CaffieneKitty's brain has exploded for entirely bizarre reasons related to "Born Under a Bad Sign".
The splattered remains may be viewed here.
Okay. I knew this. I knew this. I knew this was gonna happen...
Gah, coherance.
Okay. First I was completely spoiled this week for the following things (by accident and by inference): Sam is possessed, Sam beats Dean up, Sam has missing time, Jo shows up, Jo rescues Dean in some way, Dean can't kill Sam. I was so very annoyed about being spoiled for all that. The episode kicked butt anyway. But...
I knew it. I knew this was going to happen!
See, the huge fic that's been eating my brain since last May that I occasionally whine about here as not being cooperative? The one that I initially held off doing because people would lynch me for certain things? The one that's sitting in textfiles and scribbled pages and scenes and, and freaking lame scrawly story-boards fer pete's sake? That was this episode!
Nearly! Well, half of it was this episode. It's like this episode was the Cliff's Notes version of the fic I've been writing for eight months. None of it is posted anywhere, because after the hot-posting hell of writing "Laundry Day", publishing each chapter as it was written, un-beta'd, I decided not to post any more multi-chapter fics until I had them completely done.
No one is going to believe that I've been writing this story since last May now, because several things I was doing in the fic were in this freaking episode!
I called Bobby with the Holy Water beer, because that scene, with slight variation, is a scene in a text file on my hard drive dated July 21st. Another extended scene, with one or two very small changes would have been freaking verbatim to a scene in my notebook I wrote down in August. It isn't even typed up! What the hell?? Am I channelling Kripke? That's... alarming.
Is there a word for having something you're writing as fanfic suddenly show up in the show before you finish or post your fic? Arg!
The only saving grace about the fic that makes me think I may still finish it is that one or two very basic core parts of it are AU. Definitely confirmed AU now. Although I have to alter a whole lot of things and find a new title, because besides this episode similarity my kickass title now looks like it's derivative of a movie coming out... Arg!
Anyways, I'm so blown away by that similarity, that I nearly forgot. Meta. I mentioned a while back meta I was maybe going to write after I had a chance to re-watch "Night Shifter" (which I still haven't. I hate working 6 days a week!!!) I so wish I had. Because this ep totally fits my as-yet unwritten meta. To the point where I jumped out of my chair and did an "OMFG I'M RIGHT!!!" dance in front of the cat.
Why didn't I write the meta in the two weeks that have passed? Time, primarily, but also because at heart I'm very self-concious about my meta. I have a rhino-hide ego about my fic, usually, but meta? I'm a wimp.
I know certain types of meta *coughJosephCampbellcough* tend to make some sections of the fandom annoyed, and I was... seriously intimidated by the thought of someone seeing only the *coughJosephCampbellcough* outline and discounting any points I was trying to make based on that rather than reading it and reacting to what I said.
However, I now realize that this attitude of 'what will people think' is crap. As soon as I get time, I'm writing that freaking meta, even if it kills me. Which it very well may. We'll see. Eventually. Yeesh.