"First" (drabble) Tony, Gibbs (slash)

Aug 22, 2006 17:45

Prompt: "First"
Word Count: 100
Characters: Tony, Gibbs
Spoilers: None

“DiNozzo, Todd, McGee!”

Every time Tony hears his name first he feels a certain amount of pride. He knows it’s more than just his seniority. He can hear it in Gibb’s voice and it’s the reason he jumps at the man’s every beck and call.

Kate thinks she’s competing with Tony for Gibbs’ praise, and in a way she’s right. But Tony wants it outside of their office as well.

Tony knows it’s just a matter of time, so he persists and Kate continues to dance around him. It’s routine by now. And one day she will hopefully understand why.

slash, drabble

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