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(Good grief, I haven't done on of these since May 24th =P Have to rectify this)
I came across this gem of a sci-fi movie through 2 means: 1) every time a science fiction list crops up at
ONTD someone would mention this movie and how underrated it was and 2) I was looking up Chris Evans' filmography after he boomed into the forefront with Captain America. It definitely went under the radar during the movies of 2007 for whatever reason (I can't think of what came out that year at the moment to explain this) that it seems to only live through word of mouth recommendation.
So I got around to seeing the movie last year (
review) and highly enjoyed it. Unlike some of the large, blockbuster sci-fi movies we've seen recently (either reboots or derived from a book or television show), this movie follows more of a sci-fi novel plot that not only has the direct plot of trying to reboot the sun in order for humanity to survive but it also explores a number of larger themes (i.e. the sun as a source of life and the important of light etc.) as well as human psychology (i.e. how the stress of the mission and being stuck with the same people in a tin can can effectively drive a person nuts)--all of which unfolded nicely before the more suspenseful/action segments of the movie kicks in. I go into much detail about those elements of the movie in my review so feel free to check that out if you want more details.
Anyways, this movie made it on my list because I personally think it's one of the better science fiction movies that came out recently that's both thought-provoking but also fits nicely in the genre. It's stylish and atmospheric and the science doesn't seem too out there that it's unbelievable. The cast was entertaining to watch and it moves at a reasonable pace (as I recall). So yeah, I'd definitely recommend this movie if you're looking for something science fiction to watch.
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