Just finished watching Doctor Who, "Death in Heaven"...
- Yay, a two-part finale that doesn't fall to bits in the second half! A season arc that wraps up reasonably well, too.
- If you'd told me before Series 8 that they were going to do a gender-flipped Master and make it actually work, I'd have been very skeptical. If you'd told me before 'Dark Water' that I would end up liking Missy, I wouldn't have believed it. She's not my favorite Master, and there are still a few things about her that annoy me, but somehow she really does _work_. You honestly can draw a line from Delgado all the way through to Missy and _see_ that they're the same character (which is more than you can say for a few of the other Masters out there.)
- UNIT's methods have gotten a bit weird. "Let's kidnap the Doctor and then elect him President"? Who comes up with this stuff? Kate's too sensible to be the one responsible.
- Nooooo, can't believe they killed off Osgood. Not fair!
- Cyber-rain is a bit too ridiculous as a sci-fi concept. Think I sprained my suspension of disbelief. Immensely effective as horror imagery, though.
- How many times can Moffat break my heart in one episode? Lots, apparently.
- Cyber-Brig: Heartwarming tribute, or over-the-top and a little tacky? (All of the above?)
- How's the deal with the teleport bracelet work, exactly? It transfers your consciousness from the Nethersphere, I guess, but where does it get the healthy living body from? I'm not sure if that part makes sense.
- Have we learned a valuable lesson about Not Lying to Our Friends? No, no we haven't.
In conclusion: Christmas now, please.
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