i found you through casualty1900s and i'm (shamefully) only a new Millais/Ethel shipper, seeing as its such a niche market i'm looking to be friends with those who have an interest in it :) x
Hi! Sorry for not replying to your post sooner, things have been busy on my end since the start of the semester =S Anyways, yay for another Casualty 1900s/Millais&Ethel fan! I noticed from your profile that we have a couple of other things in common (like LOTR, S&S and A Room With a View) so yeah, am adding you to my flist now =)
Hi! This is Tad Williams. Please excuse the interruption to your regularly scheduled bloggery. People here have mentioned my work, or love fantasy and science fiction, so I just wanted to pop in and say that anyone interested in reading a chapter from my new book, SHADOWRISE, should drop an email to:
and we'll send one to you. We won't do anything rotten with your email address, either, we promise.
and i just have to add you because you also love The Fall, Jane Austen (and related subjects), JJ FEILD!, Richard Armitage, period dramas in general etc., etc., etc.,
hi i know this is a bit unorthodox and you don't know me at all but i've following your graphics and haven't come across anything i didn't love. i've just used you're latest meme as a means of sharing a bit about me and frankly cos they're just so dang fun. so thanks for letting me comment, hope we can chat soon. Name: Sarah Age: twenty Location: australia
Favourite period adaptations/movies: i should just direct you to my interests lol - three favs - North and South, Little Dorrit and Pride and Prejudice (1995); ok four - a little princess (does that count?) Favourite characters: Lizzie Bennet (so gloriously flawed); Molly Gibson; John Rokesmith / Harmon Favourite classics (books, if any):Persuasion; Hamlet!!!; Pride and Prejudice (I haven't read a classic that i didn't love and i'm rather quickly working my way through as many as i can find) Favourite historical period/society (if any): as in if i could choose when would i go? no where - i love all the adaptations we have now.
Other interests/fandoms: Doctor Who, classic films
( ... )
Hi! So sorry for not replying sooner, I've been so slow at getting back to messages and comments lately -_-; Anyways, I'm glad you've enjoyed my graphics! I wish I could post stuff more often but alas, school is getting in the way of these summer months =/ Feel free btw to plug that meme, it was a lot fo fun when I initially got it running =)
Glad to read that one of your favourite characters is John Roesmith! He was such an interesting character, I love how Steven Mackintosh portrayed him in the adapatation. And Molly Gibson was such a sweet character, Wives and Daughters was a great read and adaptation to watch =)
Comments 85
and we'll send one to you. We won't do anything rotten with your email address, either, we promise.
Thanks - Tad
and i just have to add you because you also love The Fall, Jane Austen (and related subjects), JJ FEILD!, Richard Armitage, period dramas in general etc., etc., etc.,
Name: Sarah
Age: twenty
Location: australia
Favourite period adaptations/movies: i should just direct you to my interests lol - three favs - North and South, Little Dorrit and Pride and Prejudice (1995); ok four - a little princess (does that count?)
Favourite characters: Lizzie Bennet (so gloriously flawed); Molly Gibson; John Rokesmith / Harmon
Favourite classics (books, if any):Persuasion; Hamlet!!!; Pride and Prejudice (I haven't read a classic that i didn't love and i'm rather quickly working my way through as many as i can find)
Favourite historical period/society (if any): as in if i could choose when would i go? no where - i love all the adaptations we have now.
Other interests/fandoms: Doctor Who, classic films ( ... )
Glad to read that one of your favourite characters is John Roesmith! He was such an interesting character, I love how Steven Mackintosh portrayed him in the adapatation. And Molly Gibson was such a sweet character, Wives and Daughters was a great read and adaptation to watch =)
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