Hey! :)
So, it's been almost a month since my last update. Here's the latest scoop on my writing, etc.
Since I last posted, I've finished Natasha Tyreen 1x08: Dinner Date with the help of a fellow NT writer, Sarah-Jane Sheppard. You can find it here:
http://www.mzp-tv.co.uk/ntepisodes.html I've also helped out with a co-write of Pathways 2x13: Trial By Jury and finished the first draft of PW 2x14: Prove Me Wrong. Neither have been released yet, but expect to see both up soon at:
http://www.mzp-tv.co.uk/pwepisodes.html Upcoming:
First up are two co-writers with my main writing partner, Brian Lamkin. Before the end of the week, we want to complete Pathways 2x15: Lone Wolf (Status: Outline In-Progress). Also, airing on the 29th (giving us plenty of time!), we're writing Slayer Academy 2x16: Pieces together (Status: Outline divvied up between us, writing to start soon).
In September, me and Brian will be teaming up again of Slayer Academy 2x18: Slayer Cake. Also, I'll be writing The Company 1x07: Best Day Ever on my own soon (Status: Outline in-progress). Loving the episode even though I still have to put my outline together.
Unfortunately, I've recently had to drop out of writing The Company 1x10: Last Stop: Sanity due to other commitments.
In Development
Alright, Hidden Swords officially counts as completely evolved. Recently Ellen Pompeo, was dropped for the role of Jo Duncord, which was given to Jorja Fox. EP is a great actress, but JF is much closer to the role. This means every person in the original cast has either been dropped or recast. Also, did some major behind-the-scenes work on this. All the character backgrounds have been setted, there's a comprehensive character arc for the lead, and the episode outline is slowly tightening. It'll be eventighter once the arcs for the rest of the cast have been set, though. Also, finished a portion of the pilot. Not amazing proress, but it's the first step!
Oleander is on hold for a bit while I work through some Fall Commitments, but it';s definitely in the cards, aiming for a Summer 2006 release.
Recently I've been majorly considering bringing back an old project, one I worked on straight for a year then it quickly collapsed: Lost Virtual Season 2. I've been giving it a look over, editing out some old stuff of Ian's (as our outline was evolved from his) that didn't fit our mythology and working out poissible character arcs. there are the inevitable real S2 - VS2 comparisons, but I think our mythology stands strong against theirs. Keep you're ears open for news on this!
Now I know it won't happen for a while, but I'm not sure whether I prefer revamped old project Demon's Eyes over newbie project Silent Nights. It's certainly easier to plot and wrap my head around. I have 2 seasons of plans for DE as well, though the second still needs a lot of work. Hmm....
Side Projects
I've been known to have waaay too many VS Side-Projects at MZP. I've recently joined a new MZP for-everyone graphics group, TOAD. I've also been keeping up with the IVSDB and working on the Daydream Awards, better known as the Dreamies. One thing that I haven't kept up with is the VS Review List, but that's easily updated.
I've also hit a snag with my MZP Buffy/Angel Reviews. I've been reading Buffy VS8 and Angel VS6 parallel - except that Angel S5/Buffy S8 are parallel, so Angel S6 is actually parallel to Buffy S9! Usually that's not a problem, but there seems to be a big crossover or two. I really want to finish Angel S6, but it seems I'll have to read through Buffy S8-9 before I can, or mess up the reading experience...
In other news, been watching pilots for the new shows. Frontrunners for my favourites are Heroes and The Nine, both of which had exceptional pilots. Traveler, Shark and The Knights of Prosperity also had good enough pilots to interest me in watching them in the fall. Enjoyed Jericho, but not enough to definitely give it a season pass. Watched about half of Secrets of a Small Town, but wasn't that interested. Might just keep it for screencaps of Matt Long for Pathways graphics. Will not be watching The Class - the pilot proved it to be exactly the kind of show I don't watch, though it was moderately enjoyable. Still have Friday Night Lights, Hidden Palms, Vanished and The Singles Table to watch, though I'm itching to get my hands on Raines, Smith, 30 Rock or, the big one, The Black Donnellys. Also, Studio 60 on the Sunset Strip has been leaked - but I can't get my hands on a viable copy of it. Will soon, tho...