Title: Mere Surprise, Pleasant or Otherwise Prompt: Understanding Bonus? No Word Count: 609 Rating: K Original/Fandom: Legend of Korra Warnings (Non-Con/Dub-Con etc): AU Summary: Noatok watches Avatar Korra and puzzles over what he sees. follows the old switch
Ooh. This was fascinating. Honestly, I was really disappointed in not getting enough of Noatok’s story. This is an interesting AU to think about. How would he have reacted had he and his brother been the same? Would Tarrlok and Noatok be in the same position? I like this version of them, how they embrace the bender within. And Korra is right on the money!
I'm not sure exactly what I'm doing with Noatok. Who is he without Amon?
They could have just done a whole series of these two. They could have made one of them the Avatar... Oh great. Now I'm gonna have to write that AU. Only question is: Avatar Tarrlok or Avatar Noatok?
Comments 2
They could have just done a whole series of these two. They could have made one of them the Avatar... Oh great. Now I'm gonna have to write that AU. Only question is: Avatar Tarrlok or Avatar Noatok?
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