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I'm basically no longer invested in this show after they got rid of Nathan, Simon, AND Alicia. One was bad enough but three? Rudy (who I'm kind of ambivalent about) isn't enough to keep my interest, sry2say. I felt like the first two series were a lot stronger than the third as well.
And they dropped Kelly after Lauren Socha's run-in with the law (they say that isn't the case but yeah) =( I was reconciled with the three but Lauren gone as well is a little too fast for my liking lol. Ehh, I'll still tune it to see how they work that out. I feel bad that Curtis is the only one left from the original gang and I don't really care for his character (probably because he's always like WTF is wrong with all of you/his storylines were pretty meh to me. Hopefully he'll get some interesting stuff this season).
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