Title: The End and Beginning Rating: PG-13, because Itachi's a psychopath Characters: Itachi-centric Words: 1,284 Summary: Itachi had always strived to have almost no major weaknesses. He wasn't going to stop now.
^_______^ I've got this little video in my brain of Itachi running around the Uchiha compound killing people, waiting to see if he has an emotional reaction, and when he doesn't he does it again, getting more and more frustrated :DDDDDDD
It was sweet that he couldn't kill Sasuke *grins dirtily* I like your Itachi, he's funny :D
ALSO: HAPPY BIRTHDAY FOR YESTERDAY!!! I forgot about it until just now ^^; And I hope your AC is fixed soon!
Comments 5
It was sweet that he couldn't kill Sasuke *grins dirtily* I like your Itachi, he's funny :D
ALSO: HAPPY BIRTHDAY FOR YESTERDAY!!! I forgot about it until just now ^^; And I hope your AC is fixed soon!
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