This is a good way to avoid less-exciting activities.
For this meme, put your music player on shuffle, and post pictures of the first 20 artists (no repeats). Then, friends try to identify the bands. Like Jesse, I'll give some clues. Good luck!
1. Cute and talented! Their lead singer is married to one of the more beautiful women in music.
2. Mandy Moore loves them.
3. The picture's small, but that shouldn't stop you! They came into my life with high school.
4. One of the few non-rap, non-country (despite cowboy hats) bands my roommate and I both appreciated.
5. This is actually the first picture of them I've looked at. Kellen and Carrie introduced me to them.
6. Not always big on lyrics, but always big on great music.
7. I heard they suck live because they think they're so popular they could pick their noses and people would still jump around and scream.
8. They hate this guy who everyone else loves.
9. Jesse sent me three of their songs via AIM, and I still haven't heard enough.
10. My mom thought one of their members was a woman. My dad was more impressed with the other end of the spectrum.
11. I think I might like one of their singer's side projects more, but these guys are still good.
12. See that color she's wearing? That's your clue.
13. Do not mess with her. She may be old now, but you will still not win.
14. They're royally talented.
15. Made for dancing.
16. Wait, he's white?
17. We go way back to my hardcore days.
18. Very weird, and very good.
19. Their work together is better than all of their solo careers combined as far as I'm concerned.
20. I recently saw them with Planes Mistaken for Stars, Against Me!, and Mastodon.
Good luck!