So the giant purple that has been a staple in Matt's and my room is gone... I feared for a long time that it would be stolen, but alas this is not the case. Instead, I was ratted out... A friend of mine, who shall remain nameless, has a class with the professor I accidentally stole it from. Now I say accidentally because it really was an accident. I was planning on doing the assignment and it just got pushed off to the side...literally...And when I realized it was still there, I decided "Well, he's gone this long without it." But she mentioned, oh hey! I know the guy that has your egg. And low and behold, a day later I receive a rather sarcastic email from Dr. Messer. Here, read:
The students in my Real Analysis class mentioned that you
have the big purple egg that I lent you several years ago
then we were working on volumes of solids of revolution
in Calculus II. Have you made any progress on computing
the volume of the egg? I would be interested to see your
results. By the way, could you stop by the Math/CS house
(across the street from Goodrich Chapel) and drop off the
egg, either to me in room 203 or in the departmental
office on the first floor? Thanks.
....yea....So the egg, that has litterally been the basis of introduction for several of my friend on campus (walking by they see a giant purple egg through the door and stop to ask) is now going to be turned in. And while this is upsetting in itself, I'm not more worried about being thought of as some type of theif. And just now I realized, I'm not a math major anymore. What do I care?
/end rant