Subway news: the indo dude who works at the same place as I, has an older sister that works at the same company (same building) as my hubby. Small world huh? ;P
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thanks for the compliment nihhh.. *kepala gua jadi bengkaaak.. hehehe* iya, ada kok yg jual bahan2 mentahnya... ada dua shops lagi di deket rumah gua, jadi kapan aja gua bisa beli... very handy.. :)
keren say... rupanya paid off juga training Art sampe Form 7... (u rememeber my b'day kan? hehehe..hint hint..)jk.. ntar kalo ada gambar2 di majalah gue kirimin deh dari sini buat tambah inspirasi...
They all look nice big are they emangnya in cm? Kalo enggak terlalu gede danglingnya sih masih bisa gue tolerate. I have a few dangly ones I think...gue si jarang pake jewellery sekarang, abis sibuk seh organise daily this and that..don't care so much on grooming...padahal selalu say to myself that I should better enjoy my jewellery & cosmetic collection..ah well I suppose I can start wearing them to work or something...asal nggak rusak aja kena chemicals and all that...I have a lot of necklaces...
danggly-nya ada yg mayan panjang kayak 9 cm... terus ada juga yg 7 cm. sekarang2 ini kan lagi model tuh yg panjang2 banget, jadi ya gua ikutan bikin yg panjang2 :)
alo eve... :) ok gua kasih tau segala macemnya nih :
lollipop itu 6.5 cm (measurements without earhooks) - $17 Icicles 2.5 cm (measurements without earhooks) - $12 Hearts & Feathers 6.5 cm (measurements without earhooks & without feathers - kalo measure make feathers mungkin 7.5 cm.. rada susah sih measure feather karena dia kan rada2 curly gitu, jadi measurementnya nggak netep eve) $16
Valentine necklace $19 Holy Cross necklace $12
Terus kalo earhooksnya mau pake bahan sterling silver tambahin $3.00 per pair. Postage and handling ke US kalo less than 50g (approximately a pair of earrings) $2.50 Kalo belinya banyak ya tergantung ama beratnya - harga postage and handlingnya lebih mahal (kalo perlu bisa gua check di post office)
All prices are in Australian dollars by the way :) Kalo beli 2 or more gua kasih discount :) Kalo perlu money convertor ini ada sitenya ini untuk kira2 aja... soalnya kan currency exchange selalu beda2 :)
Comments 40
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Diamond jewellery can be very expensive though :(
iya, ada kok yg jual bahan2 mentahnya... ada dua shops lagi di deket rumah gua, jadi kapan aja gua bisa beli... very handy.. :)
rupanya paid off juga training Art sampe Form 7...
(u rememeber my b'day kan? hehehe..hint hint..)jk..
ntar kalo ada gambar2 di majalah gue kirimin deh dari sini buat tambah inspirasi...
kalo untuk kakak tercinta pasti gua kasih free.. tenang aja kekekek :)
gua aja baru2 aja suka ama dangly earrings, dulu my earrings are all studs heiheiheihe
sekarang2 ini kan lagi model tuh yg panjang2 banget, jadi ya gua ikutan bikin yg panjang2 :)
yg lollipop itu panjangan berapa cm?
trus kalo yang Icicles sama yg Heart & Feathers itu brapa cm?
skalian kasih tau harganya yaah ^_^
oya oya... necklacenya yg valentine sama yg cross ituh brapa harganya li?
lollipop itu 6.5 cm (measurements without earhooks) - $17
Icicles 2.5 cm (measurements without earhooks) - $12
Hearts & Feathers 6.5 cm (measurements without earhooks & without feathers - kalo measure make feathers mungkin 7.5 cm.. rada susah sih measure feather karena dia kan rada2 curly gitu, jadi measurementnya nggak netep eve) $16
Valentine necklace $19
Holy Cross necklace $12
Terus kalo earhooksnya mau pake bahan sterling silver tambahin $3.00 per pair. Postage and handling ke US kalo less than 50g (approximately a pair of earrings) $2.50
Kalo belinya banyak ya tergantung ama beratnya - harga postage and handlingnya lebih mahal (kalo perlu bisa gua check di post office)
All prices are in Australian dollars by the way :) Kalo beli 2 or more gua kasih discount :)
Kalo perlu money convertor ini ada sitenya
ini untuk kira2 aja... soalnya kan currency exchange selalu beda2 :)
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