(May contain profanity.)
Spoiler and Theorizing Timeline
Lot of spoilers accumulated, not sure which episode they apply to yet. We'll see.
-Feb 5th Title of 4.15 Death takes a Holiday. Hm. Reapers go on strike? Or a skeleton in a Speedo surfing in California somewhere. *ponders*
-Mar 5th 4.15 is written by Sera Gamble. Ooooo. Eeek. And directed by Steve Boyum. (PUT THE FRIGGING SPOTLIGHTS BACK ON THE IMPALA, STEVE!!!! Sorry. Obsessed. *takes inventory of all the Impala's parts in case any others go missing...*) Anyway, that's an impressive team-up. We could be getting some high quality brain-screwage in this ep. *nods*
-Mar 10th Noted somewhere. Episode may contain stunt-casting. As long as it's done well, I don't mind. When the guest character takes over because they're being played by "someone", it kind of burns my buttons. But we'll see.
-General feel in the air of twitchiness in the fandom over developments relating to this episode. Pre-emptively activating the Zen of Kripke. Kripke has a plan.
Bring it!
Reaction to Supernatural 4.15 - "Death Takes a Holiday"
OMGOMGOMGOMGOMG!!! *FLAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAIL!!!!* For specific reasons to be covered below.
-Watched the previouslies on the first run through. Hi Pam! [Aw.] Hi Alastair! Hi Lilith! "We're good." Still calling bullshit on that one there, Dean. *pats*
-Interesting that the image juxtaposed with Sam's line about being smarter that Dean is one of him frolicking with the doctor up against her office window. *snerk*
-Guy who got shot not dying. Yep, like I thought in the spoiler timeline, the Reapers are on strike.
-"Could we get past this?" A hundred times. Ow. So. It's been about a week? Two? [Couple days? A few minutes in the car while traveling at lightspeed?]
-Religious bloggers? HA! That's a new one! Awesome name, too; flooredbythelord.com, which doesn't exist yet, but has been parked by godaddy.com if anyone's looking to start a fansite. :-D
-Even though all these people are gonna die when the Reapers get back from hiatus, it's really kind of cool that they're getting a last few days to re-connect with their families and stuff. They'll still die, but they've had a chance to spend time they wouldn't have otherwise had, and with a newfound appreciation for them. Still sucks for the families though.
-"Angels watching over me." Heh. Yeah. The connotations of that phrase has changed so much for Dean in particular since he was four.
-"Schlep souls." I believe the technical term for that job description is "psychopomp", Sam. FYI.
-Huggie Bear? What? *is confused*
-Dean doing research! \o/
-Skeevy faith healers! Yay, Faith callback (like the Reaper thing wasn't already, but whatever)
-HEEEE!!! Dean said the Reapers are on strike!!! Yay! I think like Dean does! ... wait, maybe that's not a good thing.
-POSTER BOYS OF THE UNNATURAL ORDER. I want a frigging t-shirt. Icon. Something. Coffee mug. I want it. *nods* Oh hey, wait.
Not great but it's a start. *nods* I love the phrase. The more I read it, the more "The Unnatural Order" sounds like a branch of some religious order. Like the Vatican's Investigative branch or something. :-)
-"Normal rules don't really apply to us." Heh. Ooo.... Sam's gone a very long way toward accepting some kind of fate thing there... and that's disturbing me. *eyes Sam*
-*giggles at Dean flailing around trying to come up for an explanation of their graveyard activities*
-Ooo! Alastair!! *waves* OOOO! Dean's face of extreme glowering at Alastair!!! Oooo!
-Heh. The tombstone Dean hits is for Smyth, but the way he lands, it looks like the grave of 'MYTH'. I'm finding that terribly amusing. There may be meta there. Also, what is it with Dean and getting thrown into tombstones? If this keeps up, and I may have said this before, the boys should stick to doing any messing around in graveyards they need to do in cemeteries with tombstones made of Nerf. *nods*
-Hee! Sam apparently learned Mountain Stance over the hiatus. That probably makes no sense to anyone but me, but I find it amusing.
-Sola-flexing? Is that what they're calling it these days? *pleasenotboinkingRuby*
-WAH! O.O SAMMY! Holy crap! that's some sudden improvement there. He's been practicing... something... *pleasepleasenotboinkingRuby*
-Hee. Ice pack and aspirin for a possible concussion. But no beer. That's for skull fractures. Go Winchester medical plan! \o/
-"I got no idea." Sam. Dude. You suck at lying. You need to start listening to
kroki-refur about these things. *nods*
-YES! Thank you Dean!!! In addition to being Dean calling Sam on the lie and Dean defending his own intelligence (which, have we ever really had that before???) it's almost implicit that Dean's more concerned about the lying than what the lying's covering up. Like if Sam would just open up and talk to Dean about what's going on, they would, after a whole lot of epic shouting no doubt, figure out a way to deal with whatever's going on. It hurts to see that rift of deception happening, but... from a story and character-arc standpoint, I'm finding it fascinating.
-BOBBY! *smish* [OR NOT BOBBY! *smish*]
-Ooo, kidnapping Reapers. Do they have what's-her-face-from-Faith's "Ye Olde Book of Reaper-binding" in play? By my calculations, the boys either turned it over to Bobby or it's still rattling around in the Impala somewhere. *is glared at by a neglected Season 2 premiere AU bunny*
-"Bloodied death under a newborn sky" On the solstice??? So December 21st in 2008. Wait, what day is it? Where's the timeline got us to... last estimation was that "Sex and Violence" was January or February I think. Yay for the Supernatural timeline being a mobius strip again!!! \o/ [Okay, so last concrete time note we had was Great Pumpkin, being Halloween up to November 1st. Call Wishful Thinking the first week of November, I Know What You Did Last Summer and Heaven and Hell the next week-ish, Family Remains was around a month after Heaven and Hell, putting it about... Hm. Call it the Dec 6th weekend, with the family moving? Then, I guess Iowa Magic Week would be from the 7th through to the 13th, After School Special would clock in around... hm. The 15th? And so Sex and Violence lands somewhere in the 16th to 18th area, leaving Sam and Dean a day to bitch at each other about what was said under the influence of the siren, get the case and go to um, wherever the place was, need to catch the location card again, interview people, go out to try to summon a ghost, meet up with Alastair, get Pam, do the astral thing and get it all sorted out before the Solstice moon... Oh hey, maybe the Solstice moon is the first full moon after the solstice? Which would have beeeeeen.... the 10th or 11th of January, and giving them an extra couple of weeks to drive around, get places, call Bobby, grumble at each other and bypass every single holiday decoration that should have been visible. Or there's been a huge gap, and it's the summer solstice, and it's actually June. Yeah. And still freezing in graveyards at night. Except the 'newborn sky' would be the one in mid-winter at the traditional start of the year, not the one at the height of summer, so.... Sigh. *handwaves*]
-"We become ghosts." *pinches Dean's goony 'I-can't-quite-believe-I'm-suggesting-this' face cheeks* He's adorable when he's suggesting insane plans isn't he. He should do it more often.
-PAM!! Hi Pam! I was ambivalent about you for a bit but your continued awesomeness is making me forget all about any problems I had with you. Oh and *smacks Sam*. (And also very slightly *smacks writers* for going with the 'chippy blind person' thing again and making Sam look like an insensitive ass. Although he's changed a lot in 4 months alone with a demon, so he might be a total dick now.)
-ASTRAL PROJECTION!!!! \o/ Oooo! I want to dig out RPG manuals and cross-reference now! It's a fun plot device that isn't used nearly enough in shows I watch.
-"Tasseled leather pants and Ramones CD's" .... I don't even want to know.
-Hee. Didn't notice the lighting suddenly blue-shifting, did you Dean?
-Aw, what? No fun stuff playing with silver threads that connect you back to your body and can be severed so the mind-flayers can get you? Shucks. Although story-wise, since their return depends on Pam whispering in their ears... this doesn't bode well for Pam's chances of surviving the episode.
-Speaking of whispering, HA! Pam's a Sam girl! *grins*
-Hee! Love Dean being geeky and playing with ghost capabilities. It's a really brothery moment, in a weird sort of way.
-Hey... Benny's Market Italian Foods, in the background. I think I've been in that neighborhood, ages ago. I think one of my sisters used to live near there.
They have a website! -I like the kid (whose name I didn't catch dammit) playing Cole. He's really doing well. Aw. Cole's mom. Cole's really advanced in the ghost skills department for being new at this.
-The massive barrage of pop culture references is starting to make me a little nauseous. [What's with the giant pile of pop culture references anyway? The boys aren't talking meaningfully, so they communicate through pop culture references instead? Like those aliens on ST:TNG? "Darmok, and Jelaad, at Tenagra." Also, apparently, communication via pop culture references is contagious. *nods*]
-HEY!!! OOOO!!! Hi Tessa! Nice continuity! Also, yay, she survived the YED invasion. And of course Dean doesn't remember.
-Oh cool! Memory transfer. Oooooo! That's an interesting development... What happened during that time that might be arc-advancing for Dean to remember it now? *ponders*
-I love that the Reapers are neutrals. It's so appropriate.
-"So, you were the Reaper that was after Dean." Sammy; Boy-King of the Freaking Obvious.
-"Angel - Demon Dance-Off" Yoohoo,
teithiwr? I do believe that's a crack-fic prompt calling for your expertise? ;-D
-Aw. Cole had an IMac. Aw.
-Sam. Lying again. "Whatever it takes." So, not the truth then. Oh Sam. He does look like it hurts to lie to the kid though.
- ...what? He missed her? Ohhh... He missed his chance at having a normal easy death. Yeah. I have this feeling that that was never in the cards for Dean. And maybe that if he'd given in to Tessa right away (which he never would have) something else would have happened to stop it. I know there are fans that don't like the concept of fate and think it negates free will, but I think differently and I don't know if I could explain it if I tried. Suffice it to say, I've been waiting for the "job to do/not finished yet" statement from Roy LeGrange to pay out ever since Faith aired, and it's paying out in ways I truly never expected. And I don't think I could be more thrilled with the possibilities.
-"I've done things, horrible things ['Hunted' callback or just similar phrasing?] and someone upstairs still decided to give me a second chance. Makes me feel.... I dunno." Oh Dean.
-Oh crap, massive demon cloud blitz! Damn that was cool!
-Heeeee! Cole giving them ghost lessons. He's a bit of a prodigy though, either that or ghost skills have a really freaky learning curve.
-HEE! Fight Club! Sam and Dean getting belted by a kid will never not be funny.
-New Jack City??? What's that? *googles, finds movie* ...hm. Nope. Still don't get it. *shrugs* Anyway, the glowing blue stuff is wards, dumbasses. Either to keep something subdued and inside the place, (like the, ooo, two epic-level supernatural creatures they've kidnapped?) or to keep other epic-level things from coming in and rescuing them. Or maybe some kind of scry barrier versus other Reapers, or angels? Hmf. Sam and Dean need to play some RPGs. In Nomine might hit a bit close to home though.
-Heheh. I would laugh so hard and soooo inappropriately if this guy they're beating up is just some poor schlub out coffin-shopping. I mean, hey, it's a funeral parlor, right? The guy's alive and human and so wouldn't see the Reapers on the floor or the glowing blue stuff. Maybe he just walked in off the street to find something tasteful in mahogany.
-Dean doing the ghost blip thing is so freaking cool. Once they're done dealing with this seal thing, they need to do more astral projecting so they get to play with the ghosty abilities more.
-Yay! It's a trap! Ooooo. Iron chains. Ouchie. Poor demon. Man, it sucks to be Alistair's minion. Speaking of which, hi Alastair! *waves*
-Oh, hey, the two Reapers on the floor make a kind of vague visual parallel to the two demons in Sin City. Sort of.
-SALT GUN!!! Oh yay! *glee* Okay, I'm massively geeking out on the inner workings of ghost tech. Also at Sam and Dean getting to see their job and tools from the other side of things. Also noting that astral projection in the SPN universe directly equates to being a ghost. Interesting....
-Also interesting that Alastair misses Hell and would rather be downstairs. Not a common demon attitude, is it?
-The new guy playing Alistair just had to emulate the last guy's voice. *facepalm*
-'Can't kill us.' 'Oh yeah?' OH HO HO YEAH!! He's going after their bodies!!! Logic! Tactics!!!! *flails*
-Okay. So, wait. They left their defenseless, empty bodies in a room (which is in a town with demons in it tearing around in smoke form) alone, guarded only by a recently blinded woman, remembered to close the drapes and didn't lock the door and set any salt lines or wards or anything???? Dudes. Massive fail. Seriously. What the hell were you thinking? *facepalm*
-He got it from a friend who doesn't really ride a pale horse. OMG, THE HORSEMEN!! *FLAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAIL* OH YES, OH PLEASE OH EEEEEEEEE!!!!! *flails more* Oh! Oh! *glee!* Oh yay! I missed about a minute of dialog, but I don't care because HORSEMEN!!!!! \o/ *flails and flails and flails* [I'm so frigging thrilled by even the chance they're bringing in the Four Horsemen that... I can't even describe the maneuver. After the second watch, I got up, kind of stood there for a second and then did this kind of flailing, rotating bunny-hop thing. With some silent squeeing in deference to it being close to 11pm and my neighbour's bedroom being opposite my living room wall. I could squee for years on the potential of that alone! *flails more*] ETA: Reference link -
Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse. *glee*
-The guy playing Alastair sounds a lot better in Latin or whatever that is. *nods*
-Sam and Dean mutual concentration on doing ghosty things together! \o/
-Yech, that shower is disgusting.
-Yay Pam! Defending the completely defenseless Sam and Dean! With mid-combat speed-latinating! Yay Pam! You are so very, very dead. *smishes sadly*
-No blood on the knife. Nice touch.
-Demon squishing! Oh, yeah. Sam's definitely been eating some kind of demonic Wheaties. ....aaaaand I've just really grossed myself out. :-P *pleasenotboinkingRubypleasenotboinkingRubypleasenotboinkingRuby*
-Alastair talking to Dean alone... This could be interesting. He's not pushing the Brando so much here either, which is good, especially if we're about to get a large wodge of exposition from him.
-O.O SMITE!!! YEAAAAH!!! SMITE THE BASTARD!! Sparing you the entire page of scrawled glee for that maneuver. Holy crap that was cool! HI CASTIEL!!! *smishes like whoa*
-Ooo... so the angels have the phone box head torturer of Hell. Hmm... That lends itself to intriguing possibilities.
-Yep. The glowing stuff was angel-proofing. *nods*
-Aw. Castiel was imitating Bobby because the boys don't argue with Bobby. Awwwwwwwwwwwwww. *flails a little and smishes everyone involved*
-Oooo... "You're different." Ooo. Hm. This could be awesome, or not awesome. Have to see how it plays out. I'm thinking awesome. In any case, *gleeeeeeeeee*
-Aw. Dean talking to Cole about death. Aw. Worse than any unknown afterlife for Dean? Is the idea of still being around when your family's gone. Oh Deeeeeeean.
-Oh wow. Reapers are like portals??? They hug you into the afterlife? Whoa. That's... kinda nifty.
-Lies and humans lying to themselves to subdue their fears. Naw, that's not applicable to Sam and Dean's current impasse at all.
-"Stop lying to yourself/Something nasty down the road." Well, yeah. Stopping the apocalypse isn't going to be sunshine and puppies. It's going to be hard, and bloody, and painful on many, many levels. Doesn't mean that it'll stay that way, and doesn't mean that there's no hope. There's always hope, even though every time these guys turn around, something's trying to crush any hope they might have. The mytharc of this show is a meat-grinder. And the thing about a Hero cycle is it is round, and returns to where it began, with the knowledge of the journey in hand. I have zen. I will trust Kripke. I'm also babbling and making no sense. *nods*
-Aw. Pam. And more guilt for the boys since they brought her there and she got killed defending their defenceless, idiot, non-ward-setting-and-door-locking selves.
-Hunh. Ear-whispering, more call-back to IMToD. Hm. We heard it, Dean didn't. Another thing for them to snipe over, maybe? Hopefully it doesn't get dragged out too long before Dean finds out what was said.
And of course:
-Aw. Kim Manners. The whole season. And the family dedication theme playing. Aw. Damn.