Hey Li, it's Deena from HMDB. I've looked at your LJ a couple of times but never got around to leave a request until now. So, could I be added? Please. *laughs* With a cherry on top... Mmmm. Cherries. *snorts* Sorry. Babbling.
*laughs* Thanks! And, I really love my icon, too. Yours is cute as well. I actually had forgotten that I had this icon *points to own* until I asked you to be my friend here. I really should start using LiveJournal more but I can never remember my password.
Apologies again for not getting back to you sooner *blushes* School can be such a pain in the butt, getting in the way of everything, lol. Anyways, the only other two songs I have from Nelly Furtado are "Say it Right" and "Maneater" :)
Please could I be added as well. It's Lindsey from Alias Boards, when they were around, although my username was Will Turner. And I'm Katie Wilson from the House MD boards. Haven't been there in ages though.
Thanks for commenting to this post! I had originally posted it up because people kept adding me without letting me know and I was getting a wee bit irritated about it x_x That's cool that you took Russian for a semester (tried picking it up in class; ended up dropping it because my class scared me---so here I am still struggling to figure out how I'm going to pick it up, lol).
I just checked out your interests list and we have a couple of things in common (aside from the ones you mentioned ;))---very cool that you're into Babylon 5; it's very rare to find someone who's also into that show. And Tolkien! Yay! :)
So my next question is...mind if I add you? :) And out of curiousity, how did you stumble onto my LJ? :)
Russian must've been pretty hardcore as an online course but lol, that must've been fun, taking it with your best friend :)
Susan and Marcus...gosh, I shipped those two so badly when the show was still airing. Until now, the last few eps of season 4 still gets to me :(
Ahh, thanks for letting me know! I'm always curious how people stumble across my journal/website (plus, it's good to know my website gets stumbled upon every now and then, lol).
Same here, glad to (electronically) meet you too! :D
Comments 85
I'm Mandi from TA, AA, and many other places, lol. Just wondering if it's cool for me to add you? =D
Love your icon btw; Don Flack is love :D
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Thanks for commenting to this post! I had originally posted it up because people kept adding me without letting me know and I was getting a wee bit irritated about it x_x That's cool that you took Russian for a semester (tried picking it up in class; ended up dropping it because my class scared me---so here I am still struggling to figure out how I'm going to pick it up, lol).
I just checked out your interests list and we have a couple of things in common (aside from the ones you mentioned ;))---very cool that you're into Babylon 5; it's very rare to find someone who's also into that show. And Tolkien! Yay! :)
So my next question is...mind if I add you? :) And out of curiousity, how did you stumble onto my LJ? :)
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Susan and Marcus...gosh, I shipped those two so badly when the show was still airing. Until now, the last few eps of season 4 still gets to me :(
Ahh, thanks for letting me know! I'm always curious how people stumble across my journal/website (plus, it's good to know my website gets stumbled upon every now and then, lol).
Same here, glad to (electronically) meet you too! :D
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