If travel is searching, and home has been found... I'm not stopping.

Apr 17, 2005 03:28

Mmm, so this is the first time I've gotten mad with mom seriously since, well, that time we argued over yet another stupid misunderstanding... And I thought that we all in this house had already left the whole "lack of communication thing" in the past, especially with things that are of the concern of the whole family, whole family being mom, Allan and me... but no. Leave it to her for always making things tense around the house at the worst time given, and today she had the front yard tree cut down, a more than 10 years old cypress tree that we saw grow since it was planted by her when it was this little thing, and that, at least me and Allan, were pretty fond of.

It was over this past two weeks, that she began talking about how worried she was that the tree had gotten so big that soon we probably wouldn't be able to control it's growth, and that so it'd reach the phone cables ( which was a bunch of BS since the palm tree on the sidewalk is doing worst things to even the power lines and she hasn't said a thing about that). So we suggested trimming the top of the tree, an option that would've required more time since we needed to get the right tool for it but that was more reasonable than her "cutting it branch by branch and see what happens" that wasn't going to work anyways, which was the one she applied today, and when it hit her of how bad it had gone, she just told the guy to finish chopping it down. All that with me and Allan watching from inside the house, without her ever asking us for what we thought. Allan was about to make a big fuss about it, but I told him not to since it was useless since she probably wanted it that way since the beginning, just get rid of the problem right away. That thing of selectively cutting branches was just one of these things she does so later she can feel that she tried something before going the fast way through things. That's her way when she wants to make us feel bad...

And so that's how it was the whole day. I barely said a few words to her, and it's not out of anger really, I just want her to know that I'm upset, because otherwise she would've just gone as if nothing happened the whole day, and that's just... I don't expect an apology, since she's never had before in this kind of situations, but I don't know, probably by tomorrow, everyone will pretend they had forgotten about the whole episode and just move on... Forgive and forget, with a twist, that I don't like but that ultimately seems to be the only way for things to work around here. :(

The thing is that I just hate it, I hate it when there're problems around the house, and that it seems that we just can't get through them, we keep repeating the same mistakes. That's what bothers me the most...

The Incredibles... I need to see The Incredibles...
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