Jamar and I both had an inspirational moment and decided to come up with our own twisted version of "The 12 Days of Christmas" based on Jamar's experiences. We came up with it around 2:30am one morning and it was so much fun to do together. Enjoy!!
Amanda Joy Hamilton wrote
at 3:03am on June 7th, 2007
...Twelve Condoleeza-cunts, eleven kicks to the balls, ten tricks a-callin', nine Psychotic breakdowns, eight times a-staffy, seven days at CVPH, six appearances of Tracy, five multicolored cock rings, four cans of Crisco, three suppositories, two double-ended dildos, a douche and pine mint TREEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!
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Jamar Fraser (SUNY Plattsburgh) wrote
at 2:59am on June 7th, 2007
...Eleven kicks to the balls, ten tricks a-callin', nine Psychotic breakdowns, eight times a-staffy, seven days at CVPH, six appearances of Tracy, five multicolored cock rings, four cans of Crisco, three suppositories, two double-ended dildos, a douche and pine mint tree. On the twelfth day my ass left, my true love gave to me...
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Amanda Joy Hamilton wrote
at 2:57am on June 7th, 2007
...Ten tricks a-callin', nine Psychotic breakdowns, eight times a-staffy,seven days at CVPH, six appearances of Tracy, five multicolored cock rings, four cans of Crisco, three suppositories, two double-ended dildos, a douche and pine mint tree. On the eleventh day my ass left,my true love gave to me...
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Jamar Fraser (SUNY Plattsburgh) wrote
at 2:54am on June 7th, 2007
...Nine Psychotic breakdowns, eight times a-staffy, seven days at CVPH, six appearances of Tracy, five multicolored cock rings, four cans of Crisco, three suppositories, two double-ended dildos, a douche and pine mint tree. On the tenth day my ass left, my true love gave to me...
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Amanda Joy Hamilton wrote
at 2:52am on June 7th, 2007
...Eight times a-staffy, seven days at CVPH, six appearances of Tracy, five multicolored cock rings, four cans of Crisco, three suppositories, two double-ended dildos, a douche and pine mint tree. On the ninth day my ass left, my true love gave to me...
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Jamar Fraser (SUNY Plattsburgh) wrote
at 2:50am on June 7th, 2007
...Seven days at CVPH, six appearances of Tracy, five multicolored cock rings, four cans of Crisco, three suppositories, two double-ended dildos, a douche and pine mint tree. On the eighth day my ass left, my true love gave to me...
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Amanda Joy Hamilton wrote
at 2:45am on June 7th, 2007
...Six appearances of Tracy, five multicolored cock rings, four cans of Crisco, three suppositories, two double-ended dildos, a douche and pine mint tree. On the seventh day my ass left, my true love gave to me...
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Jamar Fraser (SUNY Plattsburgh) wrote
at 2:43am on June 7th, 2007
...Five multicolored cock rings, four cans of Crisco, three suppositories, two double-ended dildos, a douche and pine mint tree. On the sixth day my ass left, my true love gave to me...
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Amanda Joy Hamilton wrote
at 2:41am on June 7th, 2007
...Four cans of Crisco, three suppositories, two double-ended dildos, a douche and a pine mint tree. On the fifth day my ass left, my true love gave to me...
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Jamar Fraser (SUNY Plattsburgh) wrote
at 2:38am on June 7th, 2007
..Three suppositories, two double-ended dildos, a douche and pine mint tree. On the fourth day my ass left, my true love gave to me...
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Amanda Joy Hamilton wrote
at 2:34am on June 7th, 2007
...Two double-ended dildos, a douche and pine mint tree. On the third day my ass left, my true love gave to me...
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Jamar Fraser (SUNY Plattsburgh) wrote
at 2:31am on June 7th, 2007
... a douche and a pine mint tree. On the second day my ass left, my true love gave me to...
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Amanda Joy Hamilton wrote
at 2:26am on June 7th, 2007
::decides to create her own fucked-up twist and sings:: On the first day my ass left, my true love gave to me....
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