(no subject)

Mar 15, 2008 08:54

Note: The current story-arc begins at Strip 621

March 15, 2008

Yes, indeed, I'm resuming Casey and Andy. I intend to finish the story arc, something I've been vaguely promising to do for quite a while now. Once the story arc is over, C&A will be put to bed for good. (The archives will remain available indefinitely).

It's been about a year and a half since C&A went on Hiatus, and I still regularly receive emails asking me to resume it. That's the main reason I'm getting back in to it. So you can thank persistent fans for this continuation.

My current plan is to update once a week, on Mondays. This update, on a Saturday, is because I promised to announce my next project (this) on or by March 15th. So here you go. Next update will be *next* Monday, March 24th.

If I get motivated, I might move up to twice a week. But for now, I'd rather move slow than burn out again.


[ed: Andy's rollback of the strip numbers annihilated the two previous posts. Sorry, dmmaus. Also, because of the switch to php, previous strip links won't work, and I'm not interested in taking the time to fix all 400+ entries.]

[ed addendum: Andy put dmmaus' pic in the fanart gallery, so I could fix the previous post.]
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