(no subject)

Nov 21, 2004 19:29

This past week was total, complete insanity. Well, almost.

Thursday was the day that freshmen were able to register for spring semester classes. People were freaking out about not getting classes, so in a move started by the current sophomores last year, about 100 of us spent the night outside of Dorsey so we'd be there in the morning when registration started. Yeah, that was fun. I got there around midnight with Sarah, Anna, and Simone, and registration didn't start till 8:30. 8ish hours laying on cement...good times. Doesn't even compare to Mikey getting there at 7 on Wednesday night...good lord, 14 hours. Skip and Alanna came down around 12:30 and I hung out with them for awhile. Alanna's brother is a freshman, but she and Skip are upperclassmen, so they just came down for the hell of it. I hung out with them until Alanna left around one, and then Skip and I talked until almost two. It was cool talking to them, because I usually only see Skip at BGLAD meetings, and Alanna when I run into her between classes. Quote of the early morning hours: "Hey, we have enough people to start a Queer Convention!" --> Alanna to me and Skip.

The next wave of people started coming in around 5 in the morning, and the line started snaking around the courtyard. I managed to sleep from 3:30 until around 5, burrowed in my sleeping bag with Melissa in my cd player. I dressed like I do for skiiing, and it wasn't even close to those temperatures. Layers of clothing and a sleeping bag...that's what 5 years at Kieve'll do for ya. I was nice and toasty. :) I walked around talking to people for awhile after I woke up. I saw John and Frontiers Sarah, the triplets from down the hall, Dana and her roommate...then Lauren and Ali showed up at some point, so alot our gang was there. Eventually 7 in the morning rolled around, and we all shuffled into line for the 8:30 registration. The people in the SAS office opened the doors at about a quarter after 8, and I was in and out of there with my schedule by 9.

Almost my entire 8:30 class skipped it to register, and we got a hilarious email from our professor later that day, but luckily he was cool about it. I went to poli sci at 10 and almost fell asleep, and then I had to present in Antje's class at noon. The only reason I was upright and semi-coherant at that point was due to a king-size Snicker's bar and a bottle of diet coke, which got me through the class. I went to service learning in the afternoon, then got back to campus around 5. Had a meeting with my student assistant from connections, met with my movie group for Frontiers, and then went to BGLAD at 10. Relatively short meeting, but it rocked because we got to read poetry. We could either bring in stuff we had written or something written by someone else, and it was pretty cool. I love hearing Kelsey read her stuff, and I already told her that I'm buying her CD once she finishes it. Went to the Hole afterwards and saw Alanna again. With her girlfriend. :( Dammit!!! God, I've had a crush on her literally since I first got here and I saw her rollerblading through Pstone the second night of orientation. *sigh* Moving on...

So the moral of Thursday was that I went almost 40 hours without sleep. Save for the hour and a half that I managed to grab in Dorsey, I was awake from 8 on Wednesday morning until 1 on Friday morning. The only other times that I've been awake that long was during Project Graduation and when I flew to Ireland, and that involved a 6 hour plane flight, a 5 hour time difference, and jet lag. Fun times.

Friday is also known as "The Day of Two Field Trips in Baltimore." My first field trip was for poli sci at 9 in the morning. Due to my lack of sleep the day before, I planned ahead and set my alarm clock for 7:30. After hitting the snooze button numerous times, I staggerd out of bed in a complete panic at roughly 8:53. Luckily, our dorm is really close to Van Meter, so I sprinted out the door, caught the bus, and promptly fell back to sleep. Then we had to sit through an incredibly boring hour and a half long talk at a Habitat place in this really bad part of Baltimore, so some of us were a little sketched out. Professor Goldwyn drove herself, and when she had to go move her car Professor Githens made a couple of the guys go with her. We got back to campus at around noon, and then I had a meeting with Antje at 2, which totally rocked. I sat in her office for half an hour and instead of talking about English we talked about the drug dealer who lives in the apartment underneath her. And she brought May in, so I got puppy love too. :)

Then at 3:30, about half of our Connections class met up for a field trip in Fells Point. When we got there we all made a break for Sound Garden, which is a music store alot like Bull Moose back home. I got the new Indigo Girls DVD, a Tom Petty CD (for sentimental high school memories), and *drumroll please* season one of OZ for $30. Go me! So I'm a happy kid. We split up and I ended up walking around with Veronica, Michele, and Richard, which was totally random and cool because we don't hang out on campus. We met up for dinner with everyone else at 6, and the pizza place that we want to had a signed pic of Melissa from the late '80s when she was just started to get famous. So that was totally awesome.

After we got back to campus, I hung out in the Hole with the usual crowd and sat through two not-so-great and way-too-loud bands, and then we migrated upstairs and sat talking on comfy chairs for awhile. Sarah and I want home a little before one and watched the very first episode of OZ, which was cool. Then we got some much-needed sleep.

Thus, this concludes the first installment of my crazy week. Next, THE WEEKEND. In another upcoming entry because this took me way too long to type and I hafta go be productive...
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