original source:
http://cookpad.com/recipe/582528 EASY & DELICIOUS PAMPLIN (Pan Pudding?)
Ingredients (1 plate)
Bread 1 Slice into 25 pieces (5x5)
Milk 110cc
Sugar 1 tbsp.
L size egg One
Vanilla extract (if any) Few drops
..Can be enjoyed with syrup, caramel, butter or any extra flavors of your choice
Cut bread into shape of dice (5x5 if you have a fair sized piece). Pour milk and sugar into bowl or baking dish then stick them into the microwave for 30 seconds on high. Stir mixture.
Add one egg into bowl/baking dish. Add vanilla extract and mix.
Soak bread in mix. Make sure bread is thoroughly coated on all sides (and even a bit soggy).
4*this part is kind of confusing and if anyone can offer a better explanation I'd love to hear it
If you want to add butter, this is when you can do so. Add water (how much is up to you, you don't want it too be too soggy but if your bread is looking a bit dry it might be a good idea). Place bowl/baking dish onto another microwave safe plate and cover with plastic wrap. Heat up in microwave until desired result.
And that's all there is to it! ヾ( ≧ω≦ )ノ Feel free to add any kind of syrup at this point!!
Extra: Another recipe that might be worth trying can be found
here but isn't quite a simple as the one above as it's done over stove top and is done to provide more of a 'cake' appearance. *aka more likely used for something more formal than 'I need food in my stomach now' Google translate provides a decent image of how to go about this method if so desired. ( ⌒▽⌒ )