Title: The Mangdoong incident....
haru-no-keekiPairing: HoMin
Summary: Changmin wakes up one morning to find out he switched bodies with Mangdoong
Author's Notes: for
xchaotic_heartx who gave me the prompt ^^
Rating: PG-13
Warnings PURE CRACK!
Beta : none
Written August 2010
„Sometimes I think it would be nice to be Mangdoongie for just a day because then all I had to do would be eat and sleep on your crotch,“ Changmin mumbled. )
Comments 9
And who could blame Minnie for thinking about it in the first place... cause well it's Yunho o.O
Sooooo... you're german? *points to the note on the right side*
and yeah I am ^-^ *curious* why?
Du bist bis jetzt die einzige Deutsche, die ich noch gefunden habe und die DBSK Fanfiction schreibt.
Ist einfach toll zu wissen, dass man nicht alleine ist XD
wo kommst du denn her?
es gibt lustige zufälle...hab sogar schon ´shinki fans in meinem kleinen kaff gefunden ^^;
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thanks a lot!! *huggles* wheee
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