Contains profanity and speculation. And more profanity. And a ridiculous number of screencaps. After 5.10 and 5.16, this one has the third most caps I've ever had for one of these, so beware your bandwidth! Maybe click the cut and go get a drink while you're waiting for it to load.
Spoiler and Theory Summary
Well, word on the wind seems to indicate that tonight's episode is THAT episode. So, in anticipation of this being correct, I'm posting everything I know and have theorized about THAT episode, which, even though I don't know much directly about it other than the premise, has generated the largest spoiler-section of the season to date.
Rumour: In an unknown future ep there would be epic fourth wall breakage the like of which has not been seen on network TV. Will either take off, or get the show cancelled. Triple gainer over the shark. ...reality crossover, or something like it. Maybe Chuck's books go to film or TV? Maybe not Jared and Jensen as the actors, but yeah. Or a total reality crossover with Sam and Dean wandering around the Supernatural set, but that would be insane. Hmm. Something like that. Then again, this rumour is apparently from Misha who is notoriously full of crap and would be a perfect vector for a huge distracting foiler. Hmm.
... I need to lie down. Under the desk sounds good.
So now, theory time. Things that could/should/might/MUST happen in this episode.
-Robert Singer vs Bobby Singer. And Bobby Singer vs Jim Beaver. Somehow.
-Misha going along with the 'prank' at first, then laughing it off, ("I don't know what you guys are trying to pull, but so far no one's foot is in my crotch so I'm in") then really going along with it because seriously he's a big enough loon to let his reality bend. And Misha will Twitter about everything, and NO ONE ON TWITTER WILL THINK IT'S WEIRD. (Oooo. If they actually get Misha to do live-tweeting linked to the episode while the episode is airing? THAT WOULD ROCK!! I hope someone reports if he does, I'm avoiding Twitter due to spoilers on several fronts) Also, if Sam and Dean are here, where the hell are Jared and Jensen?
-Sam vs Harley and Sadie, oh god. "Dean, we're hiding in your, uh, trailer. Mine's full of Hellhounds."
-"We're in CANADA?" (I will CHEER)
-"There's scripts. For everything we've done."/"Yeah?"/"There's also scripts for the next five 'episodes'"/"..."/"Things we haven't done yet."
-"Crowley??"/"What? No, I've got a guest spot on Smallville/Hellcats/Fringe, thought I'd stop by to say hi. Unless you know something I don't?"
So yeah. Any of that up there that doesn't happen, it's free to convert into plot-bunnies. If there isn't a comment-fic meme like there was after Changing Channels for this episode, it will be a shame, because the possibilities are entrancing.
I don't know why or how any of this is happening, or how precisely it fits into the season or series arc, and how much it's likely to spoil a few things I'm writing in very weird ways, but at the moment I don't care. There will be SO. MUCH. CRACK.
Are we ready for this?
I think I need tea first.
Picspam Reaction, with speculation and randomness for Supernatural 6.15 - The French Mistake
Yep. Even if I hadn't messed up and taped yet another hour of the Weather Network, this one was going to be an 'as it happens' reaction. Oh yeah. Bring on the epic crack-fic.
-To watch the THEN or not watch the THEN. Hm. They could do something silly with it. I'll come back after and watch it. [OMG Meg and the blood-phone! Aw, season one Meg. So glad I didn't watch that 'til after.]
-Oh crap. Hi, Balthazar. Are you going to be the crack vector of the evening?
-"Dead Sea Brine." Oooo. Bobby's got classy salt. As if there was any doubt.
-This is Dean's "I'm the only one allowed to explain things with pop-culture references, so shut up with the Godfather crap and explain why you're molesting our surrogate father's imported salt supply" face.
-Balthazar called Castiel 'Cassie'. *snerk* I'm seeing pigtails and bows now.
-Wow. Castiel's in hiding and Raphael's out to get everyone. I see the evening's crack is happening for suitably dramatic reasons.
-Ouch. Slightly nasty that.
-Virgil? He's new. And grumpy.
-"Cut!" Heee! Through the window and into reality, very cool. Very altruistic of Balthazar to have sent the boys into another dimension and not gone himself. Rather oddly altruistic? Maybe?
-Group shot! Better spotting opportunities will come when someone somewhere posts HD caps, but expect a lot of caps of random background people and objects from me tonight. Anyone recognize any crewfolk from the blooper reels?
-I know I recognize the... director's? voice. Half the night is gonna be playing name the crew, I think.
-Applauds the fourth wall WINDOW!!! shattering title card. Hee! I wonder if they're going to hop around a few other worlds too in the remainder of the season, now that they've got a ritual for it, and how it'll all relate to the main plot. *ponders*
-Mutual boggle check, failed. Badly.
-"The French Mistake." Hunh. Sounds like a shooter, maybe with five varieties of 'creme de whatever' liqueur and a truffle floating on top.
-Mutual boggle check, still failing.
-"Should we be killing anybody?" AHAHAHAHAHAHAH. I love how completely out of their depth they are, and I really wish this episode hadn't been so impossible to avoid spoilers for, because seriously, I'd be in about the same state as Sam and Dean mentally right now.
-Wiggle-glass! XD
-"We'd have to blow off the scene where they sit on the Impala and talk about their feelings."/"HA! Right." Oh god I might die of laugh-induced asphyxiation before the night's out. XD
-Hey! The girl in the back! Is she, um. Her! The one whose name showed up on several random documents in season one and two, works in the art department... Arg! Her! With the art and sculpture things! Mary-Ann Liu?
-Kidnapped by their PA's, who in this case I suspect are actors.
-Oh. Not a PA, makeup. HA! Along with reference shots for wounds. Gotta admit, being sat in a makeup chair by some random girl and surrounded by pictures of yourself and your brother bleeding would be very disconcerting. Not that Dean is anything like concerted at the moment.
-And also not a PA, Trish Evian, doing a behind the scenes interview thing. I have no trouble believing she's with the CW.
-*giggles and flaps hands around in sympathetic embarrassment* Oh god. Poor Sam.
-Hehe. Written by Ben Edlund. Are we surprised? I'm sure as hell not. Ooo. Wonder if he'll figure out a way to work in his 'wishing fish'.
-Six identically bloodied shirts in the background. Hee! Hey, wait, when did who get hit in the arm recently. Those shirts better not be spoilers! XD
-Director, Charles Beeson. Wonder if he's playing himself?
-Ohhh. Oh my god. The sign. KM Motion Picture Studios. Kim Manners. Is that name for real? Did they rename the studios or just call it that for this episode? Either way, awwwww. *is misty*
-Dean, much worse things have happened to your car and you know it. Although seeing a... holy crap, is that Tiny? Clif Kosterman? I guess I'll find out when I take off pause. Anyway, seeing a random guy artfully splashing mud on your car after a complete world-shift would be quite disturbing. And again, the Impala is the closest thing to a home and refuge they have aside from Bobby's, and not even having that to fall back onto... Aw, poor boys.
-*points to spoiler-based spec above* *EXTREME VICTORY ARMS* \o/
-"Dear Castiel, who art.... maybe running his ass away from Heaven, we pray that you have your ears on." ....yeah. *falls over laughing*
-Oh crap. Misha is about to have a very weird day.
-"Every weapon Balthazar stole from Heaven." ...or maybe it is Castiel??? My reality is warping. Although that key is, unless I'm mistaken, the key to a publicly rentable locker, like at a bus station or a pool. But who knows, maybe it could be both. Angels can do dimensionally transcendental stuff and things, I mean they fit an entity the size of the Chrysler building into a human form, why not have a pool locker that's bigger on the inside. Or maybe it's not really Heaven, it's Gallifrey and... Yeah, I've got enough crossovers melting my brain already.
-"Man, they put out new pages?" Heee! Or it's part of the script. The script for the show within the show which... I'm getting a headache and thinking of Rosencrantz and Guildenstern now. Nice fakeout.
-"Misha?" Face. That is all.
-"I'm totally gonna tweet this one!" ... SOMEONE WITH OUT A SEVERE SPOILER ALLERGY PLEASE TELL ME IF HE DID BECAUSE *points to spec* HELL YES!!! Also I have a weakness for shows that do live cross-media tie-ins (looking at you, Sherlock) Though if he actually tweeted what he said, that would stand out from his usual world-domination and pony-eating. Or is he still doing that?
-Giant fish tank in a trailer is cool, but all I can think of is how rough it must be on the fish when the trailer is being moved.
-Oooo. Toys.
-"Who puts a 300 gallon aquarium in their trailer?" Apparently, I think like Sam. I am somehow unbothered by this revelation.
-Not quite reality as there is still no Google. Oh god. Are they googling Jensen? I hope they have safe search on. O.o
-Can I just cap everything and cackle a lot?
-The site is 'Actor Buzz'. I guess they couldn't have done a shoutout to any one of his actual fansites without the rest feeling slighted or something.
-Oh dear lord. No Safe Search filter would've saved you from that, guys. XD
-Out of 'soul-phone range' Oh, that's too cute for words. XD
-If this is Jensen's actual trailer, I gotta say, it kicks a lot of ass. And I hope the fireplace is fake.
-Blooper reel material of Jensen and Jared winking at the camera behind 'Dean' is... subtly in-jokey, but also subtly creepy as hell, somehow.
-"I watched every move." While listening to a bunch of babble about the Godfather and angel hit squads and other things and Dean, honey, your memory isn't exactly eidetic and... I dunno. Maybe? If it works, I will be impressed as hell.
-"It's all fake." Yep. Dead sea salt you can find at any of several Lower Mainland bath and spa supply stores, blood of a lamb, try a butcher, but good luck hunting up a bone from a lesser saint.
-Oh is transportation gonna be piiiiissed! Clif was muddying up that car for a long time!
-Maple leaf! \o/ (And KM Studios. I really hope they have changed the name of the real studios in honor of Kim. I think I heard something like that was in the works not too long ago.)
-"Since when are you guys talking?" Yet another sign it's not our reality (beyond Tiny not being their driver), I doubt Jared and Jensen have notable bouts of not speaking to each other.
-"Clif" ...but doesn't Clif have a lot less hair and a lot more... Clif? And tattoos?
-"Work on our acting. For our characters." Love how stroppy Dean sounds.
-VANCOUVER!!!!! \o/
(It's past midnight, so I struggled very hard not to shriek out loud, but I did do victory arms so hard that I dislocated my headphones.) The "Welcomes" in English and French indicate they are most likely somewhere close to the airport in Richmond.
-Another 'not our reality' clue. Jared, to my knowledge, bought a house in the Lower Mainland somewhere. I really don't think he bought this one. Not for less than several million in the Lower Mainland pre-Olympics.
(not that they'd be crazy enough to show Jared's real house on the show. That's just asking for stalkers.)
-...Camel? I... what? O.o
-Considering there's giant multi-colored pictures of her on the walls, their bogglement is impairing their observational skills.
-There you go, clue phone time.
-Sam's face. XD
-I don't think we've seen the boys this out of their depth since the Teddy Bear Doctor incident, and Genevieve is a hell of a lot less inclined to accept a cracked-out line of bull.
-"You married fake-Ruby?" Close enough! *victory arms!* \o/
-*is choking* XD
-International Otter Adoption. Must be affiliated with the
Vancouver Aquarium otters somehow. (Warning for link: sad otter stories and the schmoopiest otter video you will ever see.)
-"I should figure out her name." Yah think?
-The decor in 'Jared's palatial mansion' is going to kill me, I swear.
-HAHAHA! What else would a Winchester do when presented with a load of legitimate credit cards? Poor Actual!Jared of this 'verse is going to be on the hook for a hell of a lot of cash.
-"The 9.5 in Rome, the 8.2 outside Boston." I love that Sam has the high points of the Apocalypse memorized, even after spending a year in Hell. It's just so Sam. Knowing all the details so he can really get milage out of the guilt later.
-Is it Clif? I haven't actually seen much beyond that one appearance in Folsom Prison Blues, but it doesn't look like him...
-"Me and Jared, we're gonna do some 'actor stuff'." Bwahahaha! Yeah. Sure.
-"Dean Cain was like that on Lois, and that man's a real actor." OW. The director is being mean to Dean Jensen. XD
-"What's in it?"/"Part of a dead person."/"...Oh, cool." I think I had that exact conversation in high school once.
-"Looks like we're going to have to do a little acting." It's a good thing that there is a well-established history of improvising on set or you'd be even more screwed.
-I think I'll just hide under something for the next few minutes. Oh dear.
-Another sign that the in-show reality is off: Their 6.15 is being directed by Bob Singer.
-Dean's face. Sam flapping around. Oh god.
-"'Dean: grimly-" Yeah, I agree with the director, whichever one he is. XD
-There must be an animated icon of Misha mouthing 'What the Hell?" There must be.
-All I can think is they all must've had a blast doing this episode. Sam's breathy over-dramatic delivery, everything.
-This. I. Seriously. I'm in pain.
-Guy playing with laser pointer. I kind of love your face too. He had a french accent before, I think. He might be supposed to be Serge Ladouceur.
-Okay, I'm just gonna cap here and try to breathe. XD
-"Do we really need all these lines, I think we've covered it!" *facepalm*
-What is Misha doing with his camera-phone in the background? (Aw, poor Dean)
-Oh this is going to go over so well with the crew.
-"Misha's celebrity tweet says it's a black market organ thing." Dude, Misha has also tweeted that he ate an entire pony in his underground bunker. Misha tweeting something is no indication of lack of bullshit.
-...Yeaaaah. Not going to go over well with the crew at all. (I was going to say that the rubber-glass making an actual crash noise when they go through, rather than the sound being added in post-production is also another indication of this being alt-reality, but that window installation may not have been one intended to be jumped through and be actual glass of some variety. Ow.)
-"Monsters, ghosts, demons, they're all pretend." *digs out Gurps GM hat and blows off dust* This is a fine example of a medium/low Mana world vs a no mana world. Just saying.
-"No Hell, no Heaven, no God." A bit much to assume based on an evening's googling. Also this is in-show reality with many small differences from actual reality.
-"No angels." Aaaaand cue the arrival of the angel hit squad, yes? Yes. Hi Virgil! You still look grumpy.
-"But at least we can get out of the Canadian part of it. If I hear one more conversation about hockey I'm gonna puke." Awww. Have you ever watched hockey, Dean? I bet you'd like it. There's sharp objects and sticks and a surprising amount of violence.
-I really want to know what this maneuver of Virgil's would have accomplished had this happened in their normal median mana level world. Death? Sucking out the soul? Just knocking out? What?
-"You know I oversee all the stunts?" It is him!
Lou Bollo, stunt coordinator for Supernatural, as his actual self. *applauds*
-Oh dear. The boys might be about to get their asses kicked by Lou Bollo and their own stunt guys for beating the crap out of an 'extra'.
-I dunno, but it looks like Lou is trying not to laugh his ass off, and possibly tickling Dean. The joy of screencaps.
-Aw crap. And yeah, that's definitely a locker key.
-Hi again Sera on the weirdest and most disturbing conference call of her life, most likely. Also, hi shelf of awards the show's gotten, including cover of "TV News" in very similar shirts to the TV Guide photoshoot, I think.
-Jim. Jim Michaels maybe, one of the co-executive producers now?
-"I'm not sure Jared and Jensen know who she is, strictly speaking. She's y'know, new. No offense." Pft. No being mean to Sera now! She's been there since the start, I'm pretty sure they know her very well. The problem is Dean and Sam don't, which could make things really awkward.
-"I think what we might need at this stage is for Kripke to come up himself." frigging way. Really??? O.O
-"He sold 'Octo-cobra'?" Pft. Apparently SyFy is buying series pilots now.
-Misha didn't take the new script pages from the PA... Hmmm. Is this maybe actually Castiel pretending to be Misha? Could it be? I mean, where better to hide from magical beings than a world with no mana than as the actor who plays you. Hm. *ponders* Regardless, it's a busy night for Misha on Twitter. Though real!Misha is on ten tons more crack, and probably doesn't read out loud as he types. O.o
-Oh good freak-out face! I can see dental work! Also, Misha whimpers well when he's pretending to be himself, just saying.
-You know, in a sense the director (fake? Yep, picture
at super-wiki of him from the TCA doesn't look nearly as much like Wilfred Brimley Lite here) Bob Singer (who is currently sitting at his namesake's desk, har har) is the monster (or adversary character) of this episode. (Maybe. The soundtrack seems to think so.)
-Just 'cause.
-"What kind of a douchebag names a character after himself?" Heee! Technically it wasn't him that did the naming, it was the props department that made the sign for Bobby's scrap yard. XD
-Call me over-cautious of paranoid or whatever, but if I had a key to the lock up of all the magic items missing from Heaven ever, I'd check the pocket it was in every ten seconds. Or at least zip the pocket shut.
-"We're the Winchesters, always have been and always will be." Oh dear. Dean's about to get Jensen Ackles thrown into a psych ward.
-"We've all had our psychotic breaks, right?" Hee! Apparently! They can be quite relaxing.
-"We quit." Hahahhahaha. Yeah, not likely. Contracts.
-Misha panics very thoroughly. Really, if someone car-jacked me with a knife, I would probably be about as effective. Although I'd have checked the back seat before getting in the car. I have a sonic screwdriver for that.
-Hi conspicuous random homeless guy, are you Castiel in hiding? Wait, how would that even work...? O.o
-You know, even if Castiel isn't hiding out in Misha, killing Misha would in effect kill Castiel, because they'd need to- wait. Duh. No it wouldn't, they'd just have him take over a new host (after a massively shocked and grief-stricken pause in production). Here I was thinking I had a loophole for the one-man angel hit squad. Not that I want Virgil here to have one.
-Whoa. Did Virgil just kill alt-reality Misha?? ...Holy crap. O.O
-Angel using a blood-phone. You know, I'm pretty certain if you're trying to call God, he might be a tad pissed about the murdering. Oh, wait, he's calling Raphael. Raph's cool with the murdering. Considering you killed an alternate reality's Misha Collins to make that call, I actually hope it does work, because otherwise it would just be horribly tragic. Also, general note, blood-phone calls work in no mana zones and transdimensionally. Wow. That's coverage. And power. Hey, I wonder if that's somehow connected to the whole 'power of human souls' thing? *ponders*
-"Misha! He's been stabbed to death!"/"Where?"/"Where!?" Yeah, totally different reactions and priorities for Sam and Dean. And still angling for that trip to psych for Jared and Jensen. Hey, given how many hours they work a day on set, they might find the down time relaxing. Have actors been hospitalized for extreme character bleed before?
-Heehee hee! Just in case anyone forgot we were in Canada. I don't think our police tape has little maple leaves on it, but it might be special stuff they had done in Vancouver for during the Olympics that they are trying to use up. Ooo! Mounties??? Are they gonna have the RCMP?? If there's the slightest hint of the ceremonial-only red serge uniforms I will be laughing myself sick, fair warning. *bounces*
-Nope, Vancouver Police Department. Ah well, for a murder with international issues (Misha being a US citizen on a work *handwave* thingy) they'll probably need to get the RCMP involved at some point as the Federal Police force rather than just local. Not on-screen though. Pity. Yay for the VPD! Don't mess with the VPD, boys, they have a Judo club and a Pipe band!
-"Yeah, Raphael, like the ninja turtle." Thank you, conspicuous homeless guy for relaying important plot information, whether you're Castiel in hiding or not.
-Oh, and yet another way this is alt-reality (besides Misha being dead) is there is no way Sam and Dean would get into an actual active crime scene in Vancouver.
-"The scary man killed the attractive crying man." Heehehehehe. Homeless guy has a good grip of description.
-And the boys have a powerless angel to thwart and a ride home to catch. On the set during the middle of the day, but it's likely to be shut down a few days at least due to Misha's death (god that's creepy to type) So there's just dealing with Virgil, and then dealing with Raphael when they get back through.
-Canadian money! \o/
-"How bad can an angel with no wings be?" Pretty bad if he's gotten himself a deadly ranged weapon. As long as the barrel's longer than 4.14 inches, all he needs for a handgun is a Canadian firearms license and registration certificate, plus transport authorization papers and authorization to carry. Which for starters means a photo, letters of permission from two non-related associates plus all domestic partners from the past three years, letter of good conduct from his local police department (which would be Heaven?), proof of a firearms safety course... you know, I really think Virgil here's not going to bother with any of that, so for anyone at all curious about Canada's gun laws and registration process,
here's a site simplifying the legalese, maybe? ![](
-"I am the weapons-keeper of Heaven." Yeah. Just a tip. Saying that to the guy you're trying to buy a gun from is not a good idea. Although poor hunting/fishing store guy is doomed anyway.
-Virgil's racking up quite a body count for having no powers.
-Um. Guys? You're at the window you came through, not the one Virgil came through, which was the one in the hotel room set, but you probably don't even know about. Raphael didn't open the one in Bobby's window, Balthazar did.
-Oh hey! Random background paper on the left hand side is the handout from Faith, the one the guy in the parking lot was distributing! Yay for continuity and re-use of background minutae! \o/
-Dean does have a point, and I wonder if Sam would even have to worry about Death's hell wall breaking down in a world with no Mana, or if it would break down faster. After Misha's death (*shivers*) They both have reason to get out of the business and hide out... But yeah. Their real world, with Raphael getting access to Heaven's Storage Locker, would be hosed. And if Jared and Jensen are actually in SPN'verse, they will be pissed. More than a little mentally damaged when they return too, considering they would right now be running around going "Holy crap, it's all real!", dodging confused angel hit squads and freaking out (I wouldn't be worried if Bobby was there, he'd just pitch them into the panic room until they started talking sense.) No matter which way this goes, if Jared and Jensen come back to their reality, they'll find Misha dead and their lives rather scrambled from how they left them and would probably hide out themselves on returning. Or they could be stuck in SPN 'verse trying to be Sam and Dean and- seriously somebody better write fic.) Anyway, yeah. Sam and Dean need to go home.
-Just because I missed it on any other vehicle so far, have an actual BC license plate. I think. Blurry. Didn't know something that size got classed as a car. '970 ETK' ETK. But- no... What's Kripke's middle initial? No... I'm officially afraid to unpause now because of the vague implications of a license plate. O.o
-Okay. Not actual Kripke. But alt-reality Kripke? I do think so. He's got more hair. Actual Kripke appearing would have been massive freaking nutburgers, even though he's known for great personal animation when reading scripts in the writer's room. If it had actually been him playing himself, I don't know how he'd ever stop himself from giggling constantly.
-"Got us the front page of Variety though, d'ja see that?" Alt-reality Kripke is a bit of an unsympathetic ghoul. Also, I'm now suspecting lurking PA guy of... something. I don't know what. He had lines at one point, didn't he? *ponders*
-Oh dear. Is Kripke about to get his alt-reality self killed on his own show? I'd say that's probably a lifelong dream for him to write himself into a script being murdered messily, except in Kripke's mind it probably involved less guns and more chainsaws. Though him getting killed by an unpowered angel hit-man seems oddly apropos too. Also: "We can nip this bud right out of the gate." Now that's a mixed metaphor.
-"He's got a gun!"/"Noooooooooo!" And bang goes Kripke, in slow motion, to the strains of some kind of Tijuana Brass music. I need more tea for this.
(I must say, Virgil's got himself a kick-ass longcoat. I hope he survives, if only to meet up with Castiel at some point for a dueling longcoat session. )
-Virgil also has a rather nifty tie, paisley, I think, very chaotic in comparison to stripes. The boys haven't worn ties this episode for obvious reasons, so it's an adversary character tie report for a change.
-And thus did an angel of Raphael's faction in SPN Heaven unknowingly spare an alternate dimension the horror of the new Kripke series 'Octo-cobra!' And coincidentally enacted a significant portion of the fanbase's expressions of frustration with Kripke at one point or another (is there still a TWOP thread called something like 'I will shoot Kripke in the face'?) Almost balances out killing Misha to fuel a blood-phone, but not really.
-Still, a little "You created us and put us through all this misery and bullshit, you sonofabitch! *chokehold*" conversation between the Winchesters and Kripke would have been fun, right?
-Dudes. Call. The. Cops. Or at least run. Though I really can understand them being frozen in shock. Aside from the natural freezing instinct, there's the "This must be a scene in the show" sense, a sort of combination of surreality and 'cameras are rolling, must be silent' instinct.
-Aw, he shot Bob Singer too? Aw.
-OMG, not Lou!! Bad Virgil! D-:
-I kind of love how the other stunt guys duck out of the way. Particularly this one with his quasi-Matrix duck and his expression of unflappable "So?"
-Sam! Um. Yes. Okay. You've distracted the crazed gunman, now run.
-Looks like the bus is here, guys, jump in and be prepared to come out swinging.
-"Raphael. Run!" Um. Okay, I don't think Raphael's coming through, but you could do that too since you have the key... hey. If they timed it to jump at the same time as Raphael (if Raphael was jumping, and I don't think he is) Raphael would be powerless and trapped and his power structure and whatevers of plot and things would be permanently and forever hooped... unless he's got a backup plan for returning, but that would involve a 'trusted lieutenant' being there to open the gate back, and given that once Raphael goes through the portal, 'trusted lieutenant' no longer has to do anything Raphael said ever, that could backfire horribly. But I think it's all moot here in another second or two.
-Or Raphael could just hoover them into the portal backward by force. Aaaaand freeze-frame as mentioned before. Ahahahahah.
-Oh god. Poor Alt-Jensen and Alt-Jared are going to come back to a living nightmare. All those people dead, crazed unconscious gunman, no memory of the past several days. D-:
-Hi Raphael! You look good in female.
-"Dude looks like a lady." Dean, there is an appropriate time to quote Aerosmith and an inappropriate time. If you are facing a recently re-gendered Big Bad who once exploded your guardian angel like a 'water balloon of Chunky Soup', then it is not an appropriate time.
-Sam needs to work on his grip. Also, I think I have Raphael's shoes.
-"And that will open you a locker in the Albany bus station." Apparently a non-dimensionally transcendental one. I knew it was a locker key! So all this was a wild goose chase by Balthazaar to distract Raphael from the real location. Bastard.
-"I volunteered these two marmosets for a game of fetch with Virgil." Ahahahaha! I kind of love Balthazar. Marmosets! XD
-HI! HI! HI CAS! HI! *waves like crazy*
-"I have the weapons now. Their power is with me." Dude, well done. Somebody leveled up! Aw and somebody's tie is on backwa- OMG HI CASTIEL'S WINGS!!! I don't think we've seen you since the start of season Four! {\o/}
-"If you don't want to die tonight, back off."/*flutterbye* Hunh. That was easy! Kind of too easy... Maybe she's going to get Virgil back some other way... though leaving a flunky in a no-mana zone to face due process for a mass murder on a film studio in Canada might be appropriate punishment for not recognizing a bus locker key. Oh and killing people. I do hope Virgil comes back and brings his coat though.
-No need to make long pit stops at gas station bathrooms for a week for either of the boys now. That constipation side effect of teleportation would be handy for a couple guys on a perpetual road trip.
-Oh ho, and Castiel was in on it all along. Are we going to find out more about what the hell he's been up to? Also, is this the scene they were trying to film earlier? ...the staging is reminiscent, but no.
-"We know the stakes. That's about all you've told us!" Yes! Exactly! There's a war, end of the world, okay, details? No.
-"I'll explain when I can." *flutterbye* DAMMIT! TALK! Castiel's getting seriously infected by Winchester reticence. Orrrr it's an OpSec thing, where it's dangerous to talk because it'll compromise the strategy. Hmm. Either way TALK, DAMMIT!!
-Yeah, I'd shake a few walls and look around for a few cameras too in their position.
-...Same stuff on Bobby's wall. *grins geekily*
-"We're broke again." Not that that's anything you haven't dealt with your whole lives. I wonder if trans-dimensional credit cards work? Doubtful, since the accounts wouldn't be on record.
Darn. I don't have access to the credits for the episode. Can anyone check and see aside from Lou Bollo and Sera Gamble if anyone else was playing themselves?
I wonder... since there's no magic in the alt-reality, and supernatural entities become normal people when they go there... I wonder if that's Purgatory? O.o
...Nah. But maybe the boys could send humanoid supernatural creatures to the no-magic alt-reality as exile instead of killing them, give them the option. I mean hey, send a vampire through, they wouldn't be a vampire anymore, right? It'd be there still as part of them but because it's a no-magic 'verse the vampirism would go dormant, maybe turn into anemia or that allergic to sunshine condition. Same with Shifters, werewolves, ghouls, rugarus... but what happens to the alt-reality person (actor!) they replace? And how likely is it their equivalent will be jumping through a window at that moment? (since they're actors, maybe slightly higher than the average person would be) And none of this would help any murderous impulses left over that weren't directly caused from the supernatural influence. And alt-reality Supernatural production is obviously shut down now after the shootings, so the events in the boys' lives would no longer be mirrored in the no-magic dimension... Hm. This all bears pondering. *ponders*
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