Purses I made for some people today.
Chanukah cookie!
Icy Cold Bling-Bling, Chanukah presents from Sage.
I'm a pimp. What can I say?
I don't know what I'm doing.
My beautiful, beautiful, wonderful tray that we stole from Wendy's and I made into a functional art piece. there's more art on the back but it's top secret.
One of my favorite shirts.
Back of shirt. Again, I don't know what I'm doing. Are you ready for this next one?...
THE UGLIEST PANTS IN THE WHOLE ENTIRE WORLD! My aunt must have been on crack when she got me these for Christmas.
Diego's got bitches all over the world, man.
Happy New Year! Goodnight
I edited some pictures:
there's Nazareth
and this is stupid but whatever