Today, I have had another miserable day at the office. On the way home, I purchased some bolts at B&Q and then called in at the BEVoB (Battery Electric Vehicles of Bristol) meeting. After a pleasant taramasalata and pitta bread snack, I set about answering the serious question of the day: can I tap a thread into 6mm polycarbonate?
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Comments 3
lea v,%a0
move.w (op1),%d0
move.w %d0,%d1
move.w (op2),%d2
move.w %d2,%d3
and.w #7,%d0
lsl.w #2,%d0
lsr.w #3,%d1
lsl.w #8,%d1
lsl.w #1,%d1
add.w %d1,%d0
and.w #3,%d2
lsr.w #2,%d3
lsl.w #5,%d3
add.w %d2,%d3
add.w %d3,%d0
move.b (color),%d4
move.b %d4,(%a0,%d0)
it's suppose to replace this:
v[(((op1)&7)<<2) + (((op1)/8)*512) +
((op2)&3)+(((op2)/4)*0x20)] = color;
I kinda have a really messed-up framebuffer I'm writing to.
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