Title: The Secret Letter
haru-no-keekiPairing: Jaejoong x Yunho
Summary: During the Love Cartier Event Yunho receives a Letter....
Rating: PG
Warnings none
Words 752
Beta : none
Written November 2010
~ the next one of my Adventscalender Stories and also for
xxelinaxx who celebrates her b-day today ^-^
~ June 2010 - Love Cartier Event ~
Yunho smiled to the cameras, waving at the reporters and tried to ignore the tight grip of the SM staff Member on his arm. He knew exactly why this guy was holding on to him, and he knew he had to get rid of him. At least for a moment.
Yunho saw HyunJoong come up behind him, also posing for the cameras. They shared a knowing smile before Yunho felt a squeeze on his arm and he was dragged inside.
The huge photo of himself wearing Cartier´s jewelry was pretty - yet a lot photo-shopped. There wasn´t the slightest hint of the scars on his face anymore. Again Yunho turned around for the cameras, even posed with the staff member for a pic.
During the even the showed off the jewelry he was wearing as he was told to and smiled whenever he had a camera near or when he was introduced to someone but his mind was somewhere else, his eyes kept searching for HyunJoong.
And then theSS501 member passed by him and stumbled against him. It looked like an accident but that was just how they wanted it ot look like. Yunho felt something being slipped into his pocket and couldn´t help but feel a warm rush of emotions running through him.
The next minutes felt like hours. Yunho knew he had to wait for a while before he could excuse himself to the bathroom. As long as HyunJoong was still talking, SM guy maybe wouldn´t follow him.
He waited for around half an hour before he slipped out of the presentation room and searched for the bathroom. His hand sneaked into his pocket already and before his eyes he could already see Changmin´s bright smile he would tell him later that their plan had worked out.
Locking himself in a cabin he pulled out the letter and realized his hands were shaking.
There had been a time once when Jae´s handwriting had been totally normal to him, like the daily greetings, smiles and laughter's they had shared. Now , then this tiny stuff were as secretive as their first kisses.
Jaejoong´s handwriting had always been a little tough and now that he was so excited it tool Yunho a second before his eyes ran over the Hangul.
Yunho-ah, Changmin-ah, we miss you. So much.
Each morning it hurts to realize we ´re not complete.
But we´re working on. Just as we promised.
For all of us.
You have to work on as well. Just as we have promised, remember? Don´t give up.
Tokyo Dome is getting closer. Watch out for fan-cams. We have a gift for you....I wish....
Yunho realized there were tears smearing some words. He ran a finger over the paper and hold his breath ans he found they were still fresh. Touch his cheeks he found himself crying.
Yunho quickly wiped his cheeks, probably smearing his makeup. He already make up an excuse for the staff members in his mind.
Yunho was just about to stuff the letter into his pants - somewhere the stylist nonna wouldn´t find it when he changed out of the suit later- when he recognized something written on the envelope. It wasn´t Jaejoong´s Handwriting - it looked more like Yoochun´s.
There wasn´t written much. Just 2 lines. It was the address of a hotel and:
Be there at 10 pm
Yunho stared at the address for a while, wondering what it meant and how he could make it there.
Jaejoong had been dragged back to Korea and to this hotel by Yoochun and Junsu.. They had secretly sneaked inside and Yoochun had spend dinner for all of them. Now when they were finished he and Junsu dragged Jaejoong to a room and pushed him inside. “You stay here tonight!”
Jae tilted his head and blinked at them. “Why? I can go home!”
“No you stay here! You need some time off.....”
“What? Why? Hey!” Jaejoong called but Yoochun just gave him one of his rare smirks. “We need some time alone and you need some time for yourself. HyunJoon will be at your home, so ...why don´t you enjoy being alone a bit, eh?”
About an hour later there was someone knocking on a hotel door.
The door was opened and looks were exchanged. Smiles. Gentle gazes.
Until the person inside the room reached out and pulled the one knocking inside, closing the door behind them.....