done with homework!

Jan 31, 2012 20:10

yay! i'm done with my homework. i feel so ~accomplished~. xDD

ok so that aside, now i feel like procrastinating and now i have the time to update my journal :)

Life has been good. US has been nice. It's been 3 weeks here in the US, and today the weather is really warm! I can't believe it! I was actually able to go out without my coat :D :D

Lessons here are conducted differently than in Singapore. It is more CA-based (CA=Continual Assessment), so the key here is consistent work. And when I said consistent, I was talking about homework every day. every. single. day.

What about weekend? They usually give you more homework for the weekend. D: At this times, I miss Singapore. I miss the time where I can try out activities during the first few weeks of school, and only cramming the study materials nearing the exams. I can't do that here. I have to be consistent with my studies, otherwise I will have too many things to catch up on. =(

BUT!! I noticed that my learning curve is steeper. I learn a lot more. It's like my spirit of learning is fired up, but somehow my spirit of studying died down. xD  Now I'm so interested in getting to know more things, and not just for the sake of good grades!

I think I have mentioned in my previous post that I'm taking choreography class. It was fun! I really love it. I have been dancing for years but this experience is an eye-opener. It teaches you to understand more about body movement, not just focusing on 'looking cool', but to use your body as a mean to communicate. It reminds me of this quote 'dance to express, not to impress'. =)


It was said that Yamapi texted him 'congratulations'. I wonder if Ryo have read the book. When that happens, you girls know my ryoshige fangirly heart just exploded with sparkles. xD

Speaking about ryoshige, I am really really sad that shige is changing his Ryo kanji into katakana. 'turning over a new leaf', he said? gosh, it's as if he doesn't want to be associated with Ryo anymore. I'm so so so sadddddddd. T___T Although, I also heard how Ryo was staring at the screen during Countdown when NEWS was singing. my feeling was just a;skkdffa;lsdjjf indescribable. *__* i mean, I'm happy that Ryo can focus on his career with Kanjani, (especially after the crazy schedule he had, as mentioned in pashoshi's journal), but I'm wondering if Shige is (still?) upset about it. In any case, I hope this pairing doesn't die down, especially in the fandom. I hope people are still continue writing about them :) <3

Oh, Also, yesterday I managed to watch Dye D fancam. and aa;ldjf;alsdjfa;lsdjfa;lddjk RYO WAS SO HOT. HELL, EVERYONE WAS SO HOT. *__* it got me all squeaky and flaily as I watched the entire fancam, and I SO CANT WAIT FOR THE DVD TO COME OUT. 8DDD.

annnddddd, i loooovvvveee listening to Ryo singing live. xD like the one where he sang My Home during shiwake 2hr SP, xDD although he forgot the lyrics. hahaha. but he looks so freaking hot as Lupin in this show. and mann I just love listening to him singing live. xDD Reminds me of his Ai Nanda rendition. so cute ! hehehe.

uiuc, kato shigeaki, i love kanjani8 live shows, the amazingness that is dye d, nishikido ryo, nishikato

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