Summer Sun

Jun 27, 2009 12:07

I just got back from a bike ride. Hot and tired. It's already 96 here. I'm afraid we might actually reach the 105 that some people are predicting. Ouch ( Read more... )

exercise, summer, my boyfriend, weather

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Comments 5

polvodestrella June 27 2009, 21:18:18 UTC
It's pretyt hot these days here too, but not as hot as Spain uses to be at this time of the year. We had a heat wave a few weeks ago, and they predict temperatures will go up again tomorrow, but at the moment it feels more like late spring, than actual summer.


ca_michelle June 27 2009, 22:22:16 UTC
I remember that there was a period where you had a lot of rain....I'm trying to remember. Was that last year at this time?

We had very mild weather until this week. I think I grew spoiled. ;D


enigmaticblues June 27 2009, 21:31:56 UTC
Hee! I am also in Denver, and we had serious, serious rain yesterday. I was most grateful that my brother was the one driving. But it's sunny and beautiful today.


ca_michelle June 27 2009, 22:20:48 UTC
Sunny and beautiful is what I just heard. :) Mark explained that it can change very quickly.

I hope that you are doing okay today. You've really been on my mind ever since I read your post last night.


enigmaticblues June 27 2009, 23:07:47 UTC
Blink, and the weather changes here.

Thank you. Today is better. I'm still feeling fragile, but Mom and I have been running errands and hanging out, and that's been good.


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