ORI Update

May 01, 2005 13:19

Greetings again all!

Where to begin.  Well first off "WHERE THE HELL IS ASJA???"

Anyway, day two was not fun at all.  I worked the console with my usual dedication but the stigma of the last ORI still hung in my mind.  "Will I fuck something up?..."What is he writing down now??"  Anyway we pressed on..myslef and my co-worker.  Then it happened, he threw a wrench at us.  Complete power outage...we had to relocate.  What should have taken 7 minutes took close to 20 because of unforseen interferences by a dumbass Master Sergeant who was trying to redeem himself from the last ORI.  We set up at our alternate location and got back to work.  Then the communications failed which resulted in us having to send a runner back and forth to pass messages.  All in all the day flew by and before we knew it our shift was up.  Nothing was said about our performance.  Oh well.

Day 3 started with the moment I had dreaded from day 1.  The inspection of my Training program.  Questions were asked, files were gone through and I sweated like someone had put a hot plate under my chair.  This inspection lasted 9 hours.  After it was done, I was mentaly exhausted and went home to stay up all night wondering before coming in on day 4 for a night shift.

Day 4 stated with a huge surprise and made the whole ORI worth all the pain and the 16 hour days.....  The Findings for the CP...0.  Thats right everyone NO FINDINGS.  Almost made me crap myself.  But there were observations that can affect the overall rating of the CP.  Im listing the pertinent ones as follows and saving the overall CP rating for last.
EA testing: (my area)  Ten controllers tested; 99.2 average
TRAINING (my program)
SOLID PROGRAM!  minor discrepancies
Great team leadership and coordination, exceptional information flow between Senior and Junior controller, Smooth relocation, Overcame initial secure comm. issues.  Ouststanding team.


More to follow thursday.

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