Title: Christmas Dinner.
Rating: PG.
Fandom: Crime-fighting Victorian Lesbian Silurians With Cute-as-a-Button Swashbuckling Maids (I refuse to let this disqualify mainstream Doctor Who).
Synopsis: How do Jenny and Madame Vastra spend the holidays?
"How do you find your turkey, mum?"
"Cooked," said Madame Vastra, before she considered her words. She paused, seeing the striken look on Jenny's face, and added, "But Christmas turkeys are best prepared cooked, and I ate a robber earlier today, so I needn't worry about missing vital nutrients."
"Mum," said Jenny chidingly. "Did you truly think I'd be that inconsiderate? Look inside the other chafing dish."
Madame Vastra ducked her chin in a gesture which Jenny had come to learn was Silurian for "I am sorry, I did not mean to, forgive me, it is my nature." Then she reached over and took the lid off the second chafing dish, revealing an elegant silver cage filled with the very fattest, fluffiest guinea pigs. Several of them squealed when Madame Vastra's scaled face came into view, rightly predicting their own imminent demise. "Oh, Jenny. They're lovely."
Jenny beamed. "Happy Christmas, mum."
"Happy Christmas, Jenny," said Madame Vastra, and unhinged her jaw as she reached for the first trembling guinea pig.
Yesterday's fandom suggested by
mrs_norris_mous and
sweetmusic_27. To suggest a fandom, pairing, or situation for today, please comment on this post. Only comments on THIS POST will be considered; today's advent will go up tonight.