Sunday.... I rang my dad earlier today wishing him a happy father's day... He's sick/unwell at the moment and have been like this for a week. I hope he gets better soon. I also got to talk to mum and my 2 sis... It's my older sister's birthday next week and I'm making her some jewellery to be posted for her birthday present, but I'm afraid it
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Comments 12
/me ga tau bakal available entar Tuesday atau engga... mungkin dinyalain tapi inactive, hehehe.
blon tau, hahahaha, tapi kemungkinannya bisa sih, tadi barusan ngecheck ga terlalu banyak assignment yang due, liat2 aja sih, kalo yang due hari kamis sama jumat sama senin bisa dicicil minggu ini berarti bisa ^^ (ayo2 rame2 meksa feli bikin tugas, hihihi)
btw .. cashflow game gw ma hubby juga punya. laen kali kalo loe ke SG mau donk invite loe org maen hehhehhehe
foto2?? itu pasti donnnggg ;)
Bagus la banyak order bisnis elo, dari dulu gue juga pengen run something creative like this but ahh no time yet. Si Jeff masternya musti gue bantuin dulu. Gue dah selesai ni, tinggal nunggu selesai binding thesisnya. Ntar hopefully graduate in 1 or 2 months time.
mobil elo nggak apa2 kan akhirnya?
Si papi udah agak baekan , hari Sabtu kemaren ke dokter dikasih obat maag..he's back at work today, hopefully he'll feel better as the week goes on.
Kak, gua baru bisa kirim gift loe hari ini (selasa), jadi ya maybeeee bisa nyampe friday... atau nggak mungkin saturday... (itu kalo postienya on time yah..). Hope papi is doing better now...
gue msh blon tau bsk ikut FA ga. kalo ga, yah gue bakal ol deh :D
otherwise, tar kabarin gue aja, ok :)
Kalo nggak online ya ntar gua kabarin lagi our decision lewat LJ :)
g ol neh,.. tar pas meeting panggil gue yah thx in adv :D
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