It seems like you liked the coloring on my LOST icons from my
latest batch and I thought I might share it with you :))
How to go from
Using Photoshop CS2. Not translatable, because it includes selective coloring.
Including PSD, but you'll have to comment to get it.
1. First - choose a pretty screencap/photo, crop it, resize it. I'm not sure if this particular coloring looks good on other pictures, different from the LOST caps, but it looks ok on every LOST one. :P
This is my base. I sharpened it a bit, because it was kinda blury.
2. Add a curves layer to make the icon a little bit brighter. Here are my settings.
Point 1: 102/159
Point 2: 140/201
Here is the result:
3. Now a levels layer. You may need to play around with the settings, but here are mine:
13 / 0,92 / 239
4. Selective color. My least favorite part :p
Selective color:
R: -11/-7/+9/0
Y: -27/-8/+30/0
N: -2/+1/-1/0
5. And another one.
Selective color:
R: +3/+17/-11/0
Y: 0/0/-30/0
N: 0/0/+12/0
6. Add a curves layer with these settings:
RGB: 100/138
Red: 129/125
Blue: 144/132
7. A gradient map, because the coloring seemed kinda flat to me :p
Set your foreground color to black and your background color to white. Now add a gradient map. Set the mode to soft light and lower down the opacity to 40%.
8. Curves. I know, again.
RGB: 114/149
9. These steps are optional. This particular icon still seemed kinda flat, so I added another gradient map with black and white, set it to soft light with opacity 30%. But I didn't use this layer with the other icons :p
And then I made a new layer, stamped the visible layers (Ctrl + shift + alt + E... sorry, but I don't know the 'longer' way. :() and set it on screen, with opacity 11% to make the icon brighter.
And now, here is the final result:
Other icons, using the same coloring with slightly different settings (mostly I reduced the opacity of the first curves layer if the icon turned out way too bright.)