Doctor Who 9x6 Instant Reaction Post

Oct 25, 2015 16:05

Just finished watching Doctor Who, "The Woman Who Lived".

I think my first reaction to just about everything in this episode could be summed up as "meh".

Maisie was perfect last week as the cute little Viking girl, but she's a lot less convincing as a jaded immortal.

I didn't much like the script, either. There's some really clunky lines in there. All the attempts at humor fell flat, and didn't combine well with the more serious scenes. There was generally something off, something not quite right, about the way characters reacted to events; it all felt very unconvincing. I couldn't get invested in the story, so I ended up mostly bored, and the one thing Doctor Who should never _ever_ be is boring.

Last week, I had some reservations about the way they handled the whole immortality issue. I had hoped that this week's episode would resolve some of that, but it didn't help. I still think the chips make immortality too easy. It still seems out of character for the Doctor to go around immortalizing random people. And I'm still not sure whether we're meant to believe it was a mistake on his part or not.

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