Contains profanity and some speculation.
Spoiler and Spec Summary
*inserts spoiler I thought was happening last week*
Dean gets kidnapped by fairies. I think I've read this- nope, not quite, but *removes larger fic-spoiler* it was an awesome fic.
Bargains by
marinarusalka. (Like Show would do fairies and I wouldn't pimp your fic? Please. :-D)
I'm hoping they don't mess up the interpretation of the Fae too much (or if they do, they go the absolute no-holds-barred-crack route, and actually, we are overdue for a crack episode, aren't we?), and I will never ever stop laughing if there's some kind of connection revealed between the Fae and angels of any sort.
Right then!
Picspam Reaction, with speculation and randomness for Supernatural 6.09 - Clap Your Hands if You Believe... (And the title would have given it away even if I hadn't been spoiled. Sigh. Shoooooow!)
Warning! Due to snowfall, work, and evil VCRs accessibility issues, this reaction post will be a LIVE one. No first watch, no re-watch, one watch only, with a pause button. It could get really random in here, don't say I didn't warn you.
I'm gonna need a lot more tea.
-Skipping straight to the NOW.
-Cornfield's always a good place to start.
-OMG! X-FILES LOCATION TYPE-ON! *SQUEE* and Aw, Kim Manners shout-out!
-Necking in a cornfield. Yeah, they're doomed.
-Crop circle! Aliens! BWAHAHAHAAH! I really wish I didn't know it was fairies, because this right now would be messing with my brain big time, and I'd be wondering if Gabriel was back from the dead and messing with mortals again.
That is possibly the best thing ever right there, right along the KITT!Sam!Metallicar sequence. *is trying to breathe*
-Did this guy play the hologram doctor on DS9? I think he did.
-"I am as happy as a pig in shoes." Heheheh.
-Sam should really not do witness interviews while he's soulless. It's a wee bit counterproductive.
-Directed by John F. Showalter. Written by Ben Edlund. Hang on to your hats, the crack factory is in town! WOOHOO!! \o/
-I love this caring/fake it/Jiminy Cricket conversation so much I want to bake it cookies and braid ribbons in its hair. ^.^
-"Was that all right?" Eee! Has he got a, a, CRAP!! I did research on- there was a fic I was writing years ago. Has he got a Brownie in his shop?? Is that why his some was taken?
-"Do not engage with, maim, or in any way kill Brennan." Heeeee. Much as I want Sam to get his soul back, he's kind of fun like this.
-'Don't make any judgement calls without me. I'mma go get my ass kidnapped by fairies now.' Oh this should go well. XD
-Don't leave the Impala running with the lights on! She'll be out of gas with a flat battery by the time you come back!
-Ringtone! Dean's still got the same one, despite having gone to Hell, stopped the Apocalypse, spent a year living as a civilian, and switched phones. This pleases me greatly.
-Impala stalled out... Okay, maybe the car being on was a 'weird crap detector'? Worked, anyway.
-If you're anticipating having to shoot something, HANG UP YOUR CELL PHONE. *giggles at Dean's extended pinky*
-Dean freaking out and running from the 'UFO' will never ever not be funny.
-"I think the fourth kind is a butt thing." *is choking* BWAHAHAHAHAH! This whole sequence, Oh my god, I need a pause button for this, oh look, I have one. *pauses and tries to breathe*
-Dean running through a cornfield, being chased by a 'UFO' and yelling at Sam about empathy. Just, WHEEEE! *throws hands in the air and spins around in chair*
-Oh god, Dean draws a knife on the UFO and shouts challengingly. I'm laughing so hard I CAN'T TYPE! I so wish I didn't know it was fairies, because depending on the type of metal, the knife may be more effective. And really, if he thinks he's getting beamed up, having as many actively available weapons as possible makes sense, but, just, drawing a knife on a UFO is so very 'I might not know exactly how, but I'm gonna kick your ass regardless' and very Dean. \o/
-Sam. *headshake*
-Aaaand a Close Encounters 'talking to the mothership' segment in the soundtrack. The sound people had fun on this one.
-"So they're real. UFOs." Arg. Of course unidentified flying objects are real. There's a flying object, you can't identify it, BAM! It's a UFO. What is in question is whether this is an alien spacecraft. Sorry, it's a pet peeve thing.
-"The truth is out there." Awwwwwww. The X-Files exists as a work of fiction in the SPN verse it's been referred to a couple times in prior episodes (Mulder and Scully, you're a red-headed woman, etc) so that still works as 'he's quoting the show, but they're balancing on... I'm over-thinking the crack aren't I? I'll stop over-thinking the crack.
-"Well, you hunt ET's right?" Oh dear. He's looking for the alien equivalent of Grandpa Samuel. Heh. This should go well.
-Hm. There have been a lot of background thunderstorms so far this season, and there's one grumbling in the background of this scene. Aren't thunderstorms one of the demonic omens? Or am I misremembering? Or maybe it's just to cover the BC weather since they seem to have everyone in the little trailer city hanging around outside in the beginnings of a small lake.
-"Your brother was abducted?"/"It's fine. I mean I've had time to adjust."/"Did it happen when you were kids?"/"No, like half an hour ago." Seriously. Sherlock. I swear. Just as boggling to the mundanes at the very least.
-"Have you considered the possibility that you suck at hunting UFOs?" I need to breathe here! XD
-So, the rest of them are still missing, but they sent Dean straight back? Admittedly, he was in the process of opening fire, and aside from the knife and gun, Dean could be carrying sufficiently high amounts of iron to fortify a tank and so not be terribly compatible with fae realms (if the standard rules apply, that is). Though Dean was somewhere else for an hour or so at least. Hm. I am intrigued.
-Sam. This is probably not what Dean meant by 'practice your empathy.' *headshake*
-"They were grabby, incandescent douchebags. Goodnight."/"Too soon." This episode is trying to kill me, I swear. XD
-Poor Dean. Poor poor Dean. Not only does he think he's up against something absolutely out of his realm of not-inconsiderable experience, he's doing it with Sam running on impaired empathy.
-BWAH. Just Bwah. At least Sam's trying? XD
-"I had a close encounter, Sam, and I won." Considering it's not aliens and he's saying this at 16 minutes in, I think things will be hitting the proverbial fan soonish.
-"So if aliens are actually real, what's next, Hobbits?" *glee* \o/
-"So you're saying having a soul equals suffering."/"Yes, that's exactly what I'm saying." It's a good thing Dean didn't go into marketing, because he's really not helping here.
-And now Dean's seeing invisible people in suspiciously elfy-looking hats. No, I don't know why I think it's elfy looking, it just is. Maybe it's a Rice Krispie elf thing.
-OMG MUSIC! BOWIE! GROUND CONTROL TO MAJOR TOM!! "Space Oddity" I like the Peter Schilling version better, but still OMG THERE'S MUSIC!!! \o/
-Incoming! Heh, between the bright light the shaking and the electrical disturbance, whatever the fae are doing to make this UFO thing happen, it's almost like an archangel.... landing... Oh no way. They didn't. They wouldn't. Would they? Ooo.
-Dean freaked out and facing off against a little twinkly thing. My life is complete.
-And getting his ass kicked by it. Even more complete.
-Aw, don't nuke the fairy! Not that it should work as they're kind of extra planar beings, maybe, or something.
-Dean looks so demented. I'll cap it but it probably won't show. That was the best fight scene ever, and must have been a real hoot to film since it would have been Jensen flailing around the room, possibly while one of the techs chased him with a tennis ball onna stick. ^.^
-Of course, killing a fairy has all kinds of nasty consequences. Just saying.
-I'm not sure whether Dean's got fairy vision or Sam can't see these things because he's short on soul. Either way, it makes Dean make silly faces and me not want to make popcorn for a very long while.
-"A little, glowing, hot, naked lady." Poor Dean's so boggled by all this. XD
-"I'm not supposed to laugh, right?" HEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!
-"Smurfs?" *snicker* I'm getting sore from smiling and giggling so much, you guys. My head hurts!
-I like her. She's like what a real world version of Luna Lovegood might grow up to be, sort of.
-"Did you service Oberon, King of the fairies?" I really shouldn't laugh. I really really shouldn't. O.O
-The lore she's giving sounds like stuff I've heard. And it's good to know that this is yet another thing that a salt line will fix. Which means Sam and Dean didn't set the salt line at their hotel room. Idjits.
-Dean and small talk. About interior decorating. "Pewterrific." Sam and the teeny tiny teacup. Seriously, I am in pain here from laughing.
-"We can always put the call out to Bobby." Oh. Please. Yes. Call Bobby. Tell him you're under attack by fairies. Please?
-Reuse of shot! That one Impala transition if from part of the Sam!KITT!Impala drive-over sequence. Yay for budget saving! \o/
-Sam's looking awfully striking this season, and his hair is quite organized. Soullessness suits him just as well as evil does. Which I should be disconcerted by but oh well.
-Yup. Brownies. CRAP. Oh well, if I ever get around to finishing and posting that story, I'll need to do some monster adjustments.
-My what a fantastic example of crazy-eyes!
-"If I didn't know better, I'd say you have a bunch of elves working for you." Subtlety also requires a soul, I see.
-Although Dean could use some subtle on his "I'm evading a person only I can see" dance. Interesting use of the hallucination-cam.
-Um. Dean? That's totally not the guy who's been following you. for one, he's missing the red hat. And yeah, this is not going to look good. Or sound good.
-Um. Ever. *facepalm*
-"But he is the District Attorney." And again *facepalm* When Dean screws up, he screws up big.
-Well, one good thing about this is he's in a cage of cold iron, so none of the fae can get at him. Right?
-"Cream hits 'em like tequila." *snerk*
-"You're the leprechaun?" WHAT THE SERIOUS FREAKING CRAP!!? O.O Okay, I guess that's the best possible cover, and encouraging the UFO people is a great distraction from the truth. Another strategically-minded adversary! YAY! \o/
-"Your friend here went back on his deal." Deal, eh? *ponders*
-"He's marked. Been to the Ranch. He's ours now." Hunh. Wonder what Castiel's going to have to say about that? Considering Misha was in the credits and all.
-"It's locked in a box with the Devil."/"Your devil, not mine." *grins* Yay!
-"So you're my Blue Fairy?" ... Oh my god I actually got that reference! That's... really kind of obscure. *googles* Oh, wait, no it's not. Pinochio. See I recognized it from A.I. which broke my brain for a few days last spring. I don't know why I didn't remember the Pinocchio connection.
-...and of course when I unpause they give other Pinocchio references and really make me feel like an idiot for googling. Oh, and there was one right at the start with Dean saying he'd be Jiminy Cricket for Sam. I'm slow tonight. :-P
-GAH! How'd he get in! Cold iron, dammit! Or maybe it's less iron and more steel these days. Or is he not Fae? Wait. Red hat. Red cap? That's one of the fae, isn't it? *googles*
-You know, I just randomly realized that the stick the leprechaun is beating Sam with is probably a
shillelagh. Not Bobby's shillelagh though, and he doesn't need one anymore, so I have no reason to feel like I got a shout out, because that would be ludicrous.
-"Count this." Heee! About time they whipped out the salt. It's only the answer to half the problems they run into.
-Oh nifty and extremely difficult to cap dimensional portal!! Awesome!
-Too damn picturesque not to cap. Also, imminent roadside chat, yes?
-"You're not having second thoughts about getting your soul back."/"Oh."/"...You're not, are you?" Why not, after you've done such a good job up-selling them. *facepalm*
WHEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE! That was fun! Castiel never showed up though and Misha was in the opening credits. They're getting tricksy with those credits, they are.
(PLEASE, NO SPOILERS OR REFERENCES TO SPOILERY MATERIAL IN COMMENTS! Any and all promo material for unaired episodes is considered to be a spoiler in this journal. The further definition of what constitutes a spoiler for this journal is located in left hand sidebar. Theory and speculation based on aired episodes only.)