Though I don't agree with everything on this list, I just found it to be too funny and wanted to share it.
(1) Flip Flops are everyday wear and are considered appropriate attire for most occasions.
(2) You have been inconvenienced by a tourist in one or more of the following ways:
a. When they have fed the seagulls
b.When they have driven downtown (either you are behind them while theyare “sightseeing” or they have almost killed you when they don’t seethe yield signs around the squares.)
c. When they have driven the wrong way on a one-way street.
(3) Sweet Tea and Coke can be served at ANY meal.
(4) A soft drink is not a “pop” or a "soda"; it is a “Coke.” Even if it is a Pepsi.
(5) When you have had the following conversation:
a. “You want a coke?”
b. ‘Yeah,”
a. “What kind?”
b. “Dr. Pepper”
(6) A mountain is any hill that is 100 feet above sea level.
(7)Good parking has nothing to do with the distance that your car is from the store, but rather how much shade is available.
(8) Anything under 70 degrees is a little chilly.
(9) You can tell the difference between fire ant bites and mosquito bites.
(10)You are not afraid of one of those puny northern roaches…. After all,if you are a true Savannahian, you have had many battles with the MacDaddy of all roaches…THE PALMETTO BUG
(11) You have worn shorts and utilized the air conditioning in December.
(12) You have used both your air conditioning and your heat in the same day.
(13) You consider not having central air conditioning “uncivilized”
(14) You have hosted a hurricane party.
(15) You know that anything under a Category 3 hurricane just isn’t worth waking up for.
(16) You dread bug season, however you are not afraid of swallowing a few gnats.
(17)You can properly pronounce Valdosta, Okefenokee, and Vidalia.... It'sVal-DOSA, oke-FAN-o-KEE, Va' Daila.... and for the record it'sADD-LANNA not AT-LANT-A... (but you'll find most folks FROM there areactually from "about 25 minutes outside ADD-LANNA")
(18) You think that people in other cities and states that complain about the heat and humidity are sissies.
(19) You think everyone from a Yankee-state has an accent
(20) You listen to the weather forecast before picking out an outfit.
(21) Someone you know has used a football schedule to plan their wedding date.
(22) You know someone who has a belt buckle that doubles as a bottle opener.
(23) You know that everything goes better with ranch dressing, honey mustard, or barbecue sauce.
(24) Ironically, you only crave Chik-Fil-A and alcohol on Sundays..when neither are sold.
(25) “Ya’ll” is a word, AND a punctuation.
(26) Krispy Kreme doughnuts are the only kind of doughnuts you eat.
(27) You know the difference between a hillbilly, a hick, a redneck, a good ol' boy, and a Southerner.
(28) You understand that at least once a year your car will turn "pollen" no matter what color it origionally was.
(29) You know at least one Bubba, and maybe a few guys named Bo, and at least 12 people with hyphenated names.
(30)You use "Sir" and "Ma'am" if there's even a remote possibility thatperson you're talking to is least 30 minutes older than you are.
(31) Braves=good. Yankees=bad.
(32) You love sweet tea, mashed potatoes, biscuits, and all Southern comfort food...and Southern comfort
(33) You don’t appreciate it, "ya 'preciate it".
(34) Your last words very well might be, "Hey Ya'll, check this out"
(35)The local paper covers national and international news on one page butrequires 2 pages for weather (three if we're having a deployment), 3pages for sports, 5 pages for local news, and 8 pages for gossip andvox populi.
(36) 90 degrees is “a little warm”.
(37) You know all four seasons: Almost Summer, Summer, Damn it's STILL hot, and Christmas (also known as "damn it's cold")
(38) You know what part of Georgia someone is from as soon as they open their mouth. (Southern, Middle, Northern GA)
(39) You describe the first cool snap (below 70 degrees) as good chili weather.
(40) You have sat on someone’s porch in downtown Savannah and laughed at the drunk tourists on St. Patrick’s Day.
(41) You ALMOST don't even want to be downtown for St. Patrick's Day anymore.... mostly because of the damn tourists.
(42) You'll admit (in close company) that no matter HOW nice Miss Paula is, Mrs. Wilkes' STILL has better food.
(43) You understand the difference between "barbecuing" and "grillin'..."
(44)You have no idea what the hell "soul food" is, but fried chicken, friedpork chops, or fried catfish, with mashed taters an' gravy, mac andcheese casserole, collards, slaw, tater salad, and corn bread orbiscuits with a sweet tea sounds damn good anytime.
(45) "Doubleplate, hash browns, scattered, smothered, covered, chunked, diced, andtopped" makes perfect sense to you... and sounds ALMOST perfect at fourin the morning... until you add ranch dressing and Heinz 57... and thenit IS perfect.
(46) You know the rule for St. Patrick's Day... Green beer= Tourist
(47) You always look BOTH ways, even before crossing a one way street.
(48) You've know even since before turning 21... if all else fails, you can always bartend.
(49) You've ever considered getting a real estate licence, because "that's where all the money is"
(50)You'll use the word "yankee" to describe someone, and not mean anythingbad by it... or had to explain it's use with the words "Oh I don't meananything bad by it... but..."
(51) You use the terms "old mall", "new bridge", "southwest bypass" and "north Jacksonville" as they apply.
(52)You've ever started a sentence with the words "I don't give a good GodDamn how you do it where you're from...." and ended the same sentence".... and if you don't like it, by all means, leave!"
(53)You've been asked the question "Did you know _________?" (person from'The Book'/ 'The Movie') so many times, that you finally say "yes" andjust just make up answers to all the follow up questions.