Well, it hasn't been that long since my last one of these, but a lot's happened. Oh, and on a personal level - today was my birthday! Various family members got me some amazing presents, including a video iPod and Veronica Mars season 2. I love my family. :) Now, on to...
May half of Pathways 2x15: Lone Wolf has been plaguing my thoughts for sweeks. I guess I just needed to vent, cause I finished my entire half of the co-write in one night! It's my last episode for this season of Pathways, and of MZP's summer 2006 season, so that's a huge weight off my mind. You'll be able to find both Pathways 2x14 (which I also wrote) along with this episode up at the main site tomorrow! Here's the link:
http://www.mzp-tv.co.uk/pwepisodes.html Reviews (of my stuff):
A great review of my most recently aired episode, The Company 1x07: Best Day Ever, was written by one of MZP's highest-ranked reviewers (and DSR showrunner), Tony Black! The review can be found here:
http://blackster.byethost24.com/e107_plugins/content/content.php?content.81 Upcoming:
Having finished all of my scripts for Summer 2006, now is the time I kick back and relax!
... You didn't actually expect I was taking a break, right? ;) Nope. Even though I've completed my only Fall 2006 script for MZP (The Company 1x07), I've gotta be getting to work on the Hidden Swords pilot before long. Also, for next summer, I've increased my work on both Pathways and Slayer Academy, as well as grabbing an episode of The DSR.
However, you guys won't be seeing any of these for a while, so just pretend I'm having a relaxing vacation, if it makes ya feel better!
Circumstances prevented me writing Slayer Academy 2x20: Broken Hearts Don't Beat, but I have no regrets. Why? Because Brian's work with Lee (the showrunner, who took thehalf dropped back) impressed him so much that Lee has asked him back for co-writes for the two last episodes of the season! Go Brian!
In Development
Hidden Swords is now my sole priority, as I have no other commitments to distract me. I still have to get my ass in gear on outlining the pilot, so that's what will be possessing me for then ext while. Meanwhile, Oleander is still in the works, but I've been developing other projects. It's still (optimistically) slated for Summer 2007.
Side Projects
Planning on doing capsule reviews at Xandpro to make up for my slowness of full reviews. Expect another batch soon. Meanwhile, as the Summer season ends, more and more shows become eligible, meaning we can finally get to work on it!
And that's another writing update. :) Wish me luck!