Please disregard this first part, as this is a dork post to show what my super-ultimate Pokemanz team will be.
1. Ambipom (Lead)
@ Silk Scarf
-Jolly Nature -252 ATK EV/252 SPD EV/4 DEF EV -Technician ability
-Fake Out/Return/U-Turn/Low Kick
-Breaks focus sash of non-ghost leads, U-Turns when faced with difficult opponent, uses Return for high STAB damage, Low kicks against heavy rock/steel types that would otherwise wall him. Works as a good lead/hit-and-run/revenge killer. I wanted to give him Pursuit instead of Return but that didn't work out.
2. Honchkrow (Physical Sweeper)
@ Choice Scarf
-Adamant Nature -252 ATK EV/252 SPD/4 DEF -Super Luck ability
-Night Slash/Drill Peck/Superpower/Pursuit
-I'm running a Choice Scarf on Honhkrow to resolve the issue with speed. I was considering using a Choice Band and Sucker Punch instead, but the problem was that if they resist dark attacks or if they think of setting up while I'm trying to use it, I'd have a hard time dealing with them. This way I have other viable options. With Super Luck + Night Slash I can score a critical if I'm lucky, and Pursuit is good for finishing folk off.
3. Gengar (Special Sweeper)
@ Life Orb
-Modest nature -252 SP.A/252 SPD/4 DEF -Levitate ability
-Shadow Ball/Thunderbolt/Focus Blast/Giga Drain or Destiny Bond
-Gengar is a good special sweeper because of his speed, high special attack, and good movepool. Shadow Ball provides his main STAB, while Thunderbolt gives him additional coverage, alongside Focus Blast which also deals with Dark types or Steel types who might resist his other attacks. The last move is a tossup between Giga Drain and Destiny Bond. Most sets with a Life Orb don't run Destiny Bond which would make it a nice surprise for when I'm at risk of dying (like if they send in someone with Pursuit who I know I can't OHKO), but Giga Drain would provide nice recovery against the likes of Swampert or Hippowdon.
4. Vaporeon (Wish support)
@ Leftovers
-Bold nature -188 HP/252 DEF/68 SPD -Water Absorb ability
-Surf/Ice Beam/Wish/Protect
-Vaporeon provides good Wish support because of its bulk. Using Wish + Protect, it can safely heal itself as well. Surf and Ice Beam provide a little offense when needed.
5. Sandslash (Utility)
@ Leftovers
-Brave Nature -252 HP/252 DEF/4 ATK -Sand Veil ability
-Stealth Rock/Rapid Spin/Earthquake/Shadow Claw
-I know Brave is a crappy nature for a rapid spinner, and I know Donphan beats Sandslash in pretty much every way, but...I like Sandslash. If I had to justify using him instead, I'd argue that Sand Veil is valuable in OU where Tyranitar and Hippowdon are so common. As well, he has Shadow Claw instead of Assurance, so when ghosts try to block his spin, it is a better move to use has a better chance of scoring a critical hit.
6. Ninetales (Status inducer)
@ Wide Lens
-Timid Nature -252 SP.A/252 SPD/4 SP.D -Flash Fire ability
-Hypnosis/Will-o-Wisp/Overheat/Energy Ball
-Ninetails has good speed and two status moves to make use of. It can sleep its first opponent, then burn the incoming switch. Overheat is its fire move since it will never be around that long. Energy Ball provides an option against water types if it looks like the opponent is about to switch to one.
Some additional comments on this team: every member can block one type of attack or two completely. This is to try and give me free switches. So...
Ambipom->null incoming Ghost attack
Gengar->null incoming Ground, Fighting or Normal attacks
Ninetales->absorb and power up from incoming Fire attack
Vaporeon->absorb and heal from incoming Water attack
Sandslash->null incoming Electric attack
Honchkrow->null incoming Ground and Psychic attacks
There is some prediction involved, but I'm pretty 1337 like that.
I know, I'm so cool.
In less dorky news (but only slightly), I've been thinking more about what to write as a fanfic. Before I work on a chaptered one though, perhaps I should do a couple one-shots or less serious works to get some practice in. Hmmm.