Reactions: Supernatural 9.05 and 9.06

Sep 18, 2019 23:36

Been a while, eh?

Part of the reason I stopped was time. The bigger part was... personal. Between deaths in the family, and some deep personal shit that burst into full bloom shortly after I watched 9.06, and just life being a rancid sack of goat farts in general the past few years, I stopped making the picspam posts for SPN. Me being me, I also stopped watching the episodes since I wasn't doing the picspams. Not really anything against the show, just.. I went sour on a lot of things that brought me joy, and didn't have the energy to fight that. It's been (and continues to be) dark and ugly in my head, and in my life. And one of the things that fell by the wayside was Supernatural.

But since the last season (15?!) is airing soon and this show has been a huge part of my fannish life, I'm taking on the ridiculously impossible challenge of catching up on watching the series. From 9.07 through the end of season 14, hopefully doing so by the season 15 premiere, October 10th 2019. Or at least by the finale. Oi vey.

For various reasons including time and most video sources not allowing screencaps now (but mostly time) I won't be doing huge picspams or reactions for them all of them. Maybe a few notes here or there.

That said, here I go.

SPN 9.07 - "Bad Boys" (AKA John Winchester's A+ Parenting Skills)

-EMF!!! Wee Dean with THE PENDANT!!!

-Those slush machines at that restaurant are busted. And have the same two flavours as they did when Dean was a kid. Perhaps they're decorative. *ponders*

-Big Dean and kids!

-Dean's "doing this to keep you safe" face. Maaaaybe cut back on the intensity a little there.

-John leaving Dean there. I mean, yeah it's far from an ideal solution, but leaving Dean there ensured he had a roof overhead, 3 meals a day, school, stability, all that stuff. So... it's... an understandable decision to leave Dean there, even if it's not the best idea? And seriously, Dean gambling away the food money at a card game really is a dumb plan. Dean's game is pool, not cards. Long babble short, John is was and always will be a problematic parent who put his own vengeance quest ahead of the needs of his kids. But I can see why this was the call he made in this case, and I've known far worse.

-"Why'd you ever leave?" OW. Yeah. He left because he needed to protect you. Ow.

-Yeah, John's still in blindered vengeancing mode. Monsters need hunted, Sam's riding alone in the back seat.

-Thank you. Sam said thank you. Awwww. And Dean waved it off. Of course.

SPN 9.08 - "Rock and a Hard Place" (definitely not named after that SPN/Doctor Who crossover WIP I've got 'coz this isn't Quantum, ha ha.)

-Casey's Diner. Hey, I think I've been to that Denny's! It's in Richmond, next to a hotel where V-Con was held once.

-Don't waste the taser battery! *facepalm*

-Some big blue fire critter. O.O


Directions on food and liquor disposal and keeping surfaces clean. Hints of the past where this was a place full of people tracing and thwarting evil stuff and such. AND THAT COFFEE URN! Dear props department *chef kiss*

-"Not sick. Just feel like my battery can't recharge." OH REALLY. Is Zeke taking Sam's body out for nefarious purposes while Sam and Dean think he's sleeping?


Yes I saw Kim Rhodes' name in the credits and knew she'd be in this episode from the 'THEN' but still, JODIIIEEEEEEEEE!!! \o/

-Jodie is so fun. "Angels? You're joking."/"Don't get your pants on fire, they suck." Jodie also has this face.

It's a really great face and from what's filtered into my leaky spoilerphobe bunker over the years we're going to be seeing quite a bit more of is which is 100% pure yay. Or at least I'm going to be seeing a lot more of it, since the rest of the fandom is *counts* six years ahead of me. Yikes.

-Oh crap. It's been so long I've forgotten how to do this. Ahem. Tie Report: Stripes! All stripes, everywhere! All business, focussed, and hearteningly slanting towards each other. However, given that Sam is currently occupied by an angel of uncertain motive, perhaps not so heartening. Hmm.

-On closer look, Sam's tie has a white-edged blue stripe on a black to red ombre. Complex tie for our occupied Sammy.

-(*sighs and wishes that going to the SPN costume liquidation during the summer had been possible during the 2 hours that there were still costume items available* You were right @malevolent73, I really do want one of those damned ties.)

-Abstinence Purity group. "You mind if we sit in, see if it's for us?" *Chokes on ginger ale*

-Oh dear. I'm only surprised the paper hasn't burst into flames.

-Okay, I don't know any detailed spoilers for this particular episode, but if I was a virgin-eating monster, I'd find a way to get a group like this set up to generate a target-rich environment.

-They signed their real names. Dudes. DUDES! ARE YOU NEW??!

-Dean still has this face.

-Seriously, what kind of battery is that mini-taser rocking? Seems to me that size it'd be good for one quick zap and then dead, not good for a continued use as a very inefficient light. Twice.

-Candles, talc, radioactivity warning. Fun lair here.

-Dean's really not good at this renewed-virginity thing.

-"Dragons? Those are a thing?" Jodie's face. She's definitely jumping into the deep end, interning with the Winchesters.

-Dean, Dean, Dean. You idiot. *facepalm* *headshake*

-Yep. Why hunt when you can ranch.

-OH SHIT NO NOT JODIE!!! Though she really needs to work on her Sleight of Hand weapon use.

-Nonono don't take it out, you'll bleed out! ....If the medical logic of this show was remotely realistic.

-"What is wrong with you?" Ah yes. Sam's liver is in a state of flux. Part falling apart due to Trial energy blowback, part full of Angel.

-"You're all duct tape and safety pins inside." Hehehe. Hard to tell though if that's just not standard Winchester configuration.

-Yeaaaaah, Dean, even when you want to be honest with your brother about why his organs are fucked up, the angel of unknown motivation you let sublet your brother's body is gonna stop you. Whether that's because "Zeke" is actually fixing Sam and can't be pushed out or Sam will die, or because he's not irrevocably entwined with your brother's soul or whatever at the current point in his Occupation of Sammy and can't resist a "GET OUT OF MY HEAD" attack yet, that remains to be seen.

SPN 9.09 - "Holy Terror" (There's a band choir of angels coming after meeeee...)

-Totally didn't even notice the SUPERPLAID walls in last episodes hotel room till I saw them again in the 'Then'. Love the set design/art department people on this show.

-Is it weird to recognize a field as a location from a previous ep? Coz this is looking pretty 'Faith' healer-tent and 'Benders' backyardish to me.

-OH HI ROADHOUSE. Isn't it? Or maybe that one place with the pie and Benny back in season 8, which may have also been the Roadhouse?

-Oh this isn't looking like a battle position at AAAALLLLLLL

-Okay, Choir Angels and Biker Angels. Yeah, it's a throwdown. Not sure why, other than all their vessels are probably short term only, and the pre-existing heavenly hierarchy is toast so why not scrabble for a better position on Earth? Eh. Making the best of a bad situation, which is including some Sharks vs Jets style roving angel gang warfare.

-Running about typical for a Choir road trip so far though. *nods in High School Choir kid*

(Pst. Might wanna hit a laundromat before you go anywhere humans might be. Word to the wise. *taps nose*)

-Oh and the bald biker guy on the floor with his eyes closed is almost certainly not actually dead and is about to shout up "Zeke"s sub-channel on Angel Radio to go do some vengeancing on the Melody Ministry Glee Club, right? No spoilers known, just a hunch.

-Also... I heard vaguely that there was a musical episode. Is this it? Seems to early to be it. Probably season 10 or 11.

-*rolls the signing bit back and forth a couple times to try and pick up the Alto line* Been awhile. Also I am MASSIVELY sleep deprived right now, so this should be fun...

-TITLE! KZHOW! ...sssskwwweeeEEEEEEEE!!!!!

-"OK, you know you said the same thing to me last week, right?"/"As I told you when we met, this will take time." Zeke is like the mechanic who you go to for an oil change who keeps finding leaks and loose things, and cracked whatsit, and worn hootenannies, and saying "Oh, I can't let you drive it on the road like that, it wouldn't be safe, I'm just concerned for you, I wouldn't feel right letting you go out on the road like that," as the bill gets higher and higher... I used to buy the Hanes manual for any car I bought to make sure I had reference material to know when a mechanic was full of crap, but I can't afford to own a car anymore, so that's side-stepped the shady mechanic nonsense all-together. However, going without a body is not an option that has worked well for Sam in the past, and Dean's stuck with no Hanes manual for his brother and a shady mechanic behind the wheel.

-"If we ignore this, Sam's gonna think something fishy's going on." *nods in 'How to Dupe A Human into Remaining Unaware They Are Nonconsensually Possessed 101'*

-"Do you hear everything, between me and Sam?"/"No. Just a word here and there. I have better things to do with my time than eavesdrop." Buuuuuuulllllshhhhhiiiiiiiittttt. Just sayin'. Zeke is in a position of informational superiority when it comes to how messed up Sam's innards are and how much awareness and influence he has from inside him. He has no reason to share the truth about either of those things with Dean, as doing so will make his activities/continued possession of one of two perfect angel vessels on the planet much more difficult. Sam is a hotel on Park Place, and Zeke currently owns the lease, in essense.

-"-my human brother." Oooohoohooo. Might not want to poke the Dean Bear there, 'Zeke'.

-Ahahahah, and after poking the Dean bear, 'Zeke' exeunts the hell back to the shotgun position in Sam's head and lets Sammy take the wheel. Chicken! XD

-"There are chunks of time when I'm not here!" Valid. Also sloppy on Zeke's part. Just wait for Sam to nap and do your driver's seat chats with Dean then, and then doze him off before you hand the reigns back. Naps explain everything, especially in a person who's had recent catastrophic injury and needs more naps to help the healing process. Though not letting him actually have the nap and keeping his body awake to chat is counterproductive in that case and a dick move regardless, but this is Zeke of the unknown and almost certainly nefarious plans.

-"Not up to warp speed yet." Trekkie!Dean is ♥

-"Would I lie?" Yes Dean. Yes you would. Particularly if you think lying will help Sam, or keep him safe, or bring him back from the dead, or hide an inadvisable deal with an arcane creature of some sort to accomplish any one of those three prior goals. And this situation pretty much covers all those bases. Dean's 'would I lie?' face is also an emotionally constipated joy to behold. You can see the ulcer he's getting from Sammy basically being held hostage by 'Ezekiel'.

-"One of your guys is here already." Surprising that doesn't happen more often. Also *clears throat* Tie Report: Dean - Stripes, on the job, but also many different widths of stripes, all sloping down toward Sam. Dean has many priorities of varying weight, but the slope toward Sam is constant. Sam - Dots? Rust and pumpkin herringbone? No slope, gridlike. Sam's focus is on maintaining in the face of this memory issue and that 'duct tape and safety pins' comment from the creature that was too grossed out by his liver to eat it. Sam's in a holding pattern and Zeke is probably just fine with that state of affairs.

-Ahahahah, Hi Cas. can't say I'm terribly surprised. And Tie Report part deux: Castiel - Blue and white stripes. On the job, focused, gung ho. Keener.

-Dean's "oh really" face. *thumbs up*

-"If angels are slaughtering one another, I have to do what I can to help." Sense of Duty. It'll get you every time.

-I'd forgotten how cap-worthy Dean's faces are. XD

-"Oh, hey. Cas is back in town!" *sporfle* These people and their faces.

-Whup! 'Zeke's checking in. Oh riiiight, Cas knows the real Ezekiel, and I vaguely recall from watching the first few episodes of this season several years ago that Zeke was pretty adamant about Cas not being around them so he couldn't rumble 'Zeke's con job on fixing Sammy. Or something like that, except less directly "I am up to no good" for Dean to accept and go along with.

-Oh hey, cinematography, I see you. I also see you may have seen Captain America: Civil War and be referencing the shot in that with Cap and Ironman fighting and seen through a narrowed aperture of stuff, which would be an apt reference to this angels on earth civil war thing going on and a pleasing cross-fandom pollination via the production crew as far as I'm concerned.

-"I don't deal with handmaidens." Was this Malachai supposed to be relatable or likeable at all, because I'm suddenly totally fine with him getting messily splatted.

-Also Bartholemew is... one of the angels who's a bit more organized. And sort of a big deal, I guess? Aside from context in the three episodes I've most recently watched, I have no recollection of Bartholemew.

-Okay, so Malachi is in charge of the Choral Strike team. good to know.

-"Negotiating with street thugs" might have been your better option. Maybe. Just a thought. Or maybe Bartholemew sent you three to set off these mass murdering hotheads to clear the chaff from his power structure, and you're the chaff? Either way, oops.

-"This is my first beer as a human." Oh dear.

-"I hope it's okay? Me joining you?" Awwwww lookit his little puppy faaaaace. *squishes his cheeks*

-"You once told me, you don't choose what you do. It chooses you." Pft. Also Castiel's bottle control is nicely awkward and sloppy. The beer is definitely having some effect.

-Dean's pained and bemused reactions are such fun. :-)

-"I've never done this before." *snerk* No, really??? He's adorable.

-Okay, this facial transition from Sam into 'Zeke' is a thing of wonder. The eyeflash is hardly even necessary to show what's going on.

-"He is a beacon, Dean. Pulling every angel for miles down on our heads." Ohhhhh, that's the line of crap Zeke used as an excuse. Got it.

-"What is it that you're so afraid of?" Yeah, directly confront him. In a public place. Hm. Might help might not. Dean's face. I swear it just paused like that. *smirks*

-(I'm having the sudden thought that 'Zeke' is actually Bartholemew, but I don't know if that's a thought based on my own conjecture, or a spoiler that brushed past me over the years, or complete crap. Regardless, Hmm.)

-Oooo, Dean getting into calling Zeke's crap, throwing the 'picking sides' defence back at him, "what makes you so special?" Maybe this is the reason Zeke didn't want Cas around. He gives Dean a reference point for calling out Zeke on what's going on.

-"Three brewskis!" Aw. Just his joy at doing a human thing for the first time. Awww.

-"I'm going to get something out of the car." Zeke's affronted huff and little slide-eye 'deal with this interloper' is far too amusing to me.

-There are many reasons not to let your angel-controlled brother out of your sight, but him getting jumped in the street by roving gangs of grounded angels.


-"I know who you really are, and it isn't Ezekiel." Whelp. Good thing Zeke's piloting Sam right now or the entire jig would be up.

-"Doesn't he know that you told me to leave?" Awwww. Cas thinking Sam is mad at him for leaving them and now things are awkward and he just wants them all to be best friends again and awwwwwww.

-Dean explaining about Sam being pureed inside by the Trial stuff. Castiel being confused because Dean said Ezekiel had helped Sam. Ooohooo, 'Zeke' honey, this is also why you don't leave the table so your mark can 'deal with' his potentially scam-busting friend. They might talk and put together that you're full of crap.

-"It's good to have your help Cas. But we just can't work together." Castiel's faaaaace!

Also, Cas has more info on what's actually going on, and something is not sitting right about the "Ezekiel helped Sam so Castiel has to stay away from them now" equation. Gears are turning under that kicked puppy face. Somewhere.

-Gadreel. Okay, not Bartholemew hiding out. "Spent countless thousands of years locked in Heaven's darkest dungeon." Heaven has dungeons. Cool cool. I guess after kicking Lucifer out had the result it had they figured banishment was not their best option as a punitive measure.

-"What is it you want from me, Metatron?"/"Just to be your friend!" *deep breath* BWAHAHAHHHAHAHAAHAHHAHAAHAHA! Pull the other one, it's got bells on.

-"I was the one who caused all the angels to fall. Including the imprisoned ones." Zeke Gadreel's reaction to this makes it likely that he was unaware of this. If he'd spent the whole time since Genesis in solitary confinement, his knowledge gap does make sense though.

-OK so Metatron's bored so now he's recruiting for a perfect, bureaucracy free heaven. "No more stupid angels! Maybe some funny ones." And he's starting with Gadreel, the angel with the angellic crime of setting up that whole 'original sin' bullshit, after being considered 'God's most trusted'. Sounds... really dumb as a recruitment policy, actually. Metatron is not a big thinker.

-Oooo. Hey. So Gadreel's god's most trusted, gets the job of keeping evil out of the Garden, but lets in the serpent. Was that the plan all along then? Pick an angel who won't question orders, get him to set up the whole 'free will' portion of the human experiment? Which his fellow angels weren't privy to and so locked him up for millennia? Hm. God would be a real dick for using a trusted lieutenant like that, but... it kind of fits? *shrug*

-Uh hunh. Cas just 'took off' again. Why to I have the hope that Cas and Dean continued talking, figured out Zeke wasn't Zeke, and now Castiel is somewhere very close by, and Dean is playing stalking-horse to get 'Ezekiel to slip and let them figure out a way to get Sam healthy and find out what Ezekiel's plan really is. I mean. The Bunker is huge, right? it'd be easy for Castiel to just hang out in out of the way rooms, observing. *ponders*

-Meanwhile, the "corpse" with his eyes closed is confirmed to be a follower of the vessel-farming televangelist, the biker gang is a Born Again Biker group, and corpse man recently had a notable 'divine glow' after a prayer meeting. A wealth of confirmation of what they already know, the victims were envesseled angels. Hm. maybe corpse angel has been recruiting other vessels? And the choir too? hm.

-"I always said that angels are dicks." How much of that side-eye is Sam, and how much is Gadreel. XD

-It's one of the Murder Choir, harvesting a bible study group. I want to know her laundry secrets for getting those bloodstains out. Though it probably involves angelic powers of some sort, blah.

-Subtle. Reeeal subtle.

-And this is the problem when you lack subtlety. Your enemies find you and your target-rich environment and murder the crap out of everyone (except it looks like maybe a few they kept and took with them? it was all fast and blurry there.)

Not getting that stain out.

-"You will be the ruler of this new heaven, yes?"/It is a burden... I feel I must accept." PFFFFFFFTTTT!!!! XD

-"Semantics." Uh hunh. Suuuuuure.

-Awww, Trying out all the praying poses. Surprised though, if the angels are all out after him that as soon as he said 'Hey' there wasn't a crapton of angels pouring in the windows set to kick his butt. Though I suppose they are limited to human means of transport now.

-Of course, if an angel happens to be riding around in a Sheriff with a vehicle no ones going to delay if it's blasting down the road with the flash bar lit, they'll have an advantage on the travel time.

-OMG IT'S KEVIN! HI KEVIN! HIIII!!! *waves at the screen like a dork*

-Yeah, that's the trouble with a broadcast call for help. Anyone can respond. Looks like Malachi's guy up front here.

-This is Castiel's "OH SHIT" face. XD

-Oh crap! O.O

-"Ahhh. A dupe." Yep. Absolutely. 'Trusted member of the inner circle, top of the Christmas tree.' wait what, no. He's a dupe. That whole innocent trusting thing he does, he's pre-set for dupehood. How are you doubting this, Malachi?

-Oh yay, torture, and randomly murdering one of the few neutral angels left just to motivate Cas to give up intel he doesn't have. BECAUSE HE WAS DUPED. Yeaaaaah, I'm totally fine with Malachi getting splatted. He's a violent idiot.

-"Just following your example Castiel?" Ooops, yeah, he kind of went berserk and murdered the crap out of a bunch of angels a few years back there, didn't he?

-"A host of angels died in the fall." Ohhhh, so he's not talking about the Leviathan/God!Cas era then, just recent stuff.

-"Azreal, Sophia, Ezekiel..." HAHAHAH. and in a round about way, Castiel gets his question answered. And is chained to a wall and being tortured for info he doesn't have. Well, darn.

-Oh ho! A potential defector! "Well it's true, Metatron and I do have a working relationship." *snerk*

-"I'm a team player, Castiel." Weeeeeelll, you are trying to secretly leave your current team and stab your team captain in the back though. Not exactly a prime example of team spirit. More an example of 'will work as long as it benefits him personally, but will stab you in the back as soon as the tide turns'.

-Oh what adorably tiny little locks there are on these manacles. My bike in Junior High had a sturdier lock, and that was in the 80's.

-"And you have something that I'll need."/"Anything." Ah, this would be the 'Grace Vampire' moment for Cas I'd heard about. Pretty much as expected, though what made him take this action is an interesting moral puzzle for another day and another brain.

-Malachi is just now realizing the cost of his tactical idiocy.

-I love the bunker. I love the aesthetics of it, I love that they have full electricity and can leave hallways of lights on as long as they want to.

-I also love that they have a full pro level kitchen and that there are steps down into it that make Kevin look adorably pocket-sized here.

-Cas calling in to Dean with what he knows, even before changing shirts to something a little less Dawn of the Dead.

-"I did what I had to do. I became what they've become. A barbarian." Nah. If you'd become a barbarian, you would have ripped the guy's Grace out with your teeth. With gusto.

-Seriously, dude. Change. Your. Shirt.

-"I've got my grace back. Well. Not mine per se, but It'll do." The facial progression in this conversation is a real treat.

-"And you're okay with that?"/"If we're going to war, I need to be ready." More facessss!

-"Cas..." The face, gaaaah, the hint of emotion in his voice!

-"Dean, there's more." Ooooo, here comes the bombshell! *rubs hands gleefully*

-"Ezekiel is dead. He died when the angels fell." And just. Dean's face.

-"Everyone always needs a spell and it's always ASAP." Awww. Poor Kevin.

-"Like what if I wanted to talk to the vessel and not have the squatter listen in." This is my problem. Dean has too may good faces. I have to make too many caps.

-Nice tactical explanation for why you want a spell that can bypass angel possession without tipping off Kevin about Sam's situation. and it could even be workable in the field in general, though really, most angels are not gonna stick around long enough for Winchesters to cast a spell on them.

-Ooooooo, I can hear the Skytraaaain! *waves hi at Vancouver Transit System*

-Gadreel is easily duped by Metatron too, it seems.

-"That is not who I am." Yeah, regaining a reputation for being a loyal and noble angel via becoming Metatron's assassin and killing probably other angels, maybe the Winchesters et al. Can't wash away your sins with the blood of the innocent.

-"Decide!" Gadreel has found the controls for Sam's puppy face, it seems.

-"Dean. What's going on?" Kevin is smart. He's also smart enough to know that if Dean Winchester is weirdly jumpy and anxious ad demanding last minute spells, he doesn't really want to know. Except he needs to know so he needs to ask, so his voice goes all tight and stressy and it's just a perfect capsule of the situation.

-"You're gonna hafta trust me, and trust that I've told you everything that I can, for now. Can you do that?" Oh Dean. Oh Deeeean. Needs help, asks for it, but can't say why. And won't say why to Kevin, because Kevin's got enough burdens.

-"I always trust you." Oh Keeeeeviiiiiiiin!!! LET ME HUG YOU, CHILD.

-"... and I always end up screwed." AHHAhahahahahah, yeah, this is true. I frigging love Kevin. XD

-No sense in waiting, just get in the room and trigger the spell, and lay it all out. There's only about 5 minutes left in the episode, what could possibly go wrong?

-And of course Sam is understandably freaked since he has NO idea why Dean just cut himself, tripped a sigil, and is now advancing on Sam purposefully.

-"I need to tell you some stuff fast. It's gonna piss you off." Gee, ya THINK?


-"You were in the hospital, and they said you were gonna die."/"Dean. What did you do?" BECAUSE WE'VE ALL BEEN DOWN THIS ROAD WITH THESE BOYS BEFORE, AND THIS IS HOW APOCALYPSES GET STARTED.

-"I let an angel in."/"...In what?"/"In you." Yeaaaah this is so many levels of messed up right here. Sam's gonna pop. Even though Dean has this face.

-"He's still in me?!" Sam's processors are smoking but he's keeping up reasonably well all things considered.

-And now the shouting and the ow starts. Better get through it quick boys, the snooze button on "Zeke" is counting down here.

-"I think you're well enough now, but you gotta expel him." Note that Dean is not a doctor and the last entity that took a good look at Sam's innards said it was all duct tape and safety pins, and his liver wasn't worth eating. So... well enough for a Winchester, I guess? Eeep?

-Oh no. This looks like Sam's 'I'm going to make a monumentally stupid decision to prove to Dean that I can handle this myself, consequences be damned' face. This is not a face with any good decisions behind it.

-To be fair, Dean kind of did have that uncappably blurry punch coming. *winces*

-Oh crap, did Gadreel come back as soon as Sam left the room? Or does the spell persist once set and Sam's just mad?

-Oh crap. Oh no no nooo. He's walking like Gadreel now. He has some intense focus on Kevin here. ...who is working on finding a way to reverse Metatron's angelfall spell... Oh no. Ohhhh noooooo. WHOSE NAME WAS ON THAT CARD??? D-:

-Oh nooooooo. Nonononoooooo...

-"D'you notice anything off about Dean lately? Between you'n me I'm a little bit worried about him." And on the soundtrack, the string section spirals down at the bottom of the register. Oh Kevin. Run. Run now, honey. D-:

-"Don't worry about Dean. Dean will be fine." Oh that's totally Gadreel. Oh crap.



-Well. I kind of knew that was coming, but not when and how and oh god that hurt. Kevin, the littlest Winchester. Survived Crowley, all the crap with the tablets, irrational sudden demands to make up spells, and his mom being taken, and... Kevin really got the shitty end of the Winchester family stick. God dammit! *kicks things*

-Oh and here comes pain.

-You know the angel you let inside your brother is done with trying to keep stringing you along when he kills your long-suffering littlest brother/prophet and telekinetically pins you to a column.

-"There is no more Sam. But I played him convincingly, I thought."

(I have to say, possession is great for Sam's hair. Possession, soullessness, it's like a spa day for Sam's hair.)

-Meanwhile, Dean is pinned to a column and making anguished little noises of grief and denial and otherwise is pretty much checked out. Seriously though, Kevin getting killed in front of him, like that, by Sam? That's gonna take some processing time. If he ever gets a chance.

-"I heard you talk with Kevin Tran tonight." Oh crap. So all that and Sam still doesn't even know?? Dammit all to hell!

-FRIGGING METATRON. *kicks things some more*

-Oh, so "There's no more Sam", eh? So who's the one leaving a living Winchester behind with the corpse of one of his friends and the knowledge that there's an angel in the wind wearing his brother, (both of which are incredibly compelling motives for vengeance, and Winchester vengeance tends to fuck up several planes of existence.) Who's leaving Dean Winchester behind, alive, in a bunker. Is it an INCREDIBLY tactically idiotic angel (which Gadreel hasn't shown signs of being) or is it Sam? Still there. Still fighting. Given there have been 9 seasons of this show at the point I'm watching and 6 more after this, I'm pretty sure what the answer is on that.

-"Kevin? ...Kevin..." *whimpers*

...WELL. That happened. Also, I got a little carried away on 9.09 but I can't keep doing that or I'll never catch these all up. O.O

Comment if you want to, but try to avoid spoilers for episodes past this point if you do, because I'm trying to forget the ones I've heard.

Originally posted at Dreamwidth. if you want to, you can comment there with your LJ account using OpenID.

spn season 9, picspam, reaction, supernatural

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