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Comments 85

marauded January 24 2010, 00:34:23 UTC
i found you through casualty1900s and i'm (shamefully) only a new Millais/Ethel shipper, seeing as its such a niche market i'm looking to be friends with those who have an interest in it :) x


caffeinatedlife January 30 2010, 05:34:10 UTC
Hi! Sorry for not replying to your post sooner, things have been busy on my end since the start of the semester =S Anyways, yay for another Casualty 1900s/Millais&Ethel fan! I noticed from your profile that we have a couple of other things in common (like LOTR, S&S and A Room With a View) so yeah, am adding you to my flist now =)


cal_boudicca February 11 2010, 19:20:32 UTC
Hi! This is Tad Williams. Please excuse the interruption to your regularly scheduled bloggery. People here have mentioned my work, or love fantasy and science fiction, so I just wanted to pop in and say that anyone interested in reading a chapter from my new book, SHADOWRISE, should drop an email to:


and we'll send one to you. We won't do anything rotten with your email address, either, we promise.

Thanks - Tad


pourlamer May 29 2010, 03:52:57 UTC
hi my name is sapphire.

and i just have to add you because you also love The Fall, Jane Austen (and related subjects), JJ FEILD!, Richard Armitage, period dramas in general etc., etc., etc.,


caffeinatedlife May 30 2010, 20:19:11 UTC
Hi! That's cool that we have a lot in common (period dramas!, authors, music and so forth). Am adding you back now =D


sarahkatiejay July 17 2010, 14:10:28 UTC
hi i know this is a bit unorthodox and you don't know me at all but i've following your graphics and haven't come across anything i didn't love. i've just used you're latest meme as a means of sharing a bit about me and frankly cos they're just so dang fun. so thanks for letting me comment, hope we can chat soon.
Name: Sarah
Age: twenty
Location: australia

Favourite period adaptations/movies: i should just direct you to my interests lol - three favs - North and South, Little Dorrit and Pride and Prejudice (1995); ok four - a little princess (does that count?)
Favourite characters: Lizzie Bennet (so gloriously flawed); Molly Gibson; John Rokesmith / Harmon
Favourite classics (books, if any):Persuasion; Hamlet!!!; Pride and Prejudice (I haven't read a classic that i didn't love and i'm rather quickly working my way through as many as i can find)
Favourite historical period/society (if any): as in if i could choose when would i go? no where - i love all the adaptations we have now.

Other interests/fandoms: Doctor Who, classic films ( ... )


caffeinatedlife July 30 2010, 03:47:31 UTC
Hi! So sorry for not replying sooner, I've been so slow at getting back to messages and comments lately -_-; Anyways, I'm glad you've enjoyed my graphics! I wish I could post stuff more often but alas, school is getting in the way of these summer months =/ Feel free btw to plug that meme, it was a lot fo fun when I initially got it running =)

Glad to read that one of your favourite characters is John Roesmith! He was such an interesting character, I love how Steven Mackintosh portrayed him in the adapatation. And Molly Gibson was such a sweet character, Wives and Daughters was a great read and adaptation to watch =)


zirka06 September 20 2010, 17:25:54 UTC
I want to be friends with you.


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