Just finished watching Doctor Who, "Face the Raven".
* First thing I thought when I saw the Next Time trailer was, "Looks a lot like Gaiman's 'Neverwhere'." But I was surprised by just how Neverwhere-ish the episode turned out to be. I know, Doctor Who has a long tradition of, um, creative borrowing, but was this just a little _too_ close to the source material?
* Too much magic, not enough pseudo-science. Don't get me wrong, it's a very _good_ magical fantasy story, but it's not a Doctor Who story. Doctor Who is fantasy disguised in sci-fi trappings, and just throwing the word "psychic" around isn't enough to make it feel sci-fi.
* I thought it was called a "perception filter"? Maybe this is a different technology that does basically the same thing.
* I like Clara's shirt.
* I didn't think Rigsy's actor was very good. Can't quite put my finger on why.
* Wasn't Rigsy, like, a teenager the last time we saw him? And not living in London?
* The fact that she died "facing the raven" instead of trying to run away is going to end up being significant, right?
* Probability that Clara is actually, permanently dead: 50%, maybe?
* Either way, she's totally gonna be in the finale, right?
* Nonetheless, that scene got me misty-eyed, I admit it. They are both _so_ good.
* I'm going to miss Clara a lot. In my personal companion rankings, she's a very close second to Donna, and she's had generally better stories and a much better goodbye than poor Donna.
Overall: Mostly thumbs-up, with minor grumbling.
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