Title: Velveteen vs. Temptation. Summary: What happens to a child superhero who finds that after everything she has done, everything she has endured...life goes on?
Sounds like Princess is...further from the precipice of a year from now, but definitely at risk of D*sn*y Queenship, and all that entails (particularly if Tag, put to sleep by her in a glass coffin, never wakes up).
At this point, on the relationship front, I'm hoping for polyamory -- Aaron is working his way well into deserving a second chance with Vel, (didn't he play both sides in Oregon? But she wouldn't know that and he wouldn't tell her), but Tag deserves to wake up, True Love in hand. I don't think we've had any poly relationships in Velveteen vs. yet? In any case, it's going to be a long and hard way if we ever get there.
Comments 7
Sounds like Princess is...further from the precipice of a year from now, but definitely at risk of D*sn*y Queenship, and all that entails (particularly if Tag, put to sleep by her in a glass coffin, never wakes up).
At this point, on the relationship front, I'm hoping for polyamory -- Aaron is working his way well into deserving a second chance with Vel, (didn't he play both sides in Oregon? But she wouldn't know that and he wouldn't tell her), but Tag deserves to wake up, True Love in hand. I don't think we've had any poly relationships in Velveteen vs. yet? In any case, it's going to be a long and hard way if we ever get there.
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