Fed up with
off-the-shelf light-up clothing? Why not combine your sewing skills with electronics and make your own?(
Lots of projects including some DIY instructions).
SparkFun are now selling a range of components with holes big enough to stich through...
In other hacking news, my rover project still plods away - I have my single-board computer (A Technologic Systems
TS-7260) but it became pretty obvious pretty quickly that Python (my original plan) is not an ideal language to use for this application, for two reasons:
- It doesn't like cross-compilation, because its configure script keeps wanting to run programs.
- More significantly, for a machine with 32MB flash, it occupies about 11-20MB.
So I did a bit of hunting for scripting languages with a small footprint, and have chosen
Lua (about a 60-120k footprint). I have since discovered that it is the fastest-rising language in the
Tiobe charts (but be wary of polls). I'm currently porting my JPEG camera driver code into a micture of C and Lua (though my use of the TS-7260 probably means I could use a USB webcam instead!).
Boring stuff over. Exciting tales next...
Ah. Maybe next week?