Title: The JungShim Household Author: haru-no-keeki Pairing: HoMin Summary: Just a snippet from daily life. Author's Notes: inspired by Changmin´s ELLE Girrl interviews Written August 2010
wkwkwkwkwk.. so cute...XDXDXDXDXD they were just like the other normal couple who had their childish argumentation and all..but i love their affection to each other..<3<3<3
hehehehehhee nope I wouldn ´t smack you for being perverted. I´m about as much perverted as you ..if not more Hurrrr hurrrrrrrr If only i could write smut again .__. so many kinky ideas in my head.. *sigh*
*huggles* thanks so much for the comment bb <33333333 *lufffffs*
Comments 8
they were just like the other normal couple who had their childish argumentation and all..but i love their affection to each other..<3<3<3
i really liked this.
( ... )
Love those two chapters. Poor Yunho, forgotten when Minho calls xDDD
I´ll make another chapter with more shinee^^ ..this didn´t turn up the way I wanted it lol XD
and yaaay thanks so much for reading! *_* <3<3<3
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hehehehehhee nope I wouldn ´t smack you for being perverted. I´m about as much perverted as you ..if not more Hurrrr hurrrrrrrr If only i could write smut again .__.
so many kinky ideas in my head.. *sigh*
*huggles* thanks so much for the comment bb <33333333 *lufffffs*
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