(no subject)

Sep 07, 2012 07:58

This is my first legacy, and my first time playing the Sims in quite a while (so I’m not up-to-date on expansions and am still learning the camera/cropping/uploading thing). It’s an adventure! And this…

…is Apple Pie, our founder. She’s




Party Animal


and she wants to be a Renaissance Sim. We’ll see how that works out for her.

Obligatory first shot on empty lot, before she rolled a bunch of logic related wants and I sent her to the park to find a (wo)man, or, barring that, a chess set.

Chess it is, then.

Meanwhile, over in more interesting areas, there was a massive protest, which I checked out for potential spouse material. They were all old, married, or teenagers, though, so no dice.

Eventually, Apple jumped up and ran to this dapper fellow, who, despite his face, got along really well with her. And then ran away. Apple was very confused, but…

…then she spotted Darrick, the intellectual fireman. They talked for a minute before he, too, bolted.

Darrick: I must go, my people need me!

At this point it was late and most of Apple’s stats were edging into red, so I sent her back to Casa de la Pie.

This be the outside, matey.

Inside. My interior decorating skills aren’t really…something to write home about, but I remembered to carpet and wallpaper all the rooms, so I was pretty pleased. Apple didn’t care, as long as I included a chessboard for all her crazy logic wants.




Luckily I had a burglar alarm installed. Haha, Maxis, I know your tricks.

The cop won, and then creepily stood in Apple’s bedroom for most of the night. Police misconduct, I’m looking at you. He finally started moving and I was like, jeez, finally…

But he only went to the bathroom. Stayed there all. Night. Long.

In the morning, Apple called Darrick up, and they went out for a day on the town. His old man sweater makes my day.

They got along, but alas, things moved kind of slowly, and Darrick ended up running home before Apple could abduct convince him to move in.

Then she went home and complained about how stuff was in her way…in the empty room. Um.

Darrick came by the next morning, and this is how they greeted each other. Awwwww.

After fooling around all day, (no pics because, well, mostly they just talked. God, do they love to talk) they ended up sleeping together, even though I never got the WooHoo option.
They were cute, though.

Again, they went out. At this point I was worried that Darrick was glitched (or had commitment issues), because I still hadn’t gotten any options to propose, woohoo, or move in, and he was super interested in our girl Apple. Also, creeper guy was a creeper.

AND THEN IT POPPED UP. Afraid it would disappear if I hesitated, Apple immediately whipped out the rock.


And because they’re a legacy family, and got babies to be making, they got hitched on the spot. Apple wanted a bachelorette party, but there was no time for that. BABIES.

This guy threw an utter fit about them being in his way, too. He needed to go skinny dip, ya’ll.

They made it home, got in bed, and then Darrick jumped out to change into his fireman outfit. Um. Whatever works for you two, I suppose.


This is apparently just how they greet each other. I assume it’s part of Apple’s being an excitable sim? I don’t know. Darrick doesn’t seem to mind.

And here’s Darrick after a quick make-over. He’s:


Loves the Outdoors




LTW: International Super Spy

Additionally, when he tried to open the dresser, the drawer stuck and he fell on his ass. I was laughed too hard to get a picture. Oh, clumsy sims, how I love you. I then sent Darrick out to get a job with the police, and they conked out in bed.

Yes, you’re married. Three of Darrick’s outfits included old man sweaters. Three of them. I figured he was trying to tell me something, so I left him keep the sleepwear he had, bless him. You can have the other ones back when you hit elder, buddy.

Newlyweds. Darrick came super close to missing his carpool for his first day of work. I hope it was worth it, you two.

It says Gussy Up, but I know popping a zit when I see it.

Looks like painting will be Skill Maxed #1, and since she immediately rolled a want to be a painter, I sent her down to city hall to fill out her I9 form. Self-employment, here we come.

ALL THE TIME. Also, his snitch ‘uniform’, hahahaha!


Then she stayed and talked to the lights for a while. Sigh.

A true work of art.

I’ve never had sims as randomly affectionate with each other as these two, it’s really nice.


Apple: Why, simgoddess, why?

Despite Apple’s initial angst, she started rolling all kinds of parenting wants, so out she went to acquire books and watermelons (they both rolled a want for a girl). Couldn’t even wait to get home to start reading.


Apple started talking to invisible people, so we sent her right home.

It seemed like a good time for a nursery addition (the plumber in the background says ‘hello’)

Just leaving this here.

Why are you naked, Apple?

You’re just going to…stay naked, then? Okaaaaay. She stayed that way until she went to sleep.

Afajdkaafak;lda! Their hands! So cute!

There’s about to be a baby all up in here. Don’t panic, Darrick! You read the book!

Meet Brisket Pie. A boy. Does the watermelon thing no longer work? They both wanted a girl, but there’s always next time! Anyway, Apple had a good pregnancy and Brisket rolled Clumsy and Friendly. Taking after Daddy already, I suppose.

What’s that you say, Darrick? You’re going to be the kind of sim parent that automatically goes to cuddle and play with your offspring? I knew Apple married you for a reason.

What did you two sneak off to do? I heard music!

And on that note, I think we'll call it a day. Thanks for joining me!

gen 1, sims 3, pie legacy, this is madness

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