Santa, can you hear me?

Jul 31, 2011 01:15

I have been so good this year,
All I want is one thing....

That in the distant future, there will be 3D/4D/5D/liveshow version of Tomapi/Yunjae porn complete with Motion seats and Dolby surround? Please, please, please, please, please? I am literally being good these days~ I don't even insult idols anymore!

If you can't make YunJae happen, I will gladly settle for Yoosu! Junsu's ass in 3D would be GLORIOUS and can cure all ailments! /Nods.


Meanwhile, anyone following that Suju member teaser pics? Dear gad, my retina's have bled more than you can possibly imagine! As it is, Suju can barely dance in sync, I wonder how they even managed to do their MV without blinding/tripping each other on the set/during their dance routine?! If I were standing next to this guy:

I won't even remember my lines, much more, the steps!

Speaking of Siwon, isn't he just TALENTED?! Look at him! Look at him contain all that ability and skill in a single neon underwear! It's so touching to see him give his all in a simple photoshoot, I can feel tears forming in my eyes while I clutch my pearls trying to contain all my emotions.

My goodness, how does he do it?


Let's forget Siwon for a moment and concentrate on the disaster that is the new Suju album.

Orient me, provided that you can see beyond Siwon, what is that red thing Yesung is grasping? A handle? A bag? A part of Eunhyuk's Why is Heechul wearing that hat?! What is SM even thinking?! The trauma this concept gave me makes me want to return to the wonderful world of Johnny's entertainment where boys wear sparklers and feather boas and vagina shorts while singing, dancing, back-flipping while roller blading liek a boss!

Whatever you say about JE, they know how to dress for success. Every JE fangirl knows that feather boas are euphemism for high level of success, that's why only MatsuJun/Arashi and Koichi can rock the look.

Apparently, their concept is "Ubersexual", which, according to the very reliable urban dictionary, "a male who is similar to a metrosexual but displays the traditional manly qualities such as confidence, strength, and class - leaving no doubt as to his sexual orientation."

...... I  see? I'm guessing this concept is also ubersexual? I mean, considering Siwon stole his concept or something..

ANYWAY, back to the topic at hand. It was through this ... photoshoot where I realized exactly how delusional Kpop fans are! So I was following the member pic release (hard not to because I follow Omona and only until LJ decided that it hates everyone and yes, I felt the need to explain!) and they started with Eunhyuk? (Guy in red with no eyes)

And people were all, "What is this mess?" "What is this tragedy?" "Burn it!" "I can't see his eyes!" "What was SM thinking?!" and it went like that with each picture revealed! "Is that Leeteuk?" "KILL IT!" "Not the reality I wanted!"

However, when they released HIS photo:

My initial reaction: Who the fuck is this? 
Everybody else's reaction: "Flawless Oppa~!" "I now have high hopes for other member photos!" "I have to say, he looks the best!" "He looks so NORMAL!" "Thank you, God!"

My second reaction: ... Am I turning blind?

I don't understand! I TRULY DON'T! TEACH ME THE WAYS OF THE  KPOP FANGIRLS because I do not understand! I didn't even know he's Kyuhyun until I read his name! AND I SAW HIM IN PERSON! I SAW HIM KISS A  FANGIRL'S HAND! I SAW ALL HIS FACE PIMPLES and blemishes and whatnot!!

EXACTLY HOW  IS THIS FLAWLESS, PERFECT, BEST, NORMAL, THANK YOU GOD WORTHY, HOOOOOOW?!!! He's not even recognize-able! And if anything, he has the most ... unmatched, uncoordinated look!

HUHUHUHUHUHUHU. KPOP is HARD, OKAY?!!! I've only been here since early 2009 and I still have no idea what the fuck is going on half the time!  I'm scared of leaving comments expressing my own views because I did that in Twitter (I said something about Leeteuk being too old or something) and some Suju fan retweeted it and her tlist ATTACKED me like VULTURES!!

"Are you blind?!" "You're an idiot!" "I bet you're alone and in your 40's!" etc-etc. OMG, so scary! I replied with a "I'm sorry you think that way" and they flared up even more. LOL. I mostly ignored it but OMG, invested much?!


Look at this guy pretending to be straight, my gad, it's so adorable~

I can almost overlook the clothes scattered in the background! Almost, but not quite. What are those things, anyway?

So. Who is excited for his drama?! Because I know I TOTALLY AM! Seeing Jaejoong acting heterosexual is always a beautiful thing, like rainbows after the rain! I can't wait till people post screencaps and glorify him. It would be worth it!

I want Yoochun to do comedy where he is under his gf/wife. I think he'll do well. Really.

Junsu. I just want to see in 3D.


QUESTION: Anyone here SHINee fans?! I read this fic once where they study in US and MinKey are bff's for life and Minho is on the soccer team with Troy and Sharpay and Chad or Corbin or something? (HSM members) And Key is like, trying to establish a LGBT support group? And Taemin likes to wear colorful skinny jeans? I can't find it but I really liked that fic. :( <-- SOMEONE HELP ME WITH THIS FIC, I AM NOT COPING WELL! WHY!? WHY?! It's driving me INSANE! I CANNOT HANDLE THE LONG WAIT FOR THE NEXT CHAPTER! I want to know now why Jaejoong can't reveal that s/he's Changmin's other parent! And when is Ryeowook going to forgive Sungmin? And what is up with Eunhyuk and his purple genital warts?! Worse, Siwon and Sungmin OTP? And Heechul, why so amazing?! Why are there vampire rats?! Is Changmin a half joong? Does that mean he has not yet mated with anyone? Because if he has, .. Or is it different when you're only a half Joong? Why is Yunho such an amazing father? What's with Yesung's beef with Yunho? WHY IS EUNHYUK EVEN STRAIGHT AND MATING WITH WOMEN FROGS?!!!! What is this blasphemy?! WILL HARRY LIVE?!!  /breathes/

I need to calm down from this soap opera high. I can barely think straight because this fic is affecting me in ways I can't explain! I LOVE IT! Seriously, if she actually publishes a book one day, I will be the first in line to buy it.

Oh look! It's 2am here!



WHO IS WATCHING THE HANA KIMI REMAKE?! OMG! I LOVE IT! I LOVE IT! It is, of course, much like the original but it is still funny! For one thing, that guy who plays Oscar has so much class! LOLOLOLOLOL, he's all "Get out of my way bitch, don't ruin my moment!". His underlings are literal underlings who carry his things and hold his umbrella and serve him and all that jazz! AND HE IS  GORGEOUS AS FUCK and can wear pink like it's the new pink!

We are not worthy.

Also, that little guy who plays Nakao who looks like a fat Chinen is... just no way heterosexual. There is just no way. He is awesome. And funny. And definitely not straight.

Spirit guy who was played by Yamamoto Yuusuke is also ghei, he even has the cheerleading outfit to prove it.

Sano is a woobie. And I ship him with Mizuki. And he has facial expressions which Oguri Shun was not capable of.

They should have just rehired Toma to play Nakatsu again, there's not much difference from the 2011 Nakatsu, if anything, he is creepy because he reminds me of Toma's Nakatsu so much.

All in all, I like it. It's good enough.

I hate the soundtrack, though. Nothing beats Peach.


Ikemen desu ne

I love this one too! See, it's been more than a year since I saw You're beautiful and while I know the storyline and was obsessed with JGS for like, a few... weeks, I don't really remember much about the drama except that I enjoyed it and watched every episode!

So when I watched Ikemen desu ne, the memory isn't really fresh and I can't exactly compare so it was much easier to enjoy! I mean, gad, HOW COULD I NOT! There is beautiful, beautiful Taipi who should be focused ALL THE TIME! And Ren is actually a convincing lead! And shockingly, I don't find Mio as annoying and dumb as the original Mio! (Her likeability factor is high!) And LOLOLOLOL at Jeremy~

I think they kept the shows original charm and the characters worked well.

However, AGAIN. The soundtrack, while good, is nowhere near the flawless trio that was JGS and JYH and LHK. These three worked the soundtrack like Gods!







On Plastic Surgery <- This article, sheesh, you'd think everyone in Korea is ugly with the way they obsess over plastic surgery.

Honestly, I  am all for it. Feel free to change whatever you want about yourself, but the thing is, you might end up looking even weirder. See, the thing about being natural is that you are flawless. You can apply make-up without wondering if there is bb cream stuck in the canal of your fake double eyelids, there's no need to cover your nose every time you so much as breathe, you don't need to worry whether your silicon might just melt and give you triple boobs because there is nothing fake in you, everything you physically apply to your skin will just conform with your body and overall natural beauty. I've seen so many Koreans up close and while they look so beautiful in their photographs and home videos, I cringe when I see them face to face. Make up can hide the surgery threads and scars but what if you're not wearing any?


Real life

It's a killer. I want a rich, vampire boyfriend named Carter or Yoochun or something. And a blue diamond. <
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