Fucking hell man i haven't been like this with Lost for a while but they are back on track man. Don't read the cut section or comment if you don wana find out what happens.
What a fucking ending to episode 20. Michaels back and within half an hour of waking up he shoots Anna-lucia and the blonde woman Hurly fancies and then goes to the "other" they have locked up and he shoots himself in the arm. What the hell is going on? I want answers. We can't be expected to wait this long. Logic tells me it's cause they have his son, they've obviously made a deal he had to kill the other two cause they would have got in his way but whats the plan. The "other" said he was on a mission to get Locke, why? Is that why Michael set him free? What's going on here. Ahhhhhhhh.
Only 4-5 more episodes this season and i need answers they can't end the season soon. I can't wait another 3 years till the whole thing ends for answers. And it better not be they were all in purgatory. If this has a lame ending it's gonna be so shit. Why do they have season breaks why can't they shoot all the time and have it on every week till it ends i have to know whats going on.