Oh aren't you an application? :D SP APP.

Dec 31, 2008 00:00

Player Information

AIM SN:Whitewutianrose
Have you played in an LJ based game before? Oh yes~
Bonus: How did you hear about Siren's Pull? Hm. I wonder.

Character Information

Canon Source: Heroes
Canon Format:Television series and comics.
Character's Name: Daphne Millbrook
Character's Age: 27

What form will your character's NV take? It will be a flip phone with text capabilities. Oh, right, it doesn’t break if used at incredible speeds, and it can filter out wind sounds if used in transit. Basically, it works like a normal phone, it just is tailored to not have her powers cause the thing trouble.

Character's Canon Abilities:As Daphne herself states, she can’t just run fast, but really really fast. Daphne is a speedster, being able to run faster then should be capable for any life form.

She is able to use this power to run fast enough to leap between tall buildings, to run across water, and to be a formidable opponent in fighting simply by being able to move faster then the other guy.

If she is running or using her ability she is immune to time stopping, however, if she is simply standing there, then it will affect her. Her powers cause a displacement in the air that can be seen more easily when time is stopped. It looks like an air displacement where you can see both her outline and the outline of where she’s been in the air behind her.

Her power does not just apply to her feet, she is also able to extend this to other parts of her body, for example using it to open safes by moving the dial faster then the eye can see.

Daphne is immune to the possible negative effects of moving that quickly, and is able to extend that to others should she drag them along with her. Speaking of, Daphne is able to take at least two people with her when she runs causing a windier form of teleporting.

Weapons: She has a handgun. She’s no crack shot at all, she’s not even particularly good. She’s got common sense and knows not to point it at people unless you want to shoot them.

Character History:From a young age, it was assumed that Daphne would be just like her mother. Her mother was fast, really fast and the track star of her high school. And of course Daphne saw no problem with that. Every little girl wants to be just like their mother after all, and she was sure she would be.

Not every little girl has their dreams taken from them before they are even in school. When she was very little, Daphne was diagnosed with Cerebral Palsy and the disease left her unable to walk without crutches. Though Daphne herself wasn’t hopeful to walk again, her mother was sure she would, positive that all it would take was one more treatment, one more therapy, one more try. But even she gave hope when she was diagnosed with terminal cancer. She didn’t try to push Daphne after that.

Daphne wasn’t very helpful during that time, being angry at her mother and the world. On the day her mother died, Daphne went so far as to argue with her sick mother to the point where her father sent her out of the room. That was the last time she saw her mother alive.

On the day of the funeral, also the day of the eclipse, Daphne grew upset with the people trying to comfort her, and went off into the cornfield to think. When she was walking through the field, she tripped and fell. While on the ground, Daphne suddenly saw what appeared to be her mother, telling her she was special, and to get up and walk.

For once, Daphne listened.

And the dream that had been stolen from her by the disease was fulfilled. Not only could she walk, but she could run and she could run fast. Faster then anybody else. Hours later she returned home, and in response to her dad’s questions about where she had been, she simply told him to turn around. After hugging his daughter and wishing that her mother could see this miracle, there was a knock at the door.

The man at the door, Mr. Thompson, tried to convince Daphne to come with him, to learn about what had happened to her. Her father noticing how uncomfortable Daphne was, told the man to come back later and tried to talk to her, only to have her tell him that she was sick of being tested. They had an argument and in it she wished he had died instead of her mother.

In the morning she ran off, and for three months went where ever she could think of, going from one place to the next before finally ending up in Paris. She called home at this point, but her father tried to get her to come home. She didn’t want that.

At this point, Daphne tried to get a job and find a place to live, but no one wanted to hire her. She couldn’t speak French, she had no references to speak of. So she did the only thing she could think of. She used her ability to steal food and find places to sleep for the night, living out of a backpack. After two weeks of living like this, she ran into Samir Mellouk, who offered her an apartment and a job stealing for him. She agreed. Her job was to steal from museums and Samir sold them back to their original countries. Daphne fell into the life with ease, loving the fact that the world was at her fingertips and anything she wanted could be hers with barely any effort at all. All she had to do was reach out and take it, and no one was fast enough to stop her.

In a moment of deciding ‘want take have’ was the way to go, Daphne decided to take the Mona Lisa, running to get Samir (who could phase through objects) and having him replace the painting with a fake. To this day the original is still in her apartment, along with many other pieces of art and artifacts.

A few days later when she went to try and get a new gig from Samir, another man was there instead. The man said that Samir had always worked for them, and by extension she had too, but that they had a better and more important job for her. That job was to break into the safe of Kaito Nakamura.

As part of the plan to break into Kaito’s safe, she broke into a New York shipping yard to steal a prototype piece of machinery. She then took that to an executive at Yamagato industries and used it to blackmail him into telling her how to get into the safe. Only problem? It could only be opened by a Nakamura. And that was a problem she didn’t really know how to get around.

As it turned out, that wasn’t such a big problem after all, because two weeks later, Kaito was dead and his son not only opened the safe, but did it where Daphne could see on a tapped video feed. The safe had barely been opened and the contents (a half piece of paper with a formula for giving people abilities), was in Hiro’s hand, when she breezed through and took it right from under his nose. Thinking he could stop her, Hiro stopped time only to find that she was still able to not only move, but She punched him in the nose and continued on her merry way.

When she got back to her apartment, Hiro and Ando were waiting for her and had stolen her mother’s track medal as a bargaining chip to get her to give back what she’d taken. After a little bit of shouting and showing off powers it became clear they were at something of a standstill. Finally, she said she’d give him the formula (though she said her boss wouldn’t be happy, and she was on the way to steal the other half of the formula anyway), if he gave her back the medal. He gave the medal to Ando to trade with her, but she broke the deal, going so far as to hold a knife to Ando’s throat until she got the medal and the formula. Once she had both, she took off.

She did the drop for the first half of the formula, and ran to the movie house in Berlin where the Haitian was supposed to be handing off the other half, only to be met by Hiro and Ando. AGAIN. Though, neither Hiro or Daphne could use their powers, they still managed to be absolute nuisances to each other. She spent the entire time teasing and taunting, while Hiro called dibs on the half of the formula and proceeded to tell her she was his nemesis. After Hiro and Ando, in a thoroughly hair brained scheme, managed to knock out the Haitian, Daphne took the suitcase with the formula and ran.

Then next time Daphne is seen, she is talking to Linderman about her recruiting people for Pinehearst, and is given the files for Mohinder, Knox, and several others. Though she stated that she didn’t want to get her hands dirty, she agreed when Linderman spun it to be about giving the people in the files purpose and people with powers getting respect. She went about collecting folks and dropping off business cards.

With Knox in tow, she went to attempt to recruit Hiro. She said that Hiro needed to prove himself, like one would to keep another kid out of their club on the playground. Then Knox took it a step too far and said Hiro should stab Ando to prove himself. She teased how he wouldn’t do it, and was surprised and upset when he appeared to (though it was later proven to be set up as a trick using time travel). She gives him an assignment, and flips out at him for actually seeming to kill his friend, very disappointed and very unhappy with the whole situation. Later, when talking to Linderman again, she talks about how she doesn’t like what’s happening and that she’s still upset about Hiro seeming to have killed Ando. Linderman quiets her with talk of sacrifices and other such things and she was then given another assignment, and that assignment was to track down Matt Parkman. Before leaving, she waves the folder through him, proving that he isn’t corporeal and likely isn’t who he says he is.

She went to the airport to meet Matt, and seemed to decide she was done with the whole scenario, trashing the files and going to leave. ‘Linderman’ showed up and basically told her they wouldn’t be able to help her out any more if she stopped helping them. Aware that it was pretty much a threat, Daphne got her files back out of the trash and went to go meet Parkman.

Little did Daphne know, however, that Parkman had just been on a trip to Africa (Due to some weird time traveling Peter issues…this show’s got an iffy relationship with time and space.) and while there he had just seen a vision of a future where they had married each other, had a little girl, and she had died due a massive explosion in Costa Verde (Once again, thanks to time traveling Peter issues.). During her attempt to recruit him, he tried to tell her about the future and only really succeeded in creeping her out until he mentioned that they named their daughter after her grandmother.

She had a lot of other people to recruit, so she asked him to stay put so they could talk when she was finished, at least willing to believe something odd was going on, if not anything else. After this, She went to recruit Sylar and Flint in level 5. She got Flint out, But nearly was caught and held till the guards got there by Sylar. She attempted to recruit Mohinder, but saw his back room hive of people and ran, saying he was just as bad as the rest.

Going back to the airport where Matt was waiting, she told him that he and Pinehearst weren’t a good fit and that he should stay away from Pinehearst and her. Even after he tried to convince her to leave and that he would protect her, she declined, saying that she’d do what she always did and run too fast for anyone to catch her. She returned to Pinehearst in time for Arthur’s villain speech and to see Arthur take Peter’s powers.

She continued working at recruiting, meeting up with Elle in London on a Subway and telling her they Pinehearst could help her.

She was called in by Arthur to ask why Matt wasn’t with them, Arthur said she should get rid of Matt, his father, Maury, spoke up about the change in plan. Arthur killed Maury Parkman right in front of her, and Daphne, terrified and backed into a corner, agreed to go along with whatever he said.

She was sent again to go after Matt, again, and he opened the door to Daphne pointing a gun in his face. She told him she was sorry and asked him to please turn around so she could shoot him. He did, but the whole time he spoke of the future where they were in love and Daphne dropped the gun, apologizing about his father and how she didn’t do anything to stop it. They then began to talk of how they could get out of the mess and how to get out of the situation without facing Arthur’s wrath. But Knox had followed Daphne, and hearing that they wanted to go to the Company he killed the both of them.

…Or so he thought. Matt had made an illusion so that he and Daphne could escape. A bit later Daphne made a phone call to Arthur, saying that Matt believed she was on his side and then went to go help him get ready to go.

This is where she’s being pulled from.

Point in Canon:Eris Quod Sum, at the end of the episode.

Character Personality:

Probably a product of her situation, Daphne is something of an immature brat. She's entitled and believes that, yes, she is allowed to do whatever she likes because things have never really gone her way before. And, hey. She’s got the ability to do what she wants, so why shouldn’t she? She loves her ability and the freedom it gives her.

Because of her ‘want take have’ attitude, she can be very selfish and impulsive. She makes decisions for herself and herself alone, because who else will, and makes decisions she wants to, because why not? She doesn’t really understand how to make good big decisions because she’s never really had to. On a certain level, though she’s smart and a quick learner, but didn’t have much experience. She had never left her hometown when she got her powers; she had never gone anywhere major or did anything big. She’d never had to have a real job or to go and do anything for herself because she didn’t really need to. Why would she? Her expectations for her life weren’t really that high. She wanted to dream, but was stuck and didn’t want to give herself the chance to get disappointed.

Her powers transformed her life, and she has an intense desperation to keep them, this makes her willing to do a lot of things that other people would consider bad, and even she herself isn’t really pleased with at the end of the day.

She is fairly jittery about the idea of being trapped or stuck somewhere. Daphne prefers to run from her problems because there isn’t anyone who can catch her, or so she thinks. She hates being cornered, and is more likely to respond with anger then anything else. Time moves slower for her, so she sometimes will react to the smallest changes in the time it takes people to react and that can make her seem somewhat irrational or quick to anger. Not that she isn’t. As stated, she’s impulsive and, more importantly, Daphne has a temper she afraid to let it loose at people. Daphne is very likely to be the first to call bullshit when someone is being stupid or just plain difficult for no good reason. Occasionally the insight she has due to moving that much faster and having that much more time to think than the normal population allows her to make leaps in rationalization or notice things others wouldn't. It makes her sometimes seem a little bi-polar or like she’s overreacting, but to her it’s all perfectly rational.

Daphne has a very odd, mostly morally grey, view of the world. On one hand, she has very little conscience about stealing or cheating or saying exactly what is on her mind even if it’s going to hurt someone, but she isn’t willing to actively go and hurt someone just because she can. Though she’s not very good at admitting it, she does care about people. As she likes to say, She's a thief. She doesn't like to get her hands dirty.

She will lie, cheat, steal, threaten, and bitch with the best of them, but she’s got a conscience. As far as she’s concerned, before her appearance in the show, nothing she did got people really hurt so it wasn’t really that huge of a deal. Stealing is stealing, but killing someone or really, really hurting them is an entirely different thing and she’s not really okay with that.

Character Plans: Daphne’s the type to get herself into trouble, totally and completely. The girl doesn’t really know how to behave as an adult in the real world, and likely will find herself back in the same position she was back home. It’s easy, she already is doing bad stuff anyway, and it’s not like this city matters, right? Say hello, companies. Who wants a messenger girl?

Appearance/PB: Brea Grant.

Writing Samples

First Person Sample
[The audio clicks on and one of the greeters can be heard in the background talking and sounding a little annoyed at her sudden and complete decision to ignore him.]

So, I wake up in this field. And there’s this guy. This guy tells me I am in freaking Canada. Not only does this guy tell me I’m in f- [She pauses and must have covered the phone because only she can be heard and not the greeter who was still attempting to talk to her.] I’m on the phone, could you knock it off now? ‘Kay?

[The greeter must have given up, because she’s back.]

Okay. So. Guy tells me I’m in freaking Canada, then he tells me I can’t leave.

Tested the theory, and Guy wasn’t blowing smoke out his ass, turns out it makes you really really sick.

Guy, even though he was kind of right, won’t just cut to the chase. Someone want to teach him what ‘the short version of the story’ is and give it to me? Before I die of old age?

That’d be real nice.

Third Person Sample

She hated waiting in lines.

It was kind of her own personal version of hell. A specialized, laser targeted, unfun, awful personal version of hell.

She could honestly say she would rather spend the afternoon running over fire. Then again….Not too tough a choice when she probably moved too fast for it to burn her.

Daphne tapped her fingers along the metal bar, dividing the lines of poor saps like her, who were stuck having to deal with this bullshit. If she didn’t know something was going to come out of it, she would have left ages ago. Like…Fifteen minutes ago. Either way? It felt about the same.

About a half an hour into the wait, she’d begun to run around the place to blow off steam. Just to a counter, and back. Then to the backroom and back. Then to the doughnut place she’d passed on the way there for a croissant and back.

Now, about that time someone had finally gotten annoyed with her and told her to either stay in her place or go to the back of the line. And as much as she hated being told what to do…It would probably suck worse to have to go back and start all over again. So she’d listened. She’d flipped them off behind their back, but she’d listened.

Her bad mood was totally reasonable if you asked her, for one major reason. If some major company wanted to get people to join them, they might want to come up with a better way to hand out ID cards than make people stand in line for years. Hours.

Okay, so it had been maybe an hour. But it felt like a hell of a lot longer.

Oh, the trials and tribulations of being a Speedster.

The person before her was finally called, and Daphne rolled her eyes.

Only another ten years before it was her turn.

ooc, shellz not speedy, app

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