SPN Reaction: Reaction to 3.13

Apr 25, 2008 09:37

Going to try to have two cuts for this reaction. The spoiler timeline got unbelievably huge.

Spoiler timeline:

Most spoiled episode ever. :-P

-Late March: Vague reference somewhere of someone saying they hope the post-strike four episode batch starts off running in 3.13 and someone who I thought had reason to know something saying '*snerk* Um...' So from that maybe 3.13 is a goofball episode?

-April 9th: Episode title - Ghostfacers. After about a minute of going 'hunh?' I get hit between the eyes. It'll be about one of those 'reality show' ghost chasers/hunters/trackers things gone horribly awry. Mainly hit me between the eyes because the day before I'd been watching the Canadian Kids' channel YTV's version of the trope, "Ghost Trackers" that loads kids aged about 9 to 15 down with a crapload of shiny flashy ghost detection junk and sends them into various 'haunted sites' in Canada. I was imagining Sam and Dean's reactions to A) the 'hauntedness' of the sites and B) the kids running around in them, doing stupid things like "Oh! The EMF meter just maxed out by this chair and I get the feeling someone very angry is sitting in it. I think I'll sit in the chair! Yeah!" *facepalm* Anyway. So, for 3.13 then, a ghost-hunting reality show. Possibly run by the remaining "Hell Hound's Lair" guy, (the actor that didn't get the CSI gig,) and they could drop in some snide jab at CSI in the episode. Or who knows, maybe both if CSI lets the guy they've got have a week or so off.

-April 10th: First 10 seconds of ad, because I was going "Hunh? Whossit?" Hehe. Supernatural meets Blair Witch. Okay, still a chance it's being run by the Hell Hound guy and a tv show, and suddenly I'm reeeeeally hoping they gave Jensen and Jared hand-held camcorders and let them run amok. Hee. Ooo. And now hoping there's a 'Video Diary' kind of thing on the DVD when it comes out to make up for the shorter season. Ooo.

-April 13-15ish: From oblique comments: It's silly and... it's set on Dean's birthday...? Maybe? This should make Vancouver weather quite cooperative as we've had some bizarre late season snow and coldness, to the point where all the trees I drive by that normally bloom at the end of February just bloomed today, so it should look nice and January-y for them in March when they were filming this if they were outdoors.

-April 16-17: Stumble across unwarned promo shots showing Dean with a bunch of corpses in party hats, one of him being silly, and one looking pensive, and staring at a laptop with the word 'Ghostfacers' on it. Sigh. So, maybe not Blair Witch, but something like that MTV show where they lock everyone in a room and send them out to go on little 'missions' through some supposedly haunted locale and play mind games on them. For some reason I get the impression from the caps that Dean's the one who put the hats on the (no doubt fake) dead guys, and is probably attempting to whoop it up on his last birthday while they are (I suspect) trapped in the stupid reality show set-up (probably after the guys in charge disappear or die or whatever), and Sam is not going to react well to this. But that leads me to think there might be something like self-pity coming from Dean, which makes me think I'm very very wrong about that.

-April 20: Further suspect that I'm right about the Hell House guys showing up, because of an oblique comment regarding watching 'Hell House' before the episode by someone who had just said they were annoyed at how many spoilers there were for the episode. Arg. Also suspect that if either of the Hell House guys shows up, Kripke will kill them off. Because that's what Kripke does. Guest stars = death. Usually.

-April 21: Due to influx of oblique commentary and plethora of icons... Yeah, it's both the Hell House guys, in kind of tux-looking things and a sort of faux-Masterpiece theatre set-up. Cool. Betting the guy who's got the gig over on CSI gets killed off, at the very least. Unless it's both of them get killed off. Or the CW is planning a reality show spin-off of Supernatural, which is almost a cracky enough idea to work, except Dawn Ostroff probably wouldn't go for it because it's not 'girly' enough for her imaginary target audience of incredibly wealthy twelve-year-old brain-dead fashion-obsessed princesses. Or whatever. Sorry, my bitter is showing. Sigh. :-P

Ya know, even though this is the most spoiled I've ever been for an ep, I find I'm not minding the spoilage for this one, not sure why. Maybe because I still don't know the details of the MOTW, but probably because I have enough stress in my life already without having a coronary over this. Might just be the enforced drought. I didn't turn my TV on at all for several weeks straight there...

Still, I hope spoilers for the last three eps are much easier to avoid. Because this one was crazy. :-P

Anyway. Onward.

Reaction to Supernatural 3.13 - Ghostfacers

*snerk* Yeah, it's a silly one.

-Ed & Harry! Hi! Knew you were gonna be on tonight, but still, HI! I love continuity, even in the form of vaguely annoying characters from a prior episode returning.

-I knew there was going to be a fakeout opening. It was a given.

-Writer's strike reference! Okay, so since this episode is a slap at reality tv, the writer's strike reference gets extra snark points, so yay writers FTW! \o/

-Dean flipping off the camera in the 'Ghostfacers' credits. Ha!

-Hm... Is that the second or third box of International coffee stuff Corbett's gotten out of that bag... either way, that's a lot of French Vanilla.

-Ed? Is an ass. Nice of them to make that clear right from the start. "My adopted sister." Wow. Jerk. This, however, explains a reference in a conversation about adoption that was happening somewhere in my f-list the last week or so though, I think.

-...Zeddmore is their real name? Ed Zeddmore is his real name?? Ya know, until right then, I never fully realized I had a subconscious backstory for freaking Harry and Ed. See, I figured they were a couple of guys who'd either been friends in high school or met in the foster care system or something and had taken off together and were using the fake "Ghostbusters" mish-mashed character names as they drove around in their little trailer thing, looking for ghosts and whatnot. I had no conscious idea that I'd actually thought that much about those characters until Ed developed a nuclear family and made it all moot-ish. So... uh... damn you Kripke for invalidating my subconscious backstory? I think? *headscratch*

-OMG LEAP YEAR GHOST!!! I was whinging about the lack of any cool leap year legend-y things back on February 29th including a ghost that haunts every four years and, and, eeee! *flails wildly* Hee! I'm either psychic, or I think like Kripke and co! I'm not sure which is more disturbing...

-Harry's Gremlin has zebra striped plush seat covers. I just thought that needed to be pointed out. I think it's a Gremlin, anyways... Something AMC-ish.

-MUSIC!!!! There was music! OMG!

-Hey, why is Sam using a flashlight and not the spotlight on his side of the Impala? It was a perfect opportunity! Or do they unhook the power to the spotlights to get extra power to the speakers? And even with the weeny little flashlight, why does Sam not see the gang of dorks in the shrubbery with their umpty-hundred little glowy 'recording' lights going? Or does he see them and that's why they take off and come back later?

-Why is this 'Spruce' guy reminding me of that jackass from 'Reaper'? Sock? Mainly when he's in the golf cart. It's not a pleasant association and quite weird since I've seen Reaper maybe twice all the way through. Anyways, whatever.

-Yay, Sam and Dean! They do the cop thing well.

-Woah! Hello, cursing!? So, now entering canon from fanon: 'Sam and Dean use profanity when the network's not controlling their words' Hm. *shrug* Not a huge thing for me and I doubt I'll change anything about how I write them because of it... something about it bugs though, which surprises me, because while I could believe that Sam and Dean were raised not to use that sort of language, it wasn't a huge thing for me, and I could believe the opposite just as easily. Just a bit of personal canon divergence, I guess. Hm.

-Hey, is this the same place they shot Hell House in? Or the Asylum hospital again? Something about it seems really familiar.

-I really, really, really hope they gave the boys each a hand held camera and let them go nuts. A video diary would be cool.

-Maybe it's the same place they used for Bobby's in "Dream a Little Dream"? That staircase looks very familiar.

-"Aren't those the assholes from Texas?" *snerk*

-Oh Corbett, you giant weedy moron. He had 'first victim' tattooed on his forehead from birth, I think. But he does scream well.

-"'It'll be our Grand Canyon'" Oh ow. Ow. I realize it's primarily a budget thing (and time thing with the short season) keeping them from doing the actual Grand Canyon on the show, but just from an in-show-world perspective of Dean having settled for a straight up legendary ghost hunt in lieu of a trip to the actual Grand Canyon that they drive past every few months, probably, in the name of getting one more hunt in before he's dragged off to Hell? Ow Dean.

-At the same time, Feb 29th is two months before Dean's deal timer goes off, which fits with the date recently mentioned around fandom for Deal day, so WOO HOO for timeline synchronicity!!! OMG! Supernatural has a logical, straightforward and consistent timeline! It must be the end of the world! :-o

-"Supernatural lockdown", "Death Echoes" Lots of fun technobabble tonight! Well, not technobabble, I guess. Spectrobabble?

-Some really nifty FX going on in this ep, and for the most part, they look like they might be reasonably priced.

-Looking at things through a camera provides mental distance, and allows dissociation from events witnessed. It totally makes sense to me that Dean wouldn't get that concept because he is such a very hands on, direct sense-experience person. Or something. I'll just nod like I know what I'm talking about. *nods*

-Someone on the writing staff has it in for hospital janitors. This nutbag, and previously the guy who got YED'd.

-Hee! MRE's!! I am not at all surprised Dean recognized them on sight, and bet that John maybe made a habit of stocking up from army surplus places once in a while.

-I love the look Dean shoots at Ed as Ed is waving his store-bought EMF in Dean's face. However, I really love the subtle little cut that happens between that and Dean thunking the box down on the table, during which there may have been a smackdown 'discussion' regarding waving beeping objects in Dean's face. Also after the cut, I don't see Ed's EMF anywhere visible...

-Harry has always seemed to me to be the more capable and level-headed of the pair in an actual crisis. Not sure why, and not sure why that occurred to me now, but there it is. My subconscious has been thinking about these two, apparently.

-Did we ever see the suicide death echo? It's not the old guy, although he was a suicide, he couldn't have collected his own toe-tag.

-Maggie does some very nice startle-jumps. Cool. Pity the character is another moron who wanders away from the group in the haunted house. At least she didn't die from it.

-OMG SAM!!! That? Was the most awesome effect ever. And all it was was a simple cut, and the sound of the flashlight dropping. Just bam! Sam go bye-bye. Awesome!!! \o/

-Dean shouting 'Sammy'! Dean having to keep a reign on himself and baby-sit a herd of idiots while Sam's gone missing and not in a position to tear the place down to find him! Aw, Dean! \o/

-Spruce with the 'bow-chicka-wow-wow' cam. Reminding me of frigging Sock again. Did I mention that among many other reasons, Sock is the main reason I am not watching Reaper? :-P

-Hm. Not having a sibling close in age, the whole 'beat up your best friend for making out with your sibling, even though both parties were obviously quite willing parties' thing makes no sense to me at all, especially considering Ed was so disdainful and dismissive of her before.

-However, geek fight! Was Harry doing some kind of fake judo chop flaily thing there? My friends fight like that.

-Yay! Dean bellowing at idiots!! Dean needs to bellow at idiots more often, but that would require more idiots in Dean's life and the poor boy has enough stress already. *pats Dean*

-Oh... Corbett's death was a nasty way to die. I suppose if the guy managed to sever the spinal cord immediately it wouldn't be too bad, but otherwise Corbett would sit there and choke to death on his own blood as his lungs slowy filled, and it would be a lot messier death. It wasn't a pithing, though. No inserting things into the skull and scrambling the brains. So Corbett was not pithed when he died. He wath entirely thober. *koff* Sorry. Reverted to t-shirt there for a second. I need to get more sleep obviouthly. :-P

-Also, oh, Sam. Reassuring Corbett, trying to calm him down, and being tied there and watching him get glitched and die. Another sign that Sam's got some scar tissue built up from Mystery Spot there, I think. I can't tell whether he was reassuring Corbett, knowing he wouldn't be able to save him, to try and make the guy's last moments not so full of fear and suchlike or what. In any case, a far cry from the Sam from Simon Said, who couldn't stop a guy from walking in front of a bus and got a serious case of the guilts. Ow. Aw. Sammy.

-Party Hat! Hee! Sam looks so livid! :-D

-Oh! 'Russkies'! On first watch through I thought Dean said the guy was afraid of the Roosters and was trying to figure out if that was a song reference or some kind of bizarre metaphor, or what.

-Yay for good ghost tactics! Split up the adventuring party! Whee!

-"...Inside your duffel bag?" HA!!!

-"If we live, you can do my sister." Ha! And yes, hit him. Hit him very hard.

-"Is it cancer?" "Shaddup." Hee.

-I think I've figured out what's bugging me about the bleeping, is that yes, it's supposed to be a 'Reality Show' construct, etc, but it's inside the greater construct of the series. Having different diction for the characters based on the differing situation kind of jars me as a result, because that's not what the rest of the series shows. Hard to explain. Or maybe they just use profanity around Ed and Harry. Yeah. That's totally it. I would too.

-Hey! It that Kripke's favourite shelf of weird crap in jars? Same jars from Hell House? I think so! Hee.

-The whole Blair Witch camera thing is actually kind of cool and not making me nauseous at all like the movie did. Less bouncy running through the woods, maybe?

-Poor Sam, tied to a chair in a party hat. Aw. At the same time, I want to make a birthday icon out of him in the hat all peeved.

-Also night vision may suck for detail, but seriously, that is not enough rope and not tied correctly or at the correct height to effectively restrain a person Sam's size. Just saying, they need a consultant for stuff like that.

-Wow. Ed's really slow on the uptake. Didn't Harry just remind him about the death echo thing a few minutes ago?

-"You gotta go be gay for that poor dead intern." *facepalm*

-The guy playing Ed does well with the emotion here for talking to the ghost of Corbett. Thing is, because Ed is such a clueless ass, it felt out of character.

-I'm now suddenly wondering if the guy playing Spruce is actually one of the regular camera guys. Not sure why. Is it the same voice from the mug shot cam in "Folsom Prison Blues?"

-Hee. Mid-combat bleep.

-Now that's a mutual ghost annihilation (yeesh, I must be tired if I can't type annihilation right) No super-slow motion three camera angle thing, just tackle, foom and confusion, and darkness.

-Dean's been thrown into a wall! What day is it? \o/

-(Ad: America's Most Smartest Model can bite me. Twice. Did you guys watching the CW feed get bombarded with that asinine crap too? It was all over the City TV feed every single commercial break. :-P)

-Sunrise over the Impala. Oooo, pretty!

-'New Allies' Yeah, sure Ed. You freaking wish.

-"How gay love can pierce through the veil of death." I repeat. *facepalm* Actually, I think I spent the entire time where Ed and Harry are doing the faux-masterpiece-theatre thing in the chairs at the end of the 'tape' facepalming. Yeesh.

-Corbett was cute. And judging from the interior of the van, a copier tech of some variety?

-Absolute love for the looks on Sam and Dean's faces watching the 'Ghostfacers' thing.

-"Honour his memory while grossly exploiting the manner of his death. Real tightrope you guys are walking." Dean snark FTW.

-Oooo, credits at end of show! I'm amused to note I seem to have a pavlovian response to the credits, as they started to run and I got that "Yay! Show is starting!" feeling.

-See, I thought Sam reaching into the bag was him stealing the disk, and was trying to figure out how they'd get the raw footage too. I love what actually happened sooooo much!

-Ed is still an ass.

-"A straitjacket or a punch in the face. Or both." Hee!

-Simultaneous Sam and Dean 'Yeek!' faces FTW!!

-I love the magnet bomb! I love it like I love air. I especially love the implication that Dean built it that went flying past there, I think.

-Yeah. Totally setting up for a 'Ghostfacers' spin-off. Gawd. So here's a poll:


-And in conclusion, I lament the lack of snark about the guy that plays Ed also playing a guy on CSI. Although it's not the iteration of CSI that's on on Thursdays and they were nice enough to let the guy come out to Vancouver for a week and do this episode. Still, one teeny little snark about procedural dramas, is that too much to ask?

(Posting and running like the wind. I'll fix any major mistakes when I get home from work at about 11 tonight. :-P )

spn: season 3, reaction, supernatural, poll

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