6'

.006. ] Hair color:Mostly red

.007. ] Eye color: brown

.008. ] Race: White

.009. ] Is your hair long or short: its getting longer

.010. ] Repping: myself

.012. ] How many languages do you know: none (thats right, my english is bad too)

.013. ] Nationality: very lil bit Irish, Tis all I know

.014. ] Piercings you have: zero nata zilch

.015. ] Piercings you want: My tounge, my nose, maybe my belly button, maybe my ears

.016. ] Tattoos you have: None

.017. ] Tattoos you want: an anklet around my ankle

.018. ] Today's date: 12/14/04 (just look at the date posted ass)

.019. ] The time: 2:43 A.M.

.020. ] Are you still in school: Nope

.021. ] Did you drop out: Hell No

.022. ] Favorite grade: 9th

.023. ] Least favorite grade: 10th

.024. ] Favorite teacher: I was a dork I liked all of them

.025. ] Least favorite teacher: Mrs. Seymour (not that one... this one was like 70 years old tought reading in the 7th grade ha)

.026. ] Favorite subject: Math,,, maybe?

.027. ] Least favorite subject: HISTORY!!!

.028. ] Do/did you buy lunch or bring it: Mostly bought

.030. ] Are/were you popular: Depends on which grade your refering to

.031. ] Most humiliating moment: I can't recall

» F A V O R I T E «

.032. ] Number: 8

.033. ] Clothing brand: american eagle, gap, anything at buckle, ecko, weirwear,,, HOLLA! ha ha

.034. ] Shoes: anything flipflop... what, I have to pick a brand of shoes? oh um,,, K*SWISS BABY!!!

.035. ] Saying: "AHHHHH HA!" or "::Hugs, Kisses, & All of the above::"

.036. ] Tv show: The Real World, Battle of The Sexes, Laguna Beach :8?(

.037. ] Sport: Volleyball, Tennis (they show how gay I am lol), & basket ball

.038. ] Vegetable: Spaghetti Squash

.039. ] Fruit: Peaches

.040. ] Movie: ::draws blank::

.041. ] Magazine: YM, & Teen People

.042. ] Candy: Gum... does that count?

.043. ] Gum: ahhh ha! umm... bubblegum of any kind that keeps flavor and blows big bubbles or lil ones,,, they make you look sexy, bubblicious

.044. ] Scent: Deoderant ha

.045. ] Ice cream flavor: banana, chocolate, rocky road, butter pecan

.046. ] Color: Royal Purple

.047. ] Season: Nights that I can sit outside and its not too cold and it feels just right,,, nights i could make out at the lookout on top of his car... ::clears throat::

.048. ] Holiday: Christmas

.049. ] Type of music: anything but alot of stuff,,, anything but older music or jazz or crap like that

.050. ] Thing in your room: My bed ha ha

.051. ] Bands: Marching bands ha

.052. ] Books: "The Third Eye" & "Tuck Everlasting"

.053. ] TV channel: MTV

.054. ] Junk food: I dunno really?

.055. ] Overall food: Food

.056. ] Shoe brand: K*SWISS,,, repeat question?

.057. ] Fast food: Taco Bell

.058. ] Restaurant: ...Taco Bell? lol I'm jk, Ummm... Spring House Family Resturaunt

.059. ] Shape: Circles

.060. ] Time of day: Evening

.061. ] Country: ... yeah, um about that...?

.062. ] State: N.Y., Georgia, Florida, California, Always home... Pennsylvania (only ever been to N.Y. and of course P.A. ... I just have an obsession with those other ones ha ha)

.063. ] Boys name: Jason, Jamal

.064. ] Girls name: Jessica, Stephanie

.065. ] Mall: Logan Valley

.066. ] Car: 2005 Scion tc

.067. ] Word: "Duneveno" as in I duneveno

.068. ] Month: June?

.069. ] Disney character: Eeyore!!!!!

.070. ] Scary movie: haven't seen a "scary" movie since I was little, they just don't scare me no mo'

» T H I S / O R / T H A T «

.071. ] Rock or rap: Rap

.072. ] Rock or pop: Pop

.073. ] Rock or R&B: R&B

.074. ] Rap or pop: ouch umm,,, ewww,,,, Rap?

.075. ] Rap or R&B: Rap

.076. ] Rap or metal: Rap

.077. ] Pop or R&B: Pop

.078. ] Pop or metal:Pop

.079. ] R&B or metal: R&B

.080. ] Selena or J.Lo: J.Lo (after all she played Selena~!~... plus I would have never heard of Selena if it weren't for her ha)

.081. ] Hot or cold: hot

.082. ] Winter or summer: Summer

.083. ] Spring or fall: Spring

.084. ] Shakira or Britney: Britney!

.085. ] MTV or VH1: MTV

.086. ] Football or basketball: Basketball

.087. ] Skiing or snowboarding: Tubbing

.088. ] Rollerblading or skateboarding: Rollerblading for me,,, if its another guy? Skateboardings sexier

.089. ] Black or white: Black

.090. ] Orange or red: Red

.091. ] Yellow or green: Yellow

.092. ] Purple or pink: Pink is so pretty but Purples my color man,,, PURPLE!!!

.093. ] Inside or outside: outside

.094. ] Weed or alcohol: Alcohol

.095. ] Cell phone or pager: Cell phone

.096. ] Powerpuff Girls or Charlie's Angels: "Good Morning Angels"

.097. ] Scooby doo or Dino: Scooby doo

.098. ] Tattoos or piercinqs: Piercings

.099. ] Coke or pepsi: Coke

.100. ] Flowers or candy: Flowers

.101. ] Tall or short: awww

» H A V E / O R / W O U L D / Y O U / E V E R . . . «

.102. ] Pictured your crush naked? umm,,, hell yeah?

.103. ] Actually seen your crush naked: yes

.104. ] Been in love: yes

.105. ] Cried when someone died: Yes

.106. ] Drank alcohol: yes

.107. ] Lied: yes

.108. ] Eat crap for $1,000,000: Hell no, I'd rather work hard than eat shit

.109. ] Steal a friend's boyfriend/girlfriend: NEVER!!!

.110. ] Lie to the police: Depends on the situation, have never, but will never??? I dunno

.111. ] Run from the police: Nah man thats just plain stupid

.112. ] Lie to your parents: I have

.113. ] Walk up to a stranger and kiss them: not yet

.114. ] Walk out of a restaurant without paying: No, I'd never do that either

.115. ] Flashed someone: Nah

.116. ] Told the person you liked how you felt: too many times

.117. ] Gone to jail or juvi: umm,,, No

.118. ] Stolen anything: No

.119. ] Wanted to kick my ass for making this so long: Didn't really phase me, ask that to the peeps reading it

.120. ] Kicked someone's ass: Verbally oh hell yeah

.121. ] Broke a beer bottle: yeah

.122. ] Gotten into a bar, under-aged: never tried

.124. ] Gone on a road trip: in a lil over 2 years, anyone wanna come?

.125. ] Gone on vacation without adult supervision: ha ha,,, ha

.126. ] Been to a concert: No :8?(,,, fuck Britneys knee damn it

.127. ] Been to another country: Didn't know there was another one

.128. ] Talked back to an adult: Stupid question, who hasn't... I mean really?

.129. ] Got pulled over: kinda hard to when you're lame and don't drive

.130. ] Got in a car accident: no ::knock on wood::

.131. ] Broke a law: yeah

.132. ] Given money to a homeless person?: no

.134. ] Tried to kill yourself: never

.135. ] Cried to get out of trouble: no,,, does that really work?

.136. ] Kissed a friend's brother or sister: ha ha ha,,, AHHHH HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA

.137. ] Kissed a brother or sister's friend: again,,, AHHHH HA HA HA HA HA HA.... lol

.138. ] Dropped something on the floor that you were cooking and let someone eat it anyways?: no

» P R I V A T E «

.139. ] Do you have a boyfriend or girlfriend: no

.140. ] Do you have a crush: unfortunately yes

.141. ] Do you love anyone right now: yes

.142. ] Have you ever been in love: yes

.143. ] How many people have you kissed: I never had a REAL kiss so none

.144. ] Who was your first kiss: no one

.145. ] How many hearts have you broken: 1 I guess

.146. ] How many people broke your heart: This question is Null and Void

.147. ] Best quote to sum up love: There isn't any quote to sum up love its amazing

.148. ] So what is your bf/gf/crush like: calm, sweet, sexy, closed, cute, adorable, amazing, wonderful, one of a kind, beautiful, "Beautiful Soul" ~*~ Jesse McCartney, depressed, alone, he's so much I can't even,,, wow

.149. ] Do you have a picture of him/her: not enough

.150. ] Please post it if you do: umm... no?

.151. ] Do you have a picture of yourself: yes

.152. ] Please post it if you do: again, umm... no?

.153. ] Do you go by looks or personality: First looks then personality,,, I'm shallow

.154. ] Ever kiss a friend: ahh fucking kissing questions,,, enough???

.155. ] Are you still friends: I don't have any friends

.156. ] So moving along... yea

.157. ] Do you smoke weed: no

.158. ] Crack, heroin, anything else: hell no, I'm sorry do I look stupid?

.159. ] Beer good or beer bad: depends on who your drinking with ;?)

.160. ] Are you the sissy who drinks wine coolers: Hell yeah ha ha

.161. ] Do you like smirnoff ice: I dunno?

.162. ] Prefer beer or liquor: whatevers at the party I suppose

.163. ] What kind of cigarettes do you smoke: I don't

.164. ] Are you a virgin: Hell yeah

.165. ] If not, when was the last time you got some: My last chance to have sex was like a year or so ago,,, not even a full year

» Y E S / O R / N O «

.195. ] Are you a vegetarian: no

.196. ] Do you like cows: yea

.197. ] Are you a bitch: I dunno am I? I think I can be...

.198. ] Are you artistic: I can be, unless you mean by drawing, then no

.199. ] Do you write poetry: When I feel it

.200. ] Are you a fast runner: nah ha ha let them catch me

.201. ] Can you ski: I duneveno

.202. ] Are you British: no

.203. ] Are you tall: kinda,,, I guess

.204. ] Are you stupid, insane, and another physically handicapped: I'm incredibly stupid, I'm feeling this out when no ones gonna read it, I fell in love with someone I've never even met, I play with straight men.... yeah I'm incredibly stupid

.205. ] Are you fat: ha ha ha

.206. ] Are you short: "Are you tall:"

.207. ] Are you tall: "Are you tall:" "Are you short:" what the fucks going on here?

.208. ] Do you own a hot pink shirt: yes

.209. ] How about orange pants?: yes ha ha

.210. ] Are you evil: nah

.211. ] Is Britney a whore: No?

.212. ] Am I annoying you: umm,, kinda, its just the dumb ask questions your asking tho not how many your asking

.213. ] Are you secretly from another planet: ::see number 212::

.214. ] Did you ever touch someone else's private parts: ha ha am I in 6th grade?

» W H A T / D I D / Y O U / D O «

.215. ] Last birthday: Nothing

.216. ] Yesterday: Watched my nephew

.217. ] Last weekend: I don't fucking remember

.218. ] Christmas: spent time with family?

.219. ] Thanksgiving: went to my grams house

.220. ] New year's: I don't remember,,, sad?

.221. ] Halloween: handed out candy to the 3 people that came

.222. ] Easter: nothing really I dont think?

.223. ] Valentine's day: cried,,,, no I'm jk ha ha nothing! god this is boring and your reading it?

» T H E / L A S T . . . «

.224. ] Thing you ate: meatloaf

.225. ] Thing you drank: let my go get one now... ahhhh, a diet chery coke

.226. ] Thing you wore: wore being past tense, jeans

.227. ] Place you went: my sisters house

.228. ] Thing you got pierced/tattooed: nothing yet (this should be up with those questions ass)

.229. ] Person you saw: my mom unless a picture counts then milkdud

.230. ] Person you kissed: Next fucking question

.231. ] Person you fucked: my hand

.233. ] Song you heard: the one I'm hearing now, Graduation ~*~ "Vitamin C"... * Vitamin C ~*~ "Graduation"

.234. ] Person you hugged: Lainey

.235. ] Person you instant messaged: Sarah D.

.236. ] Person you laughed with: probably the last person I talked to, maybe my mom

» N O W «

.237. ] What are you eating: nothing

.238. ] What are you drinking: diet cherry coke ha ha

.239. ] What are you wearing: boxers and a tshirt

.240. ] Any shoes on: my moms red slippers she left in the living room because my feet are cold... were

.241. ] Hair: ::see questions 006 and 009::

.242. ] Listening to: let me forward to the next song so its not the same damn answer to number 233... ok,,, My Chemical Romance ~*~ "I'm Not Okay (I Promise)"

.243. ] Talking to anyone: no

» O P I N I O N S «

.245. ] What do you think...about pop music: kick ass

.246. ] About boy bands: some are ok

.247. ] About flag burning: for propper burial fine for the hell of it, very disrespectful and you need shot

.248. ] Of the war on terrorists: oh, you mean the president? FUCKED!!!

.249. ] About suicide: Sad, all the people they left behind and probably because they felt no one cared,,, very sad

.250. ] About abortion: mixed feelings

.251. ] Where do you think you'll be in 10 years: some where with someone doing something I love & without a doubt I'll be on your TV

.252. ] Who do you think you'll still be friends with in 5 years: 5 years? not very far away, and friends with? ok, Sarah D, Jessica D, Milkdud, Tina, Ana, Steph, Shannon, Lilly, Katie C, Katie G, Bridget, & Hilary Duff :8?D

F I N A L / Q U E S T I O N S «

.253. ] I want: everything I don't have

.254. ] I wish: I wish wishes would come true

.255. ] I love: Music, My Friends

.256. ] I miss: High School, Elementary school, and all of my friends I had

.257. ] I fear: I fear being alone for ever with no friends and no family

.258. ] I hear: Singing

.259. ] I wonder: alot

.260. ] How do you know its love?: I'ts a feeling they give you, its a feeling you don't get from anyone else, they make you feel good, they feel right to you, you smile just because, they let you watch them sleep,,, thats love

.261. ] If you could be any kids character, who would you be?: Barney :8?D ahhhh ha!

.262. ] If you had to eat one thing for the rest of your life, what would you eat: Ohhh shit, PIZZA!!!

.263. ] Do you remember any of your dreams? : Yes

.264. ] Do you dream in color or black and white: color

.265. ] Do you admit when you need help with a problem: yes

.266. ] Can people read you like a book: hell I even have pictures for the reading impaired and brail for the seeing impared

.267. ] What's your biggest fear: repeat questions ha ha

.268. ] Do you talk a lot: yeah, too much

.269. ] Are you afraid of clowns: no?

.270. ] Do you like spiders: depends, we had a pet spider once

.271. ] How about grape kool-aid: not much for grape anything

.272. ] Can you drive: illegaly, yes

.273. ] Are you spoiled: I get what I want...

.274. ] Are you anti-social: Hell no

.275. ] Do you see dumb people: ha ha of course

.276. ] Do you see dead people: no

X marks true...

(X) I've never been drunk
( ) I've never smoked pot
(X) I've never kissed a member of the opposite sex
( ) I've never kissed a member of the same sex
(x) I've never crashed a friend's car
(x) I've never been to japan
(X) I've never ridden in a taxi
(x) I've never had anal sex
( ) I've never been in love
(X) I've never had sex
(x) I've never had sex in public
( ) I've never been dumped
(X) I've never shoplifted
(x) I've never been fired
(X) I've never been in a fist fight
(X) I've never had a threesome
(X) I've never snuck out of my parents' house
(x) I've never been tied up (sexually)
(x) I've never been caught masturbating
(X) I've never pissed on myself
(x) I've never had sex with a member of the same sex
(X) I've never been arrested
(x) I've never made out with a stranger
(X) I've never stolen something from my job
(x) I've never celebrated New Years in Time Square
(X) I've never been on a blind date
( ) I've never lied to a friend
( ) I've never had a crush on a teacher
(x) I've never celebrated Mardi Gras in New Orleans
(x) I've never been to Europe
( ) I've never skipped school
(X) I've never slept with a co-worker
(X) I've never cut myself on purpose
(X) I've never had sex at the office or at school
(x) I've never gotten married
(x) I've never gotten divorced
(x) I've never had children

1. Grab the book nearest to you, turn to page 18, find line 4. Write down what it says:
"...phony or philharmonic orchestra and their audiences are growing..."

2: Stretch your left arm out as far as you can. What do you touch first?

3: What is the last thing you watched on TV?
Winnie the Pooh

4: WITHOUT LOOKING, guess what time it is:
4:00 A.M.

5: Now look at the clock, what is the actual time?
3:56 A.M.

6: With the exception of the computer, what can you hear?
Well the computer is playing my music so umm lemme turn that down... the fish tank

7: When did you last step outside & What were you doing? around 7 hours ago, comming home from my sisters house

8: Before you came to this website, what did you look at? ...What website? anyhow friends LJ's that I don't have on my friends list

9: What are you wearing? boxers and a tshirt.

10: Did you dream last night? I don't remember

11: When did you last laugh? Today sometime

12: What is on the walls of the room you are in? A picture of a cup of coffee that says "HOT COFFEE" even the the coffee in the picture isn't steaming, a smoke alarm, a plack, 4 plaster things that have flowers on them, a 1955 World Series Poster, a recreation picture of The Creation,,, and a long picture (tall not wide) of a girl with a great dain, and a picture of birds on a tree? I think its a tree, why am I even typing all this?

13: Seen anything weird lately? Snow ha ha ha

14: What do you think of this quiz? It's better than the last one I took

15: What is the last film you saw? Dumb and Dumber

16: If you became a multi-millionaire overnight, what would you buy first? A HUGE ass luxurious house WITH a 2005 fully equiped Scion tc IN THE GARAGE!!! ha ha

17: Tell me something about you that I don't know: I'm a fag?

18: If you could change one thing about the world, regardless of guilt or politics, what would you do? Make it a peaceful place where people aren't judged for anything

19: Do you like to dance? of course

20: George Bush, is he really doing Dick Cheney? I don't get that question but he is an ass

21a: Imagine your first child is a girl, what do you call her?: Jessica

21b: Imagine your first child is a boy, what do you call him?: Jason

22: Would you ever consider living abroad?: I'm tired as fuck, whats abroad?
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