Aug 07, 2007 21:36
getupgetdown 07 tour (revised
orangeville woodland rave - august 17 or 18, probably
hott jamz at thymeless - august 24th 10pm.
Aug 02, 2007 17:27
august 07 tour (hahahahaha). getupgetdown
orangeville woodland rave - TBD
Hott Jamz - August 24th
Apr 17, 2007 00:38
I just don't get it
like at all
Mar 09, 2007 21:54
and we're not dead, but alive by definition only.
in heart, in stomach, in lungs, but not mind.
no lucky breaks, scrapes on our knees, 2 hours of sleep,
and this is how we live... technically.
and our hopes get up to get down,
and our big day is coming,
but it never fucking gets here.
thursday is the new friday, friday is the new monday.
Feb 18, 2007 20:07
it's tight is all.
the whole thing.
summer will be alcohol and music fueled.
and every pore in our body will be singing
and stinking like vodka and beer.
but it's our turn now,
and we're taking it;
and we'll make them get up to get down
because it was our sound to begin with.
sleep on the couch.
Aug 13, 2006 04:34
and I've been drinking to forget, but I can't stop thinking about it.
and if she does, then how could she, and if she doesn't why would she.
and I don't like the defence, I just want to talk.
and I can't sleep/won't sleep/panic attacks and regrets.
Jul 23, 2006 21:40
Jun 23, 2006 02:59
and I was him for just a little.
and I've got another decade to worry about come monday/
but for now i'm still just him, and she was totally her
and we were like grade 8, except I was on top and she was too drunk.
it was funny that way.
saturday is toronto birthday at dancecave if anyone is down. monday is everything else birthday at the zoo and