(no subject)

May 13, 2003 15:25

Pretty words paint pretty pictures, but they don't always speak the truth.

We pretend not to care about the things we care most about.
And we pretend to be enlightened on things we can't even begin to understand.

Being happy isn't something that is determined by how people see you, or how you think they see you, or how you want them to see you. It only makes you a slave to a facade; how does it feel to be powerless to something that you've created?

In a search to find meaning, and in a search to find a deep connection with other people, we've become pretentious liars. How can we expect to ever be close to someone if we wont even allow ourselves to be close to... ourselves.

Why are we so scared to be who we really are. Or more importantly, why don't we know who we really are.

You are your only enemy.
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